7 Subtle Hints That Will Get Your Crush to Ask You out ...


7 Subtle Hints That Will Get Your Crush to Ask You out ...
7 Subtle Hints That Will Get Your Crush to Ask You out ...

Now, I know there are a ton of 'get your crush to ask you out' articles and posts out there, but I can tell you for sure, this is one of the fool-proof posts. Follow along on this 'get your crush to ask you out' post and you won't ever have to wonder if he is into you again! Now, a lot of these hints are subtle; you can't seem too desperate and you definitely don't want to come off as really being into them … as you want them to work a little to find out your secrets!

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Steer the Conversation to Common Ground

Whenever you two are talking, one important way to get your crush to ask you out is all about how you steer the conversation. You want it to seem (or maybe it actually is!) that you two have a ton in common and you want to highlight that. As soon as they realize that you'd be cool to go out to the hobby store with him or head to the city to walk around, they wouldn't be able to help asking you out!


Be Funny

Everyone loves someone that is funny! Now, you don't want to be the sarcastic funny that is constantly making fun of your crush, but being humorous, being witty and poking a little fun at your crush will break the ice and will truly make sure that you two are bonding.


Don't Overdo It

Remember though, you don't want to overdo anything and you don't want to come off as super desperate. You aren't, remember that! Just remember, they need to like you for you (which is my next point!) and if you overdo anything, it isn't going to be you doing it.


Be Yourself

Being yourself is honestly one of the biggest components of getting your crush to ask you out. After all, he or she has to like you for you right? If you pretend to be into things that your crush is into or pretend to be interested in what they are talking about, why try to go out with them?


Don't Reveal Too Much

There should be a bit of a mystery to you; you don't want to reveal too much and you certainly don't want to give away everything. Hold some things about yourself close to you and when you go on the date, that's when you can reveal a lot more!

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Flirt with Them

Flirting is totally something that a lot of people underestimate, but you've got to flirt with your crush to at least let them know that you are interested in them! Flirting is also a great way to open a heck of a lot of doors. So, compliment your crush, draw them in with your flirting and really work on them to get them to ask you out!


Flirting is a powerful tool when it comes to getting your crush to ask you out. It not only shows your interest in them, but it also creates a playful and alluring dynamic between the two of you. Complimenting your crush and using body language such as playful touches or eye contact can help draw them in and make them more likely to ask you out. Additionally, flirting can help build a strong connection and chemistry, making it easier for your crush to take the next step and ask you out. So don't underestimate the power of flirting in getting your crush to make a move!


Your Attitude Matters

Finally, your attitude is something that does matter. If you have a really bad attitude when you are trying to get your crush to ask you out, most likely they aren't going to take the bait. So, be positive and give off some good vibes girls and boys!

These are some of my top ways to get a crush to ask you out! Do you have any more ways to get your crush to ask you out? What ways worked for you?

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HELP. I've been talking to this guy named Tim.. He's a couple years older than me and I really like him.. He goes to my youth group, he plays guitar, he sings, he has an extremely nice body and I feel like he's totally out of my league I'm usually the one to txt him first but every time he sees me in school there's not a time where he won't shout my name and say hi. Which I always get the hopeless butterflies.. At lunch he'll usually stop and sit on the outside bench and sit where me and my friend do and I've noted that his body is completely turned towards me. But a while back when I asked him if he liked me (over txt) he said he didn't like anyone. And I've complimented him quite a bit but he never compliments me.. I really like this guy.. We haven't talked for a couple days and I haven't txted him but I really need so guidance please help.

There is a guy who lives across the hall from me... I see him sometimes in the parkinglot and I have found out a few things about him thru the grape vine, and he seems great! I think we would get along perfectly. Normally I don't get shy with guys but I have no idea how to start talking to him! Idk if he even knows who I am! I need an excuse to knock on his door to borrow something but what do I ask for? And then what?

It's is useless doesn't work

Ok so this guy is like my best friend we talk everyday but I usually text him first. He knows I like him but he has a girlfriend..help me please

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