9 Subtle Ways to Let Him Know You like Him without Looking Desperate ...


9 Subtle Ways to Let Him Know You like Him without Looking Desperate ...
9 Subtle Ways to Let Him Know You like Him without Looking Desperate ...

Ways to Let Him Know You Like Him without seeming too desperate are hard! After all, you don’t want to come off as psycho right off the bat right? Well ladies, I’m a guru on ways to let him know you like him without seeming desperate! Below are 9 of the top ways to let him know you like him, so you can come off as subtle rather than desperate!

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Act Flirty

Every guy likes to be flirted with! Face it. It makes them feel sexy, feel wanted and is definitely one of the top ways to let him know you like him! So flirt a little, give a coy little smile, touch his hair – it’s all part of the plan ladies!


Flirting with a guy can be a subtle way to let him know you like him without looking desperate. Flirting can be as simple as a coy smile, a playful comment, or a light touch on his arm. When you flirt, you let him know that you’re interested in him without being too overt. Flirting can also be a way to show him that you’re confident and comfortable with yourself.

It’s important to remember that flirting should be fun and playful. You don’t want to come off as too aggressive or pushy. If you’re too forward, it could make him feel uncomfortable and he may not respond well. Instead, keep it light and playful and let him know that you’re interested in him in a subtle way.

Another way to let him know you like him without looking desperate is to make eye contact. Eye contact is a powerful tool to let him know that you’re interested in him. When you make eye contact, make sure to smile and hold his gaze for a few seconds. This will let him know that you’re interested in him without having to say a word.


Compliment Him

For as much as guys love flirting, they love compliments too! Compliments are truly one of the most fantastic ways to let him know you like him and what you like about him. Like his body? Tell him! What about his hair? Let him know!


Deep Conversations

Finding different ways to let him know you like him is hard work, but if you are finding yourself having deep and meaningful conversations, typically guys take that as a sign. If you’re on a first date with a guy and you’re just not into him, don’t you keep the conversation short? Well, one of the surefire ways to let him know you like him is to strike up a good conversation – he’ll appreciate the chance to get to know you!



Girls, do you often smile at a guy that you like? If not, beam those pearly whites at him! Not only will it give him a reason to approach you, but smiling is a great way to make yourself look your best. So flash that incredible smile his way!


Smiling is a great way to show someone you like them without coming across as desperate. When you smile at a guy you like, it can give him the confidence he needs to approach you. Not only that, but smiling can make you look more attractive and confident. Studies have shown that people who smile more often are seen as more attractive and friendly.

In addition to making you look more attractive, smiling can also make you feel more confident. Smiling releases endorphins, which are responsible for making us feel good. When you smile, you are not only making yourself look your best, but you are also boosting your mood.

Smiling is also a great way to start a conversation. When you smile at someone, they will often smile back, which can be a great way to start a conversation. It can also make the other person feel more comfortable and open to talking.

So if you like a guy, don't be afraid to flash those pearly whites his way. Smiling is a great way to let him know you like him without looking desperate. It can make you look more attractive, boost your confidence, and start a conversation. So don't be afraid to smile at the guy you like and see what happens!


Be Yourself

Never compromise who you are for a guy. I can’t stress this enough. If you really like a guy, you want him to like you, for you, not for someone you’ve made yourself into. So why not just be yourself? It’ll go a long way, I promise.

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I think that coyness is one of the best and most under utilized tools we women have. Men love when a girl is a little coy, when their a little flirty and when they shy away. It’s cute, it’s adorable and they like the chance to try to pull you out of your shell!


Coyness is a great way to let a man know that you are interested without coming on too strong. It is an art that many women have mastered over the years, and it can be a great way to have some fun with the man you like. By being coy, you can flirt without making it obvious that you like him, and it can be a great way to get to know him better.

Coyness can be as simple as a coy smile or a slight touch on the arm when you are talking to him. You can also use coyness in your conversations by asking him questions and then not answering them, or by pretending to be shy and not saying much. This can be a great way to let him know that you like him without looking desperate.

Another great way to use coyness is by being playful. You can tease him and make jokes that are just between the two of you. This is a great way to show him that you are interested in him without coming on too strong.


Invitations out

A guy shouldn’t be the only one that asks the girl out. If you truly like a guy, why not ask him out? I’m not saying all of the time, but a causal ‘let’s hang out’ statement, makes a huge difference to a guy!


Subtle Touches

Guys respond not to just how we look, but also touches. I’m not saying hang all over him, but subtle touches of brushing ‘imaginary lint’ off of his shoulder or brushing his hair away from his eyes go a long way! Just keep it clean and light and you’ll definitely make an impression!


Slip Him Your Phone Number

So you’ve been chattin’ up the guy at the gym, but gym time is over. What do you do? Well, slip him your business card or jot down your phone number on a slip of paper. That way, the ball is in his court!

