7 Secrets to Lasting Love ...


7 Secrets to Lasting Love ...
7 Secrets to Lasting Love ...

When you’re in a committed relationship you have plenty of hopes and dreams for the future and we’d love to know the secrets to lifelong love. We all want to have that in our relationship. We want to know what makes it last forever. I can’t make promises and I certainly don’t have all the answers but I am able to share some of the secrets to lifelong love.

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Being truly committed to one another is one of the best secrets to lifelong love. Have the attitude that you are together forever, no matter what happens. Having the attitude that break up or divorce is not an option for your relationship is the attitude that will help keep you together. Knowing that you are in this for the long haul helps to give you both security. There is nothing better than knowing that your partner's devotion to you is strong.



It sounds simplistic but the truth is that being faithful for one another will increase your chances of having lifelong love. Affairs can absolutely shred marriages and relationships. If you want your relationship to have the best chance for success, stay faithful. Remember that every relationship will have down times, but it is then that you need to give your relationship extra attention.



Lies can tear a relationship apart. Most people tell little white lies but even they can do damage. They can teach your partner not to trust you. It is best to always be honest with one another. Further yet, if it is something that you would be tempted to lie to your partner over then chances are, you shouldn’t be doing it.



Kindness is such an important ingredient in a relationship. Those little everyday courtesies mean so much. They may not seem like it at the time but they actually add up to your partner having many pleasant recollections of their time with you. That in turn, gives them an overall positive feeling about the relationship. Another benefit of kindness is that it is usually returned to you.



You need to be a friend to one another if you want to have lifelong love. A lifetime is a long time to spend with one another so it is best to be friends. Have fun together. Learn to laugh together. Share your good times and bad times with each other. Your partner should be the first person you want to call when you have good news or bad news.

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Fights do happen in every relationship from time to time. The important thing is that you learn to fight fair. Don’t bring up things that happened in the past or call each other names. Be quick to apologize when you know that you are wrong. Be quick to forgive, as well.



Don’t hold grudges against your partner. When you do, you are letting unforgiveness and old resentments poison your relationship. Forgive one another fully when you have a disagreement. Holding onto a grudge means that there is something between the two of you that is going to hamper your relationship from being the best that it could be. Don’t allow that to happen by holding on to old hurts.

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