Girls Guide on How to Know You Found the One ...


Girls Guide on How to Know You Found the One ...
Girls Guide on How to Know You Found the One ...

Most girls wonder how to know you have found "the one". Dating is hard. There’s no doubt. It takes up a lot of your time and especially your thoughts. Of course, it can be a great feeling, assuming you’re with the right person.

But no one can deny that there’s always a voice in the back of your head that questions whether or not you’re in in the right relationship. So, here are some of the best answers for how to know you have found "the one".

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Your Gut

Your gut never lies when it comes to these things and it's one of the best places to go when trying to figure out how to know you have found "the one". Whether it’s a friend or a significant other, you can never go wrong simply trusting what you believe to be the truth. You know deep inside if who you’re with is the one.


Core Values

If you both share fundamental values, then it’s a relationship that you should be able to see lasting. This doesn’t mean you’re sure of forever, but at least of a future.


A Spark That Isn’t Just a Spark

If you’ve been together for a while and you haven’t lost that spark of intensity, then you know that you’re never going to lose it.


They’re a Missing Piece of You

Everything they are is more than what you need or want. They’re a piece of you that you may not even have known existed. But now you can’t live without them


Silence is Comfortable

You don’t always have to be in a back and forth conversation to feel at peace with your SO. Sometimes, the silence is enough for you to know that they’re right for you because their presence calms you in a way nothing else can.

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