There are some signs you're falling in love with your crush. Do you wake up in the morning and the first thought to enter your mind is HIM? Do think about him constantly and even start to question your sanity, possibly wondering if you’ve turned into a stalker? You find yourself staring at his Facebook page and Instagram every chance you get. You might think you’ve gone mad, but what is really happening is that you are falling in love! That’s right, I said IN LOVE ladies!!! Read below to find out the signs you're falling in love with your crush.
Snapshot Survey
Snapshot Survey
1. You Think about Him a LOT
When you wake up in the morning you immediately reach for your phone to see if he read your Facebook message or sent you a Snapchat. You get ready for work, and as you are putting on your makeup you think about how good it would be to see him again. On your drive to work you play music that reminds you of him. You are super excited to get to the office so you can check the text message he just sent you. You spend the entire day thinking about him, wondering what he is doing in that very moment. You are thinking about him until you go to sleep at night. If you can't get him off your mind, it's definitely one of most obvious signs you're falling in love with your crush.
2. You Send Lunch Selfies
Ladies, we are all familiar with this one. We can’t wait to go on our lunch break just so that we can spruce up our makeup and send our crush a selfie of ourselves. Selfies get us through the day when we are away from the man we love. What would we do without our phones?
3. You Feel Safe when You Are Together
When you are with your crush you feel like nothing could go wrong. You feel safe and protected from everything and everyone
This feeling of safety and security when spending time with your crush is common among those who are in love. Being with your crush can bring about a sense of joy and contentment that can make you feel like you don't have to worry about anything else. The presence of your crush can also provide a sense of comfort and peace of mind. Furthermore, when you are together, you can feel a deep connection with your crush, and the love you feel for each other will make you feel like you can trust each other completely.
4. You Make Plans for the Future
You talk about what you will do next month or during the summer because you know you will still be together. Making plans with him is super easy, knowing you have a future with him.
5. You No Longer Think about Your Ex-boyfriend
There was a time when you still thought about your ex, but since falling in love with your new guy, your ex is a thing of the past. All you think about is the man you seem to be falling in love with now.
6. You Make Sacrifices
You find yourself making more time for him and making little sacrifices when he really needs you, like when he is sick.
7. You Are Comfortable around Him
You are totally yourself and don’t even need to dress up around him to feel comfortable. You call him names and even laugh at your own bad jokes.
8. You See Reminders of Him
It seems everywhere you go there is something or someone that reminds you of him. You think to yourself “he would love that” or “that would look amazing on him”, and you see him everywhere you go.
9. You Go to Him First
Anytime you need advice or have some exciting news to share, you go to your guy first. You want him to be the first one to hear about your day.
10. You Want to Introduce Him to Your Parents
Not only are you falling in love with your guy, but you are also very proud of the man that he is. You’ve already showed him off to your friends, so now you want to introduce him to your family
11. You Want to Introduce Him to Your Favorite Things
You aren’t trying to mold him into another person, or get him to be just like you. You just want to share your favorite things with him because you want him to get to know the real you.
12. Everything is More Fun with Him around
Running errands used to be so boring before you started dating him, but suddenly they are so much fun! You find yourself extending the list of errands on your notepad just so you can enjoy his funny jokes while picking bananas from the produce section at the supermarket. You know that anywhere you go, you will have a good time because he is at your side.
Ladies, if you are guilty of any of the above, then you are in love!