Top Signs You've Been Single Way Too Long ...

Neecey Jan 30, 2024

Top Signs You've Been Single Way Too Long ...
Top Signs You've Been Single Way Too Long ...

How long have you been out of the dating game? Can you even remember the last time you had a date? If you’re even near thinking you’ve given up on love, you’ll definitely recognize these signs you’ve been single for too long.

Snapshot Survey

How do you handle disagreements in a relationship?

1. Sex Life?

Sex Life? What sex life? If sex life were a required box to tick on a job application form, you would be writing in a bit fat N/A.

2. Bitter

Bitter You find yourself not being happy for your loved up friends anymore, but just super bitter in an unattractive, Miss Havisham kind of way!

3. Mom Doesn’t Ask

Mom Doesn’t Ask Your mom used to pester you all the time about finding a nice man to settle down with, but it’s now got to the point where she doesn’t even bring your love life up anymore.

4. Daddy’s Girl

Daddy’s Girl You know you’ve been single for too long when you say things like “the only guy that I can depend on to love me is my Dad!” Honey, you’re 25. Let’s try to move on and make some new connections!

5. Do I Have Something on My Face?

Do I Have Something on My Face? Whenever a guy looks at you from across a room, instead of thinking that he might be interested in you, you automatically assume that you have something terrible on your face!

6. Rather Stay at Home

Rather Stay at Home You have definitely been single for too long when you find yourself turning down dates because you’d rather stay at home on the couch watching Netflix. You’ve become too comfortable with your routine!

7. You’ve Given up

You’ve Given up While all your friends are swiping left and right on Tinder, you prefer to swipe left and right on the IKEA app. The idea of a new lamp is more attractive to you than a new boyfriend.

8. All Netflix, No Chill

All Netflix, No Chill You’ve only just learnt what this new phrase means, and you cannot imagine having to tear your eyes away from Orange Is The New Black long enough to get any loving business done!

9. Solo Wine Glass

Solo Wine Glass You have found that you use the same single wine glass over and over again in the evenings because you can’t remember the last time you had to get two out of the cabinet.

10. TV Boyfriends

TV Boyfriends You are perfectly content with pretending to be married to any one of the hot protagonists from your favorite TV shows. They never let you down, are always on time, and you never argue!

11. Cuddle Pillow

Cuddle Pillow You’ve taken to cuddling your favourite pillow at night because you can’t remember the last time you had an actual person to spoon with.

12. You’ve Looked Ahead

You’ve Looked Ahead You have actually found yourself searching online about the fine details of sperm banks and adoption, simply because you have given up on the middle part from dating to motherhood!

13. Settle for a BFF

Settle for a BFF Your BFF has essentially replaced a boyfriend and plays that role just fine. You wear their clothes, you cook them dinner ... basically everything except the sex part!

14. No Shaving!

No Shaving! One of the key signs you’ve been single for too long is that you literally cannot remember the last time you used a razor. Maybe once a month if you fancy it, but without a valid reason to rid yourself of your body hair, you let it grow grow grow!

15. Men’s Shirts

Men’s Shirts You find yourself buying men’s shirts at the store because let’s be real, having your own is the only way you are going to be able to smell and nuzzle them like you used to!

16. Pregnancy Alert

Pregnancy Alert You automatically think you’re pregnant every single time you hook up with someone because you have forgotten the way that your body works!

17. Studio Apartment

Studio Apartment You took up the lease on that nice studio apartment because you can’t imagine why you would need more room than just for yourself.

18. Starfish

Starfish You have forgotten what it is like to sleep in the bed with another person, so you starfish to your heart’s content!

19. Your Ex is Engaged

Your Ex is Engaged Here you are, 2 years later, still trying to get over the break up when all of a sudden you see the dreaded announcement on Facebook. Killer!

Are you ready to get up off your lazy ass and get back out into the dating game?

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

Same I thought my middle school crush was the one but I was wrong I just have to wait for the right guy

The previous comments though, as if I knew someone was going to say that. I am also single but there's nothing wrong in finding love. You guys seriously need to relax. And it's funny how the author stated the whole "bitterness" thing, guess she wasn't wrong (👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽 comments) LOL!

I waited 5 years before I started dating after my fiancé & I broke up. I might have gone out 1-3 times with a guy I met in those 5 years. It was brutal. I'll be 39 and my life took a change just when I was about to give up. I met the guy of my dreams on eharmony. He was my first match! We've been dating 2 years, engaged for 1 year& we are getting married this fall. This article, I look back on and thought I used to do these things every weekend. All my friends were married or had kids.

I like being single tbh

For the record, I'm not single by choice. I thought I met the man of my dreams too after waiting. Having enough of the hurt and pain does not make me "bitter" thank you very much. I have realized what does make me happy which is the most important. Ever met a married unhappy person? I know quite a few actually. Do I wish I could be with someone again? Yes. Do I want to do all that work only to have my heart broken again? I believe what's meant to be is meant to be. I am not bitter, I do care for my ex and I still miss him. I guess I think too highly of myself to always have to be with someone to make me happy.

Yeah because a woman isn't complete unless she has a man by her side. Lol this list is terrible. Women are allowed to be single and shouldn't be criticized for it

Wow, I sure hope this writer never ends up with a broken heart one too many times. Obviously doesn't know that there are reasons people are single. Interesting how my married friends, although they are happy, I get reminded often that I am lucky to be independent.

haha, these is somewhat true eh

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