11 Tips for Moving on While Still in Love with Your Ex ...

Heather Sep 30, 2021

11 Tips for Moving on While Still in Love with Your Ex ...
11 Tips for Moving on While Still in Love with Your Ex ...

Breakups can get messy real easily when there's still love in the mix. It just makes moving on THAT much harder! However, when those rough breakups come, we just have to toughen up and get over it. Take a look below on how to move on while you're still in love with your ex:

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1. Work on Forgiving Yourself

Always, when you're moving on while still in love with your ex, work on forgiving yourself. It sounds way easier than it is, but you need to do it. Forgive yourself for losing yourself in the relationship, allow yourself time to really get to know yourself. Remember, all relationships that end are hard, but that doesn't mean it's impossible to get over it. You've just got to try!

2. Practice Releasing Regrets

Releasing all of your regrets is one surefire way to move on when you're still in love with your ex. You could write down all of your regrets on a piece of paper and burn it; that way you can completely forget about them. Releasing your regrets is really going to allow more room in your mind and soul for someone to step in.

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3. Remember the Bad Times

Dwelling on the good times isn't going to help you really get over and move on from your relationship, you've got to dwell on the bad times. Think about all of the fights that you had, think about all of the bad times that he or she ruined, think about all of the horrible times in your relationship. Know what they are, so that you won't repeat them in the future or fool yourself into believing an idyllic view of your relationship.

4. Reconnect with Old Friends

Moving on should be all about reconnecting with old friends. You want to maintain friendships that you might not have had when you were with your ex. Ask a friend you haven't seen for ages over for coffee – catch up and see what happens! This is truly one of the best steps for moving forward in your life!

5. Create a Deep Separation

When you and your ex finally call it completely quits, you've got to cut off all of the communication. I know it's hard, but why keep their number in your phone? Why keep texting them or calling them? Why do you need to talk to them constantly when you are trying to get over them?

6. Go through the Grieving

Grieving your relationship is a natural process – and one that you need to go through. You need to make sure that you are going through this process, otherwise you might never, ever move on completely. Remember, it's natural to eat ice cream and cry. Let yourself!

7. Remember the Benefits of Moving on

Finally, think of all of the different benefits of moving on! You finally have the time to be single, to go out whenever you want without someone keeping your time. You finally have all of the free time in the world and no one tying you down. Keep that in mind!

8. Find a New Hobby

Finding a new hobby is a very important part of moving on. It's important to fill up your time with activities that make you happy! That way, you're not using your free time to stress out over lost loves.

9. Remind Yourself That There's Other Fish in the Sea

Sure, it might feel like he's the only guy on the planet but we all know he's not. Your special guy is out there waiting! It sounds cliche, I know, but it's true! Be open to the idea that there are other men who'd love to get to know you.

10. Do Not Accept a Booty Call

This should be obvious but ladies, do NOT respond to that late night text. Sleeping with a guy you still care about will not help you get over him. It'll only keep your feelings for him alive! Keep #5 (creating a deep separation) in mind and keep him out of your bed (and heart)!

11. Be Patient

Lastly, be patient. Your feelings for your ex won't fade overnight but eventually, they will. If you follow these tips and REALLY commit to getting over someone, you'll be fine in no time.

These are just a few of the things that can absolutely help you move on, even if you are in love with your ex. So, have you ever been in love with an ex or can't get over one? Give up your story!

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A month went by, I begged for him back, and we started seeing each other again. Nothing changed. Things got even worse. I went from seeing him once every other week to once every two weeks, he then broke up w me again sbd told me to move on. I did, but then he cane back in January. Up until last week, that stopped. He said he didn't want a gf, wanted to keep his doors open, but still wanted to be friends. I told him I still loved him and wanted to kno if he ever saw us getting back together, he said no. I just don't know what to do. I'm so hurt and feel lost. He says we will catch up again soon, but I just need some advice to let go completely bc I think its clear he doesn't care about me at all.

This could not have come along at a better time. Just broke up over the weekend with someone I love very much. Just trying to grasp that it's over and move on.

thank you. love these articles I check this app daily. diversely thank you :)

I can't wait to be over my ex. I just want to stop thinking of him, it's so hard to control your thoughts though. Given time, i know I'll be over it, I just wish that time was now

I got out of 7 years relationship with my ex and it took me 6 months to get over him and move on. It is pretty tough. But it makes you a stronger woman.

My ex is in most of my classes and he's also in my form. He's a bit of a player and I need to forget him but I see him everyday what should I do ?

This post really helped. My ex went off the deep end and treated me terribly. His parents were no help either. I wish it wasnt so hard. This was the first guy that I actually did everything for. We went from long distance to in an actual relationship :( funny how you really get to know a person in such a short amount of time.

I feel so desperate and wish there were something I could do to get him back, but I don't even think its possible at this point. The way I feel right now is that I probably will never hear from him again. My world's been turned upside down! I've lost my job and have been going through so many ups and downs. Any suggestions?

Well, maybe we can added this one, cause it works one me :) If there is something unfinished business with your ex undone, you must make it clear so the way you moving on is wider open. If you think you can face him face to face, write it all to him. You can send him a letter, a text, or email, or you can call him. Sounds chicken, but well, maybe it's better with that way, so you can feel better. And sometimes, when you feel lonely and missed him so bad, you can write it all your feelings in a piece of paper. Just write it all. About your feelings, etc and after that you just feel better. And the plus is you don't need to call him or text him or something that make you embarrassed your self in future lol Well, sometimes when all that madness happens we just need to realize that broken up happened because a reason. And we don't need to feel sorry for that. Maybe it just the way it is. Save your tears girl, you deserve a good man; your truly love - mr. Right

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