10 Tips to Keep Your Long-Distance Relationship Interesting ...

Heather Jun 9, 2012

Learning the ins and outs of how to keep a long-distance relationship interesting isn't easy at all. The Better Half and I were apart for 2 years of our relationship and it was hard! But there are definitely ways that you can learn on how to keep a long-distance relationship interesting, you just have to be willing to put in the time. With that said, I've got the low-down on the latest and greatest ways on how to keep a long-distance relationship interesting! Take a look, I know you'll find some ways that work best for you!

Snapshot Survey

What's your idea of the perfect date night?

1. Get Skype

Skype is by far the best thing in the world for you if you are looking for ways on how to keep a long-distance relationship interesting. Not only can you really see your partner up close, but you'll be able to actually have a face-to-face conversation with them and see their emotions. This tool has saved my relationship many times over and now, we're living together and going on 7 years!

2. Facetime

If you aren't able to get Skype, but you do have an iPhone or an iPad, why not try Facetime? This is another huge benefit that Apple has over their competitors. It's a fantastic way to stay connected and truthfully, one of the best ways on how to keep a long-distance relationship interesting. Who knows what you can do on Facetime!

3. Talk Everyday

To be in a long distance relationship, you truly do have to have a lot of trust. That doesn't mean that you can't communicate though. When you live together or are in the same area, you probably would see one another everyday. It should be the same thing if you are in a long distance relationship. Talking everyday keeps you in the know and lets you know what you're boyfriend is doing!

4. Phone Sex

I know that it sounds silly, I know that it sounds weird, but it works. When you're looking for ways on how to keep a long-distance relationship interesting, this is by far the best choice. It'll be unexpected and who knows, maybe it will be great! Try it ladies, at least once and then see how your man reacts!

5. Have a Plan in Place to Visit

When you're in a long distance relationship, you can't not see one another. You should have a plan in place on when one or the other is going to visit. That way, you have something to look forward to and you'll be able to really grasp that they are real, not just someone on the other side of the phone, Facetime or an IM.

6. Have an End Date

There should never be a time when a long distance relationship is permanent. If you can't live in the same state or country at some point, why be together? There should always be an end date. Whether it be you moving to him or him moving to you.

7. Have to Have Trust

Like I said before, if you are going to be in a relationship like this, you've got to have trust. Trust is actually the foundation you build everything else on. You have to know, in your heart and trust that he isn't cheating on you while you aren't there. Otherwise, the doubts are going to eat you up.

8. Text

Another way on how to keep a long-distance relationship interesting is texting! There are so many things that you can do with a text message throughout the day. Try this one ladies, he'll appreciate whatever your text message says!

9. Continue to Have Phone Dates

While scheduling time is great, you still want to make sure that you are making phone dates too. What's a phone date? Well, why not rent the same movie and watch it while you are on the phone together? That can be fun and you'll be doing something together!

10. Send Written Letters

Finally ladies, the last way on how to keep a long-distance relationship interesting is to brush up on those written letters. Writing a hand-written letter to your man is a great way to let him know that you really are thinking about him. Plus, it'll be a surprise in the mail!

Even through trying to learn how to keep a long-distance relationship interesting can be hard, it is possible! If you're in a long distance relationship, do you have any how to keep a long-distance relationship interesting tips to share? Give 'em up ladies!

Top Image Source: weheartit.com

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

Hi, i loved the article. I've been in a long distance relationship for a while and although it is really hard it seems to work s far. I'll move to him in September so not long to go. We talk everyday on skype and we text quite often although things are getting a bit dull. I really like the letter writing idea to do something different for a change! I have only one question: what should i write about??

I dated my boyfriend for 7 months while in the same town before he left out of the country on a job promotion, he makes alot of money. My now long distance boyfriend hates Skype and refuses to get an acocunt, so I took it as if he does not want to see me, but he always asks for pictures of me???? Then he said he was not ready to be in a serious relationship with anyone because of his new job promotion he is super busy flying around the world but he still wants to email and keep in touch with me. Then he said he will come see me. Mixed signals or what??? And he sends me pictures of himself and his private parts plus him traveling around the world. So I classify it as a long distance casual dating situation. He says its hard for him to keep up a serious relationship long distance and it's not me, its his life now. In the olden days people just wrote letters and were apart for years without seeing one another. No skype, etc. And they married eventually.

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