If You Respect Yourself Drop These Dating Habits ...


If You Respect Yourself Drop These Dating Habits ...
If You Respect Yourself Drop These Dating Habits ...

You should start respecting yourself more, because you're a beautiful woman. Self knows that, which is why they believe you should drop these immature dating habits that'll never lead to happiness:

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The "let's Just See Where This Goes" Technique

The "let's Just See Where This Goes" Technique You should define your relationship as soon as you can, so no one gets confused.


The "I'll Wait 3 Days to Call," and Other Nonsense

The "I'll Wait 3 Days to Call," and Other Nonsense If you like each other, suck it up and make a move.


The "Hey, Wanna Meet up?" Texts

The "Hey, Wanna Meet up?" Texts You know that this is just a booty call. Real dates are planned.


Using Your Phone during the Date

Using Your Phone during the Date He should be focused on you, and you should be focused on him. Leave technology out of it.


Wasting Time on People You're Not into

Wasting Time on People You're Not into Life is meant to be enjoyed, so don't spend your days with someone you can't stand.

Do you have any of these habits?

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

I think defining as soon as you can means asking the other person at what "point" are in life are you? Are you dating to look for a life partner? Are you daring for just someone to enjoy? Or are you looking for something serious? No one wants to waste their time daring and liking someone and then come to find out they just want to have "fun".

I agree go with the flow but not at 11 or 12 at night lol nothing really flowing at that time!!

Can't say I personally agree with number 3: quit 'wanna hang out?' Texts. Sometimes it is nice to relax with a potential partner and just hang out rather than planning everything - go with the flow

Great points... It's annoying when dudes ask you to come over and " chill"

Don't sleep with dates !!!!

You must give time to define the relationship i mean u don't huv to be quick take ur time to know the other person

Number three sounds good

@Sasa Fab I agree!

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