8 Important Steps for Curing a Broken Heart Fast ...


There are many ways to cure a broken heart fast, but you also want to cure it so it stays healed. If you are dealing with a broken heart right now, you definitely want to read below as I detail out all of the ways to cure a broken heart fast. Breaking up is heart. Very hard to get through, but with these steps on how to cure a broken heart fast, you should be able to get through it!

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Cut-off All Communication

It's hard, I know to move forward and cut off all communication, but it's a necessary step. If you're looking to cure a broken heart fast, you've got to cut off all of the communication with your ex, just for a little while at least. It's hard to get over an ex quickly, but if you don't talk to him, you'll see a huge difference in how you feel.


Cry It out

You have to make sure that you give yourself time to cry it on out. By not giving yourself time to cry it all out, you aren't giving yourself time to cleanse your body and move forward. One of the paths to curing a broken heart fast is by allowing yourself time to grieve the relationship, especially if it was one that you've been in for quite a while.


Make a Con List

Most of the time, you want to make a pro and con list, but in this instance, you want to make a con list. A con list could include everything from the way that your ex treated you all the way to the way that he didn't clean up ever. This will actually help you in the long run to cure a broken heart fast.


Designate Ego Boosters

When you are going through a break up, it's absolutely one of the necessities to have a support system. Going through a breakup is so hard and it doesn't get easier either. This is why designating your ego boosters is essential. These should be people that help build you up, not ever tear you down. They can absolutely make a huge difference in just how quickly you get over your breakup!


Rejuvenate Yourself

Taking a few days off from the world is a great way to really reinvent and rejuvenate yourself. Take a spa day, go out on a small, mini vacation. Take a few days off from work. Trust me, when you really take the time to focus in on yourself, you'll be able to cure a broken heart that much faster!

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Girls Night

If you can't take a mini vacation right away, why not take a weekend night to go out on the town with girls? You don't need to be picking up guys to have fun, but who knows, maybe you can meet Mr. Rebound boyfriend at the club or at the restaurant you go to!


Avoid His Friends

Remember the cutting off all ties commitment that you are going to make? That means his friends too. When you're dealing with an ex, you want to avoid everything that really reminds you of him and that includes hanging out with his friends.


Start a Hobby

Finally ladies, you want to focus all of that negative energy toward something positive and the quickest way to cure a broken heart is to start a new hobby! Painting, cooking, cleaning – who knows what hobby you might want to try out there! For me, it was all about writing.

Looking for ways to cure a broken heart fast isn't easy. Love is fickle and hard to handle, especially if you've been dumped. So ladies, what ways to cure a broken heart fast have you tried in the past?

Top Image Source: weheartit.com

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@Anonymous I'm crying right now bc I can totally relate....1) my bf just broke up with yesterday as well ( sumthin about it not being me but he needed sum alone time) 2) I feel like he ripped my heart thru my chest as well...threw it on the floor, stomped on it, chewed it up, threw it in a blender, poured vinegar on it then threw it back at me and left me with that 3) we haven't been together 3 years but that's how long we've known each other, we've been friends for a year, and we've had secret crushes on each other for a year.... All of that was revealed to each other after a life or death scenario ( not really, but to our group of friends it was ) 4) I really think we are meant to be and I still believe it.... I have never loved or cared for anyone in this world like I do him and he even told me that that's what he likes about me......not my looks, but the fact that I care about him more than anyone else.....yes, he said that while he was confiding in me 5) we've made future plans together too and now I feel like they weren't real.....I still believe well be back together tho it's destiny 6) OMG! I must've wrote this myself......he is a Muslim ( although he doesn't really follow it, he's a bad boy ) amd I'm a Christian, he never had a problem with it tho in fact, he admired it, and is changing for the better for me he doesn't follow Muslim religion anyway bc he's mixed so 6) I out my heart and soul out to this relationship too that's how us girls are, sumtimes I feel like he didnt really try but other times he was able to prove himself......I can literally see us together for the rest of our lives I even dreamed us married and so did he....I hope he comes back ( he did say " a little alone time " ) we've broken up before nd got back together but this time I think his friends pressured him to dump me bc they don't like me....... How bout me and u help each other thru this cuz this just hurts like crap.....and I'm very sorry about ur bf!!

I was with my ex for about a year and a half... Fret finding out that my dad didn't want me around anymore bc he had a new family, I was being forced to move to another state to live with my mom. My ex was ready for the move and was coming with... We both had great jobs lined up and apartments picked out. A week before the move took lace, he bailed...! We hung out that night, all night, and everything was fine... He took me home and as he was driving away he yelled out the window "I love you babe!! I'll ER you tonirrow" of course I had a huge smile on my face as I walked through the front door... He texts me when he gets home and said "babe I love you but I need to tell you something.... I ain't going to WI with you and it's over" .... Those are words I will never ever forget .... He claims now that he regrets it and wants to come up here with me ... It took me 4 months to let him go and let anyone in my life ... But now, I'm happier than ever... He knows I've moved on bc of Facebook and has sent very harshs texts, but I've finally learned to ignore them. (:

true. my boyfriend just dumped me. I dropped all connections to him and cried- a lot! I feel a lot Breyer I'm also having a girls night out. but no boys allowed at all! one thing I've learned boys are just another part of your life that will come and go so love it up with ur girlfriends and forget boys!!

Me and my ex boyfriend of two years have been going through a limbo. We finally made the decision to break up and it just hit me. I'm not upset anymore. I don't wait for his midnight phone calls, I don't text him anymore. It's all apart of the process. It's hard to get over him but I'm making it just fine.

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