7 Reasons Why a Long Distance Relationship Can Work ...


Finding all of the top reasons why long distance relationships work can be hard, especially when a lot of people do not believe that a long distance relationship can work. If you’re in a relationship that just happens to be long distance, don’t worry, I believe in your relationship! That is why I came up with my top 7 reasons why long distance relationships work and why they make sense. So girls, you ready to see some of the reasons why long distance relationships work?

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The Relationship Stays Interesting

Truth be told, when you are in a long distance relationship, it stays interesting. There is always something to talk about, something to marvel at and something to bring up. This is absolutely one of the reasons why long distance relationships work and why they are great. How often do you talk to your boyfriend when you live with him? How often do you talk to your boyfriend if he lives in another state? Think about it!


You Still Have Your Freedom

One of the biggest reasons why long distance relationships work is because you still have your freedom, he still has his freedom. If he wants to go hang out with his friends, he can! If you want to hang out with your friends, you can! While relationships that are not long distance have a certain sense of freedom, when you are long distance, you don’t have to constantly include your boyfriend, which can be refreshing!


You Value Your Time with Him

What about the time that you do spend with your boyfriend? It’s time well-spent right? It’s time that you actually appreciate and that you value. This is absolutely one of the best reasons why long distance relationships work and why I think they are great. You don’t get sick of him because you get such little time with him!


You Don't Take Him for Granted

Another great reason why long distance relationships work is because you don’t take anything that your boyfriend is saying for granted! You also don’t take him for granted, which you can often do when you are in the same state and not long distance. How often do you lean on your boyfriend for small little things? What if he wasn’t there to do those small things?


The Emotional Support Becomes More Important

The thing about being in a long distance relationship is that both of you become more supportive. What that means is that you both lean on one another, emotionally and it’s great! Both of you depend on each other for things that you might not depend on each other for if you weren’t long distance.

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You Communicate More

Remember up there when I said that you actually talk more? It’s a known fact that you communicate so much more when you are in a long distance relationship versus when you are in a relationship that is in the same state. The reason being is because you still want to feel that same connection. This is absolutely one of the reasons why long distance relationships work.


It Strengthens Your Relationship

Finally girls, the last reason why long distance relationships work is because it just plain strengthens the relationship completely and as a whole. It is something that can bring you so close together and can draw you closer as partners.

While I am not saying that long distance is the only way to go, it is a stepping stone. If your relationship can outlast a long distance relationship, you are going to make it! So girls, what other reasons why long distance relationships work can you think of? Do you have any other reasons why long distance relationships work to share?

Top Image Source: notorietyinc.com

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

Thank you so much for the post. It's so refreshing and encouraging to me. Too many sites and relationships columns has been filled with the "Bads" about long distance relationship..... This post made me say "things aren't that bad after all" to myself! One year and going strong! Wooo Hooo!!!!

Oh these gave me so much courage to believe in what keeps my boyfriend and me together! I always felt bad about it when people told me it's not gonna work. But if there's a base of trust, it can work. I absolutely love all your posts Heather! Keep on sharing your wisdom, sometimes it really brightens my day :)

This post is so spot on! I'm in one right now and we've been dating for about 9 months now. We text each other during the day and he calls me every night :) I do feel a lot more connected with him than past guys I've dated that live in the same state as me. I live in Cali

I've been doing LDR for more than a year. We live in different country. We see each other every two months. It was ok and fun for the first six months.. problems came up after. My BF found it hard. He used to be in a close relationship for 5 years before. While we're far away sometimes makes him misses his old relationship. It hurts me becoz it shouldn't happen as we know from the start this would be LDR. I dunno what should do. It just hurts me soo everytime he said he misses his old relationship. He wants me to move with him but its impossible right now. :(

Girls. your welcome :) (via Twitter)

I have been in a relation for almost a year and he is on college for past 2 months and I'm home. I didn't know it was this much work and it's so hard. I'm not going to give up, but it's really hard. Don't know about everything you mention, but we communicate way lass than when he is home. I know the reasons, time difference, he has too much things on schedule, i do to, etc. I would live if you can do some post on how to improve communication in long distance relationship. Any advice is welcome. On the other side when I'm mad, I have time to chill and say it to him with calm voice (or message). Or I analyze problem and see that it'm my fault and that I've overreacted. Any way very nice post :)).

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