7 Ways to Move Forward from a Bad Breakup ...

Jessica May 5, 2013

7 Ways to Move Forward from a Bad Breakup ...
7 Ways to Move Forward from a Bad Breakup ...

As much as we'd love a "happily ever after" for every relationship, the truth is we've all had to go through a rough breakup at some point or the other. How do we move on with life? Maybe Jessica's post can help. Thanks Jessica!

We all know that breakups are hard, but until you actually go through out, you never really know how hard they can be. Here are some tips that will help you stay strong through this tough time and keep moving you forward to a new chapter in your life! Stay strong my ladies, everything happens for a reason!

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1. Cry It out

Being in a relationship for a long time and having it end, whether you wanted it to end or not-is not easy. Allow yourself to feel all of the emotions that you feel. Don't hold back. Don't feel like you have to bottle it all in. It will only make it harder for yourself. Allow yourself to cry and don't be afraid to talk to someone about the emotions that are racing through your mind. The sooner you feel these emotions and get them out, the sooner your feet will move in the forward direction.

2. Refresh Your Surroundings

Look around. All those constant reminders lying around your room, your car, your house. Put on some loud music, open your windows, and get a box. Put all of the reminders in that box and go to your car and put it in the trunk. You are not throwing away the memories, but you are allowing yourself to visualize your new life. You get get rid of them when the time is right. But for now, this will allow you to keep moving forward and not living in the past. This is your fresh start!

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3. Get Moving

Take care of your daily needs, take care of yourself. I find that the best way that helped me move forward in the right direction and keep a steady head was to go to the gym. It helped me release all the emotions that I was feeling. When I got on the treadmill and sprinted, I allowed myself to have control in my life. By gaining this control back, you are becoming stronger each day. You can get moving in many different ways. Go for a stroll in the park, play volleyball outside, walk your dog, etc. As long as your moving! Plus, this exercise will help you feel and look better!

4. Spend Time with Your Friends

Surround yourself with people that love and support you. Social interaction will help you move forward after a breakup. If you are only isolating yourself, you are being consumed with sadness and it will only make things worse. Schedule plans with your friends, just stay busy. Push yourself to interact with people that will support you and help you stay positive and happy! Go have fun with your friends! It will make all the difference.

5. Write out Your Feelings and Toss It in the Trash

You are feeling a great deal of emotions after a breakup. The best way to express yourself is to write. Write out all your feelings that are running through your mind. Get out all your emotions. If you are angry, write about it. If you have questions, write them down. If it is easier, write a letter to your ex. Then, your preference: burn it, or throw it away. This will help you put closure in your mind, and it will allow you to get out everything your feeling. You don't need to send the letter. You just want to take the steps forward.

6. Spoil Yourself

This is your time. This is the time to build yourself back up to the strong, independent, confident woman you are. Go get your nails done, be pampered. Get a pedicure so you can sit in a massage chair and just relax. Go and get your hair done. Looking confident will help you feel that much stronger too!

7. Start a New Hobby

Your old relationship was all you knew for a long time. By getting a new hobby, you are creating a part of your life that is new, that your ex does not know about, that you two did not share together. This will allow you to remain busy, and it will help you rebuild your life and start a life that doesn't include him! Do something you have always wanted to do!

Getting over a breakup takes time and for everyone it is different. But by using these tips, it will put yourself in the right direction. Once you have done these 7 tips, you are well on your way to greener pastures. Stay positive ladies!

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

It's been 5 months since I found out he was cheating & we split. I was with him for 17 years! I can't even wear the same clothes now because of the memories they hold. Feel like such a fool as he pretended he loved me right till the very end - he had never told his parents about us as they didn't like me! Great app - really helps.

Ive been doing 4 out of the 7 things mentioned on here, but it seems like none of it is working :( *sigh, i still love him despite the so many hurtful things hes told me..

This helped a lot, I'm only in high school but break ups still suck.. So thanks you

It is hard though when you don't have ANY Support System whatsoever to lean on for encouragement or support. I find myself always doing stupid stuff like dialing up his number & get talked to so bad or get cursed out for disturbing him. I end up looking like the fool. I know if I had caring friends or family around they wouldn't let me even call the jerk.

Yesterday I broke up with my boyfriend and we had dated for 5yrz and 9months. I had to break it off coz since he has cheated twice last year I don't trust him anymore. He cheated with an ex and a colleague. I went through major depression when I found out last year. Our relationship had so many cracks that I didn't have hope anymore.If he could cheat then clearly his heart was at the wrong place with me. It's hard but life goes on...

My boyfriend of four years has up and left me a week ago. He said he needed space and time and that he would be back to me eventually. I was going crazy holding on to hope that it was just really space he needed. I came to find out that he was actually pursuing another girl from the moment he left (maybe sooner). It has been the most agonizing pain I've ever felt in my life. I feel so betrayed and hurt. I had to go to therapy cause I felt so out of control. Luckily the therapy and finding out the truth for myself is helping me find clarity. It hurts but little by little I see my strength coming back

do you have an article about moving on from a friend breakup??

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