7 Tips for Decoding His Body Language ...


It’s always nerve-wracking trying to figure out if a guy is into you or not, so here are some tips for decoding his body language. The great news is that women use more body language hints to showing a guy she’s into him, whereas guys use less – this means you can officially become a pro at decoding men! Next time you’re with your crush or trying to figure out if a guy is into you, remember these tips on decoding his body language.

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He Puts His Hand on Your Back

One of the most obvious tips for decoding his body language is paying attention to the amount of times he tries to touch you. No, this doesn’t mean touching in a sexual way. I’m referring to the little elbow brushes or the amount of times he puts his hand on your back to guide you through a crowd or lead you to your seat at a restaurant. If a guy is talking to you through these gestures, he’s totally into you!


It's like a silent conversation where the touches speak volumes. When he lightly places his hand on the small of your back, it's a protective gesture that signals his interest in your safety and comfort. It also suggests a certain level of intimacy and trust. Moreover, this kind of physical connection is a way for him to express his affection without words. So, if you notice this behavior frequently, it's a solid indicator that he's into you and wants to be closer to you, both physically and emotionally.


He Half Smiles a Lot

How attractive is it when a guy looks at you with a sexy smirk on his face? It can send chills down your back! Well, the good news is that if he’s doing that sexy half smile while he looks at you and talks with you, he is definitely into you.


This half smile isn't just about looking good – it's a subtle clue that he’s trying to connect with you on a deeper level. It’s his way of showing a guarded form of affection, letting his guard down just enough for you to notice his interest without coming on too strong. Watch for it during lighthearted conversations or when you share a private joke. It’s these small gestures that can reveal the big crush he’s possibly hiding. So the next time you see that charming grin, take it as a sign that he might be more than just friendly.


He Runs His Hands through His Hair

Obviously if a guy really likes you he will do everything he can to look his best when he’s around you. Running his hands through his hair will not only show that he cares about his image but it also means he is anxious and excited to be around you. There is definitely a sense of nervousness he must be feeling too, if he does it more than just once or twice!


When a man is attracted to someone, his grooming habits may come into play, even subconsciously. By smoothing down or styling his hair with his fingers, he's essentially primping to ensure he looks appealing. This subtle preening behavior is akin to birds fluffing their feathers, and in the realm of human courtship, it's no different. A touch of vanity may flare because he wants to impress. Pay attention to the consistency of this action—it's a form of non-verbal communication suggesting that he's eager to make a good impression and is concerned about how he presents himself to you.


He Makes Sure to Always Face You

Facing you shows that he’s confident and attentive to you. If he always makes sure to sit down facing towards you or if he seems tense and standing taller than usual when you walk into the room, he is letting you know through his body language that he wants to show you that he’s the man and that he is attracted to you.


He Sits with His Legs Apart

Similarly, if he sits with his legs further apart when he is sitting near you, that means that he is letting you know that you are the one he wants to get to know. It’s kind of a guy’s way of marking his territory so that other guys will know not to come over and invade the space between you.


This posture can be quite subconscious, but it exudes confidence and a bit of alpha-male assertiveness. Be aware, though, context is key. It's not always a territorial display; sometimes it's just casual comportment. However, if you notice that he reserves this open stance exclusively for times when you're together, it's a stronger indicator of his interest. His body language is speaking volumes about his comfort level around you, and potentially, his desire to be more intimate. Remember, in the delicate dance of courtship, body language often speaks louder than words.

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He Raises His Eyebrows

Both men and women raise their eyebrows when they are surprised or intrigued – if your crush is raising his eyebrows with you it’s certainly another good sign! It means he finds you interesting and wants to get to know you more. My boyfriend is very animated with facial expressions and when we were getting to know each other, this was a sign I saw very frequently. I never thought much of it at first but I’ve learned that it’s a good thing.


He Leans in

If a guy leans in to you while you’re talking it’s an obvious, clear sign that he’s into you! Leaning in shows that he cares about what you have to say, finds you attractive, wants to know you, doesn’t want other people approaching you while you guys are talking, and that he will most likely want to schedule a second date ASAP! Clearly if he is spending a great deal leaning in and staring at your mouth, he feels a physical connection between the two of you and is hoping for a smooch. Make sure to take things at your own pace and feel confident that you’re already halfway there with him!

Rest assured that these tips for decoding his body language will help you figure out whether to pursue a relationship or not. Guys will be pretty obvious about these signs because if he likes you, he’ll make sure to do anything to get you! Which of these gestures does your crush do around you?

Source: ivillage.com

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

The first one is definitely true :)

Hi. I'm in secondary school, my crush does a few of those things should I ask him out or... ? Amazing article

Agh this is too cute!

Number 5 is pretty surprising

is so true!!

Love this one! So true

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