7 Signs That You're Officially over Him for Good ...


7 Signs That You're Officially over Him for Good ...
7 Signs That You're Officially over Him for Good ...

Breaking up can be as challenging as trying to assemble IKEA furniture without the instruction manual. We've all been there – knees deep in emotional bits and pieces, wondering which part goes where. But there’s a light at the end of the tunnel. Officially over him might seem like a distant dream. Yet, believe it or not, there are clear signs, almost like the magical missing screwdriver in your emotional toolkit, that indicate you’ve finally moved on. So, let’s figure out those signs together.

Remember the "Why did I ever date him?" phase? It’s that stage where you look back and contemplate your sanity for dating your ex, kind of like questioning why you thought bangs were a good idea in high school. Yeah, I’ve been there. Realizing you’re over him is like that epiphany when you’re miraculously decent at math – it’s unexpected but oh-so satisfying.

  1. Primary keywords: Breaking up, Officially over him, move on, signs, emotional toolkit
  2. Secondary keywords: Bangs, high school, challenging, stages, satisfaction

One of the obvious signs you’re officially over him is when you no longer feel the urge to stalk his social media. Yes, I know—no more checking if he posted another gym selfie or if he still likes those cringe-worthy motivational posts. Trust me; it’s liberating. Welcome to 2024, the year you decide that self-care and getting over an ex involve treating yourself to wine and laughter with friends, instead of Insta-stalking!

One day you’ll realize, your emotional well-being doesn’t hinge upon his responses, or lack thereof. Seriously, did I just text him back within .05 seconds and he leaves me on read for days? Ugh, no more! You’re valuing your confidence and boundaries like treasures in a sunken pirate ship. It’s like realizing that Friday rush-hour traffic is inevitable and deciding to work from home – pure bliss!

Moving on can sometimes feel like trying to microwave last night’s pizza – iffy and difficult. But here’s the thing: you’re finally loving your freedom, singlehood, and that extra room in bed where no one is snoring next to you. Whether you’re finding new hobbies, diving into work, or enjoying a guilt-free Netflix binge, it’s clear as daylight you’re farther along than you think.

So put on some old school tunes, perhaps a little 90s throwback like NSYNC or Britney Spears, and celebrate that you've reached the milestone of genuinely being over him* . The journey of finding these 7 signs that shout “Woohoo, I’m free!” is not just a checklist; it’s a celebration of you finding you.

Now, let’s dive deeper into this healing journey and uncover those telltale signs that indicate you’ve indeed moved on and no longer hold on!

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1. You’re Not Crying Constantly

You’re Not Crying Constantly When you first go through a breakup, you’re sad. You probably find that you’re crying a lot as you sort through all of your feelings. The only exception is if you were the one that initiated the breakup and were already over him. Otherwise, all of these are normal parts of grieving a relationship. You’re making progress in getting over him when you aren’t crying constantly.

2. You’ve Given up Stalking Him on Social Media

You’ve Given up Stalking Him on Social Media After a breakup, it’s normal to wonder what he’s up to and more importantly, who he’s seeing. Most of us can’t resist the temptation to stalk our ex on social media. It’s so easy to access with a few keystrokes! But as you begin to move on, you’ll do this less and less. Eventually, you’ll realize you haven’t scoped him out in ever and you don’t even care.


The moment you stop wanting to check his latest updates or analyze his new friend's list is a milestone. It signifies healing and a regained sense of self. Sure, in the throes of post-breakup curiosity, his profile used to be your go-to. But now, there's a liberating sense of disinterest and detachment. The urge to digitally snoop fades, replaced by a focus on your happiness and wellbeing. Embrace this freedom! Your indifference towards his online life confirms that your emotional ties have loosened, and that's worth celebrating.

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3. You’re out of Sweatpants

You’re out of Sweatpants After a breakup, you usually don’t care about how you look. It’s easy to fall into the habit of just vegging in your rattiest sweatpants and old t-shirts. Who cares? You have no one to impress! But that’s just a phase and when you begin to get dressed and make an effort with your appearance again, you’re moving on.

4. You Can See Lessons from the Relationship and Breakup

You Can See Lessons from the Relationship and Breakup There’re lessons in everything we go through in our lives. Sometimes you have to look for them to see them but they’re there. After going through a breakup, you may feel it’s so painful that there’s nothing to learn. But as time passes, you’ll probably begin to feel differently. Whether the lesson was to take your more time getting to know someone or to adjust your standards, there’s something to learn. Relationships are a unique classroom but they’re valuable, too.

5. You’re Beginning to Realize the Breakup Wasn’t Totally a Bad Thing

You’re Beginning to Realize the Breakup Wasn’t Totally a Bad Thing You may have been devastated when you first went through your breakup. You may have felt (or still feel) like your world is ending. Most of us who’ve been through this can certainly relate to that feeling. But as time passes, you’ll begin to see that maybe your breakup was a blessing in disguise. In time, maybe a long time, you may see that it was actually a good thing.

6. You Realize All Men Aren’t Bad

You Realize All Men Aren’t Bad If you’ve been really burned in a breakup then you may have the mindset that all men are bad and be ready to swear off dating. I know because I was very much at that point once in my life. You never want to find yourself in this position of heartbreak again. But as time goes on, you see that all men aren’t bad and begin to feel open to the possibility of meeting someone again. And suddenly, you see that the world looks a little brighter!

7. You’re over Any Hard Feelings the Breakup

You’re over Any Hard Feelings the Breakup Lastly, you know that you’re finally over him when you begin to get over any hard feelings you had. Breakups are hard! It’s rare to walk away without at least a few hard feelings toward one another. Holding onto them isn’t wise though; they weigh you down and add negativity to your life. You may have to work at letting go of them but it’s important to do so. It’s the most certain sign that you’ve finally moved on.

These’re 7 signs you’re officially over him. Are you going through a breakup? Which of these signs do you see in yourself?

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

Yes..i am over him😎

You just grew up!

I've done 5.5 of these signs:) I am so happy that I am getting over this guy.. He was really sweet, but he neglected me in the relationship. He was just immature and didn't know how to deal with his feelings, so he ended up hurting me in the end.

You start to see the bad. Rose tinted glasses are gone

My breakup was a blessing in disguise, am so glad it's over

He sucks, I am better off 😂

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