7 Ways to Tell if He Wants to Ask You out ...


7 Ways to Tell if He Wants to Ask You out ...
7 Ways to Tell if He Wants to Ask You out ...

If you’re puzzled by a guy’s actions, there are plenty of ways to tell if he wants to ask you out. Men are confusing, but you can figure them out if you examine their actions closely. Here are some ways to tell if he wants to ask you out:

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Lots of Looks

A look can tell you everything you’ve ever wanted to ask. Think about the glances you’ve exchanged with him in the past. Do you hold eye contact for extended periods of time? When you do, is he just staring absentmindedly or is he smiling or making a silly face? One of the ways to tell if he wants to ask you out is by truly believing that the eyes are the window to the soul. Another tip: see if you can catch his pupil’s dilating when he first looks at you--that’s an involuntary sign of attraction.


Gauging someone's interest can often be as simple as noticing their non-verbal cues. Eye contact is telling, but so is the body language that accompanies it. Is he leaning in towards you when you speak, or finding reasons to be near you? These subconscious actions are his body's way of signaling that he's drawn to you. And remember, if his laughter comes easy and he's consistently seeking your attention with light-hearted teasing or playful jokes, there's a good chance he's into you and might be building up the courage to ask you out.


Extended Interests

When you talk about a movie you want to see, does he go on and on about how he wants to see it as well? If he does this often, he may be hinting at taking you along with him. Some guys are shy, so they try to see how you feel before making a move. The next time he does this, suggest that you could go together, and see his reaction.


When his excitement aligns with yours, it's not just coincidence—it's a shared interest🌟. Often, a man who’s into you will delight in discovering common ground, as it's a perfect pretext for spending time together. Pay attention to his enthusiasm: Is it genuine, mirroring your own? This could be a subtle way he's showing that he enjoys similar things and would love the opportunity to explore them together. By initiating an outing, you give him the chance to step up and turn this shared interest into a real date. Keep an eye on those smiles and nods—it's a language of its own.


Busy Bee

Does he always ask what your plans are for the weekend? If you keep telling him how busy you are, then he’ll assume he doesn’t have a shot with you. Try saying that you’re not sure what you’re going to do Saturday night, and see if he takes the bait.


Consider flipping the script and asking about his weekend plans. Often, hinting that you have an open schedule can encourage him to make a move, but taking the initiative can also spark the momentum needed for him to ask you out. It's all about creating an opening and showing interest without being too forward. Gauge his response—if he seems enthusiastic and quickly suggests an activity for both of you, that’s a pretty clear sign he's been waiting for the green light to ask you out.


You're the Priority

Does he hang out with you for hours, even though he has other things to do? Does he keep texting you through the night, even though he claims he’s incredibly tired? Yes, he could just be irresponsible. But he could be totally into you. Sleep is amazing, so if he chooses you over it, then there’s definitely sparks.


Consider also the smaller gestures that show he’s putting your comfort and happiness first. Does he offer you his jacket when it's chilly outside? Is he willing to watch that romcom he pretends not to stand, just to see you smile? These little acts of thoughtfulness might not leap out as overt romance, but they're his subtle ways of saying you matter to him more than he's ready to verbally express. It’s the equivalent of him wearing a neon sign that blinks, "I'm totally into you!"


Curious Questioning

If he heard you were hanging out with another guy, he might ask you how it went. While it could be a genuine question, he’s probably wondering whether or not you two are an item. Even if he’s dying to ask you out, he’s not going to do so if he thinks he’s overstepping his boundaries. If he thinks you’re in a relationship, he’s going to consider you off limits.


His curiosity might not stop at just one occasion. Expect him to be attentive to your stories, especially when you mention other guys. Remember, if his interest appears to increase whenever the topic of your dating life comes up, it's likely not just casual chitchat. He's trying to gauge where he stands and whether he has a green light to make a move. His questions are strategic, not just conversational—he's indirectly probing for information about your availability.

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Survey Says

If you're around his friends often, then notice how they treat you. If he likes you, then he's probably told them. In order to help him out, they might talk him up, and brag about him. They might even be the ones asking if you're single. If he's not giving away any signals of interest, you might be better off seeing if his friends are a little more obvious.


Moreover, if his friends are also in on the secret, you might find them teasing him when you're around or they might nudge him towards you during conversations. Watch out for little smirks or knowing glances exchanged between them - it's a classic giveaway that they know something you don't. Friends can be incredibly supportive when someone is plucking up the courage to make a move, and their behavior often gives away hints of his intentions before he's able to vocalize them himself.


Different Strokes

This can be hard to pinpoint, but it's a clear sign that he's interested in you. If he treats your friends, acquaintances, and peers differently than he treats you, then that means he feels differently about you than he feels about them. It's a green light, ladies!

If you feel like a man is on the verge of asking you out, but just doesn't have the guts, then you can make the move yourself. Girls can do anything guys can do, right? So are you ready to be brave, and ask him out instead?

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