You may not always know straight away when you're in love, so here are a few classic signs that might help you come to a conclusion!
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1. Their Happiness is Important to You
You know how important their happiness is and that's why it can hurt so much if they're in a place of unhappiness. Sometimes it can even feel as though you're affected by it, simply because of the extent to which you care about them and their well-being. You want the best for them in every way possible and you will do anything you can to make this happen.
Being in love means caring deeply about the happiness of your partner. It's not just about your own feelings and desires, but also about theirs. According to studies, being in love activates the same areas of the brain that are associated with empathy and caring for others. This explains why their happiness is so important to you and why you may feel their pain as your own. Additionally, when you truly love someone, you want to see them thrive and succeed in all aspects of their life. This includes their emotional well-being, which is why you will do anything to support and uplift them.
2. You're Constantly 'giving'
You constantly wish to provide for this person and to share much of yourself with them, including everything you have to offer. You may be very supportive and giving them plenty of love, affection, admiration, respect, loyalty and so much more.
This constant desire to give and share with your partner is a key sign of being deeply in love. It shows that you are willing to put their needs and happiness above your own, and that you are committed to building a strong and supportive relationship. Studies have shown that acts of giving and generosity can increase feelings of love and connection in a relationship. Additionally, constantly giving to your partner can also be a way of expressing your admiration and respect for them, making them feel valued and appreciated. Overall, this selfless and giving nature is a strong indicator of being in love.
3. You Want to Help Them
If they have a very bad habit which could have a negative impact on their health and your relationship overall (such as addictions to gambling and drug taking etc.), you want to help them overcome that challenge. You want to help them grow into the best version of themselves that they can possibly be.
4. You Love Yourself First
Before you can love someone else you have to learn to love yourself. This is because loving yourself allows you to fully understand what love is, how it works and that it's an amazing gift of life. The ability to love yourself develops over time but it's important to possess because it sets you up to love other people and appreciate them just as you appreciate yourself.
5. You Constantly Miss Them
When you're apart it can seem like time is standing still and a matter of mere minutes can feel like long hours. You constantly find yourself missing not just their physical presence but everything about them, including all of their habits, the way they speak, the conversations you have, the memories you have together and so much more.
6. They're Unique
They don't compare to anyone else you've ever dated or been in a relationship for the simple reason that they're different to the rest. They stand out from a crowd in your mind. You know exactly what makes them different and special and you love them for that.
7. You Trust Them
You trust this person in every way that matters. This includes having your best interests in their heart and knowing that if push came to shove, they would have your back every step of the way. The trust you have for them also makes you feel safe and secure when you're around this person.
8. They Are Worth It
You'll happily jump through hoops to spend time with them or talk to them. You'll drive the distance or rearrange your schedule if it means more time together. And you don't see any of this as a hassle because they're completely worth it!
9. He Drives You Crazy
Sure, he's frustrating and infuriating sometimes, but despite it all, you still are crazy about him! He pushes your buttons in ways no one else does, yet you still find yourself more willing to argue with him than have great days with anyone else.
10. You Get Defensive
Sure, you want your BFF to like every guy you date, but sometimes it's just not possible. And when she negatively talks about him you find yourself defending him to the max like a warrior in battle. You have this unexplained need to protect him from whomever, even if it's nothing bad. Just remember, not everyone will sing his praises like you so don't get mad if people don't rave about him all the time too.
Do you think you've got any of these unexpected signs of being in love?
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