The Type of Liar Your Man is Based on His Zodiac ...

Laura Dec 21, 2022

The Type of Liar Your Man is Based on His Zodiac ...
The Type of Liar Your Man is Based on His Zodiac ...

We all want to be with someone who is completely open and honest with us no matter what. Some of us have that already and that's awesome! But others of us struggle to find honesty and truth amidst the lies. Whether they're trust issues you experience from previous relationships, or your man has a history of being unfaithful; has compiled what type of liar or secret keeper your man is based on his star sign.

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1. ARIES (March 21 - April 19)

black and white, photograph, person, photography, monochrome photography, If your Aries boyfriend is hiding things from you, he'll try to distract you from asking too many questions or suspecting that something is up. Although his life is already full of activities, his activity level will increase even more and he'll probably include you in more. He may challenge you to a game of tennis or chess or arrange that weekend getaway you've been talking about forever. However, if he feels cornered at all, he'll be impatient, will lash out, and may do something a bit dangerous.

2. TAURUS (April 20 - May 20)

human action, person, muscle, blond, leg, If your Taurus boyfriend is hiding something from you, he'll probably transfer his guilty feelings to you and accuse you of keeping things from him and not being straight with him. He'll stew on the secret he's keeping from you and it will grow in size and importance in his mind. Although he knows he's the one at fault, he'll have morphed it in his mind to such extent that he'll see himself as more of the victim rather than the perpetrator.

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3. GEMINI (May 21 - June 20)

action film, screenshot, When a Gemini is hiding something, they have the uncanny ability to compartmentalize it so that they're able to feel as if it's someone else, not them, who is hiding something. They don't feel guilty or especially bad about their secret which makes them skilled at evading detection. They're also great at spinning it so that if you confront them, they're able to convince you that you're worried about nothing and that it must be your imagination.

4. CANCER (June 21 - July 22)

person, soldier, When a Cancer is keeping a secret from you, he'll be extra moody. You'll never know which emotion of his you are going to see, but he'll work hard not to take his feelings out on you. He'll be even more kind and sympathetic than usual for his secret will be weighing heavily upon him. Normally, he tells you everything but when he's hiding something, he'll seem more reticent to reveal what's going on.

5. LEO (July 23 - August 22)

, You'd think with a Leo that it would be obvious when they're hiding something, but that's not the case. They usually become more controlling than usual so that they can manipulate your focus away from whatever it is they're hiding. They'll start interfering with your life to throw you off the scent of his own hidden agenda.

6. VIRGO (August 23 - September 22)

disco, screenshot, rave, The Virgo man is a master at keeping secrets and hiding the evidence. There's no way that you'll come across a clue to whatever he's hiding; he's dealt with every detail that could possibly lead you to doubt him or question his motives. If anyone could get away with the perfect crime, it's a Virgo. Hiding things from their loved ones makes good use of Virgo's meticulous and analytical nature.

7. LIBRA (September 23 - October 22)

cartoon, mascot, comics, toy, If your Libra man is hiding something from you, he'll be more evasive than usual. He doesn't like confrontation, so if you think he's trying to cover up something shady, then ask him about it. He'll most likely have a huge reaction if he is keeping some sort of secret. However, be careful; if you don't handle it right, you might damage your relationship. Though, if he's hiding something big from you, the relationship is probably doomed anyway.

8. SCORPIO (October 23 - November 21)

person, nose, emotion, Scorpios hate liars and lying, so if he's hiding something from you, he's going to be a mess. It's not the secret itself, it's having to lie about having it. If he seems depressed or overreacts to the smallest thing, then you know something is up. Most likely he won't be able to live with himself and will confess the truth to you. However honest he is with you, he'll hold some things back as he's a very private person and there's a difference between a lie and a secret.


Scorpios hate liars and lying, so if he's hiding something from you, he's going to be a mess. It's not the secret itself, it's having to lie about having it. If he seems depressed or overreacts to the smallest thing, then you know something is up. Most likely he won't be able to live with himself and will confess the truth to you. However honest he is with you, he'll hold some things back as he's a very private person and there's a difference between a lie and a secret. Remember, Scorpios value integrity profoundly and will strive to maintain it, even if it burdens them.

9. SAGITTARIUS (November 22 - December 21)

screenshot, soldier, pc game, When the Sagittarius boyfriend is keeping something from you, he'll be sloppy about it. He won't obsess over every detail like the Virgo man and he won't be especially secretive like the Libra man, but he'll probably be so involved in some new travel plan or thing that he's discovered that he'll forget he's even hiding anything. When you confront him, he'll reveal all as if it's no big deal and he'll expect you to be somewhat chill about it.

10. CAPRICORN (December 22 - January 19)

person, performing arts, entertainment, If your Capricorn boyfriend is hiding something shady from you, you can take comfort in the fact that he'll be harder on himself than you could ever be. He hates lying and he takes being trustworthy very seriously. If he's hiding something, he may have a very good reason for doing so. If you think he's hiding something from you, it will prevent you from getting hurt so he may be able to rationalize his choice.

11. AQUARIUS (January 20 - February 18)

person, mouth, Aquarius men are open books... except when they're not. If hiding something from you will avoid any kind of emotional scene or meltdown, then he's all for it. He's probably been hiding things from you for your entire relationship as Aquarian men always hold something back, whether it's their emotions or a character flaw. They're never entirely aboveboard.

12. PISCES (February 19 - March 20)

screenshot, A Pisces man wants to keep his partner happy and is terrified that they'll do something that will cause you to want to break up with them. If they absolutely must keep something from you, they'll be even more affectionate and romantic than they usually are. Expect pampering, over the top romantic gestures, and pieces of art they've created especially for you.

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omg so true

#11 does that mean my man is like this

Yes it’s true 💯 ❤️

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