I know that finding ways to let him know you like him is hard and awkward at times, that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t push the envelope a little bit. What ways to let him know you like him do you ladies use? Do you have any tricks for us girls that have crushes but don’t know how to tell them?

Top Image Source: weheartit.com

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

so i have this crush from the uni and we started talking few weaks ago and we planned to see each other that he could help me in training for lab work then the next day in uni he didn't call or even apologize although he went to the uni that day

Hiii, so there's this guy I go to college with who I would say yes to if he asked me out. He asked my best friend if I liked him because 'someone said I did', although I've spoken to no one about him so I don't know who he got that from unless it was a ploy to see if i liked him too...? She covered for me and said no because I'm seeing someone else which I was at the time. We always have a laugh and he asks me to sit with him in lessons. But sometimes he ignores my texts, not saying bye or when we're with each other insults me eg saying my artwork is bad-he has no artistic talent. I really don't get him and don't know what to do. Is he doing treat'em mean keep'em keen? Or that thing i dont think boys do-being mean to girls they like. I've met another guy who I sort of prefer as he isn't mean and is hot. I don't know him well as he's 2 years older so I don't see him much, but he's nicer, always texts me back and engages in conversation. I have no idea what to do about them!! The 2nd guy always flirts since we met at a club-HE aked for MY number-but isn't taking it further. Aaaaahhhh! Please please help me and sorry this is so long. Xxx

Hi, I have a question. I have this huge crush on a guy. We know eachother because we are both interns with this website. We havent actually met but we know eachother well because of the website. long story short it is an interactive webshow/podcast so i have seen him and he has seen me, just for starters. We are planning to go to a huge event in april w/ another intern, but I want to see if he likes me and maybe it can be more. We actually found out we go to school an hour apart. I am really bad at reading signals and i want to know how he feels but i am afraid of rejection. He actually friended me on fb and gave me a follow back on twitter. When i posted a bumbed out status he messaged me. sometimes he is the one to intiated the text messages convos, which is nice for a chance. We have played like a million games of hanging with friends, however lately he has taken a while in between turns. I just dont know what to think. I want this to be more than a crush. I am having a party at my apartment in a couple weeks, should i take a chance and invite him even if he lives about an hour away. Is there hope for me and him?

Hello Heather! I have read your posts they seem very interesting. And you also give great advice. So, i have a lil problem that i really need help with. See, i am 19 years old. I have never had such a problem before in my life. I have studied in all girls school s. now that i am in a co-ed university, i don't understand guys. Yeah, i am pretty clueless when it comes to that. There is a guy in my class, his friend circle consists of the most cheap & obnoxious guys of the university. He is a pretty chivalrous guy & loves to disrupt the teacher. He listens very attentively & whenever we(me & my girlfriends) pass him in the corridor he stands aside & gives us space & tells his friend to make way for us. Whenever the teacher asks us to hand in the papers, and if we are sitting close to him, he tells us to remain seated & takes are papers to the teacher by himself. Once when we were standing in the corridor, most of the guys from my class were staring at me, which is something that seems to happen quite alot, he told them while smiling "Dont stare at my girlfriend".Well, the other time i caught him staring at me so i smiled at him, he smiled & looked at the ground bashfully. Whenever our eyes meet he gets all bashful, i mean, WHAT is going on? Now, whenever he is around he stares alot...he looks away when he realizes i caught him staring at me. I don't know what is going through his head? Please Heather, tell me what to do? I kinda like him but stopped doing so when i noticed he wasn't interested.

I did talk to him and he felt bad because he didn't realize my feelings were that strong. I feel bad that I made him feel bad, but I'm always the type to hold in feelings and I finally let them all out. Hes happy with this girl but I don't think they have known each other for that long. I don't know her but him and I are a lot alike we both are very country and love country music play guitar and enjoy the same sports. I just don't know what to do because I can't picture myself with anyone different.

Hey theres this guy in my class, i told him i liked him, like more than a friend and he ssaid i know nothing about u.. did i look desperate?

I like this guy and we just met more than a month ago.. We became close instantly until he became very touchy with me. Tickling me, placing his arms around my shoulder and accompanying me home. However, we had a christmas break and he seems a little colder now. It seems like he is avoiding to be very touchy now. So I'm assuming he doesn't really like me and only wants to be friends.Did i make the right assumption?

I kind of like my co-worker, but I don't want to be obvious and make things awkward in case he isn't interested in me. Then things might get weird at work and it's a small business, so if things got weird, they would be really weird. I get so nervous while I'm around him, but I still try to keep my head on straight and do some of these things, but I don't know, maybe I'm not doing a very good job, because like I said, I don't want to be too obvious and weird. I just generally don't know what I'm doing, I don't really know how to flirt, and I've never really been on a date before, so I don't know how the whole thing works. Everytime I've tried to make a move with a guy in the past, the whole thing has just blown up in my face and I just get discouraged. What should I do? Help, please.

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