7 Ways Therapists Can Tell if Your Relationship Will Fail ...

Holly Feb 19, 2016

You don't have to see a therapist in order to learn something from them. According to Women's Health Mag, here are a few way therapists tell whether a relationship will fail:

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1. Your Conflicts Include Criticism and Contempt

Your Conflicts Include Criticism and Contempt When you ask him to help you around the house, you should make the request as politely as possible. If you call him a lazy slob in the process, then you two probably won't last.

2. Trust is Totally Lacking

Trust is Totally Lacking It's hard for couples to recover after being cheated on. If you don't trust your partner, even a little bit, then there's now way you're going to last.

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3. There's Not a Lot of Touching Going on

There's Not a Lot of Touching Going on Healthy couples touch a lot more--and we're not just talking about sex. They kiss, hug, and snuggle, too. So if you're not doing any of that with your partner, it's a red flag.

4. No Big Emotions Are Expressed

No Big Emotions Are Expressed Anger can be healthy, as long as you know how to control your temper. Meanwhile, if you aren't crying or smiling around your partner, something is wrong. Your true love should make you feel strong emotions.

5. You're Losing Interest in One Another

You're Losing Interest in One Another Relationships are never as exciting five years in as they were in the beginning. However, if you're so incredibly bored with them that you're miserable more than you're happy, you two might be heading for a breakup.

6. There's a Total Lack of Empathy

There's a Total Lack of Empathy If you can watch your partner crying without giving a damn, something is wrong. Their happiness should be your happiness, and their sadness should be your sadness. If you can't identify with them, you don't belong with them.

7. There's Zero Motivation to Make Any of It Better

You can fix your relationship if you both have the motivation to do so. However, if you couldn't care less about breaking up, then you're bound to break up.

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