5 Clever Ways to Keep Him Interested ...


5 Clever Ways to Keep Him Interested ...
5 Clever Ways to Keep Him Interested ...

Looking for ways to keep him interested? There is nothing more spectacular than the feeling of being adored and admired by a love interest. Let’s face it, every woman enjoys multiple sweet text messages and daily phone calls. We are all smitten by the idea of being his only focus. It is a natural instinct for a woman to have the desire to be wanted and cared for. As time goes on you may notice a decrease in his effort to remind you of how special you are. In order to avoid being a low-level item on his list of priorities, here are 5 ways to keep him interested.

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Keep It Fresh

Keeping things fresh is one of the best ways to keep him interested. There is nothing worse than your favorite shoes becoming worn and outdated. It is important that you maintain a level of freshness at all times. Your appearance should offer something different and something new. Switch up your hairstyle, change lipstick colors, and please don’t wear the same outfit twice.


Give What You Get

As women, we tend to show interest through our emotions. It is necessary to create a balance in any relationship, especially during the early stages. If you find yourself initiating all contact it’s time to pull back a bit. Don’t panic, you will become more appealing and he will appreciate the opportunity to pursue you.


Convince with Confidence

Regardless of how handsome, smart or successful your guy is, always remember that you are the prize. Never hesitate to toot your own horn. It’s perfectly ok to casually brag about how awesome you are. Showcase your talents and abilities, and please share your wildest dreams. A man is logically attracted to the wow factor. Seize every opportunity to blow his mind.


Turn the Page

We all have had our share of failed relationships, there is nothing worse than living in the past. Refrain from talking about the last guy that broke your heart, even if it occurred years ago. A man will never give you his full undivided attention if he feels yours is elsewhere.


Less is More

There are so many milestones in a new relationship, never reach them all in a short period of time. You can call it old-fashioned values, or simply just saving the best for last. Take adequate time before the first passionate kiss, or the overnight stay together. The more you build up to those moments, the longer his attention will be all yours. `

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