Best Relationship Advice from Famous Couples ...


Best Relationship Advice from Famous Couples  ...
Best Relationship Advice from Famous Couples  ...

Even though Hollywood is probably not the best place to head to for advice on love, you can’t deny that there are a few famous Hollywood couples who seem to have found the secret formula to long-lasting love. Just like us, celebrities aren’t immune to breakups or romantic drama, but there are still a few love lessons that you can learn from different Hollywood couples. You can’t deny the fact that there are a few celebrity couples who can teach us a thing or two about dating, finding love, keeping it and making it last. Here are 7 love tips from famous couples that you should consider:

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Keep Things Fresh

You can learn this from Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson, who seem to be just as in love with each other today as they were when they first got together. They say that you should “Turn your relationship into a honeymoon again,” since this will reignite the passion between you that was once so strong. Just keep things fresh and exciting and have fun with your partner.


Communicate Often

You can learn this lesson from Matthew Broderick and Sarah Jessica Parker. They say that you should “Keep talking, I guess. I know how cliché that is. Too much silence is definitely not a good idea.” Just try to share everything with your partner, learn to communicate better and be more assertive. This way, you will increase the intimacy in your relationship and you will be happier together.


Maintain the Friendship

You can learn this from Will and Jada Pinkett Smith. In a recent interview, Jada said, “Your partner has to be your best, best friend. And he’s my best friend.” Friendship is an important part of every partnership so try not to neglect this important aspect of your relationship.


Always Make the Effort

You can learn this from David and Victoria Beckham. David said that “If you love someone, you want to treat them, surprise them, remind them how you feel, whether that means a weekend away somewhere, or a bowl of fruit in the morning laid out in the shape of a heart.” These are just simple, beautiful things that you can do for your partner that don’t require so much effort on your behalf but which will surely make them feel loved and appreciated.


Be Grateful for Your Partner

You can learn this from Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie. She always talks about how grateful she is for her husband and how much he helps her be the amazing woman that she is. She says that “He’s got the wonderful balance of being an extraordinary, great, loving father, a very, very intelligent man, and physically he’s a real man in all things that it means.” Show your partner more often how grateful you are for being with them and your relationship will grow stronger.

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Don’t Rush Things

You can learn this from Diane Kruger and Joshua Jackson. Diane says that there’s no need for a piece of paper to measure your love and that “I believe in a commitment that you make in your heart. There’s no paper that will make you stay.” There’s no need to rush into anything, just take your time and enjoy each other’s company.


Respect One Another

You can learn this from Giuliana and Bill Rancic. They say that “You’ve got to be good to each other… It really comes back to respect.” Try to preserve what you have by being good to each other, always show appreciation and respect one another.

Even though Hollywood is not always the best place to look to for advice, try to keep these lessons in mind and work on increasing the intimacy in your relationship. Do you know any other relationship advice from famous couples? Please share your thoughts with us in the comments section!


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Angelina just filed for divorce from Brad Pitt. Why are they on the list?

Lol yup two people not to take advice from

Does anybody have an advice for insecurities in a relationship?

Are Jada and Will Smith still together? I thought i saw a headline recently that they split up?

Ah Sherry ignore all that, it's a load of waffle! They keep saying it's totally inaccurate!

The only couple who I feel have a great platform to look up to is Tom and Rita. Yes being rich helps and famous too but they seem to have something and no one knows what happens indoors but from what I have seen great role models. The rest debatable! Good post though.

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