The Hottest Spots to Meet Men as a Single Lady ...

Neecey Jan 7, 2022

The Hottest Spots to Meet Men as a Single Lady ...
The Hottest Spots to Meet Men as a Single Lady ...

Still single? Challenge yourself that 2022 will be the year you meet your Prince Charming, the guy who will bowl you over, sweep you off your feet and all those other clichés. Great resolution but where to meet the cutest guy ever?

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1. The Gym

The Gym The gym is one of the best places to meet men that you have an immediate shared interest with - exercise and healthy living!

2. Tech Stores

Tech Stores A lot of men love tech and gadgets, and the chances that they will be handy around the house are much higher in a tech store!

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3. A Rally

A Rally A political rally is like the gym, you know that you will share an immediate and important common interest if you meet at something important like a campaign.

4. Farmers Market

Farmers Market This shows that your potential man has an environmental conscience, likes to buy local and is probably a nifty chef!

5. A Book Shop

A Book Shop A love of literature is often an indicator of a really mature and educated background, so bookstores are great for good quality guys!

6. Intramural Sports

Intramural Sports Intramural sports are a fun environment without too much competitive edge that will give you the chance to fun together and be active.

7. Online Dating

Online Dating It may have been frowned upon ten years ago, but online dating is now a completely accepted option for finding love in 2016!

8. Coffee Shop

Coffee Shop You can tell a lot about a man buy what kind of coffee her drinks. Whether you want an espresso man or a latte man, the coffee shop is the place to be!

9. Steak House

Steak House A lot of guys love their steak, so a steak house is great location to have a drink at the bar and see who turns up!

10. Extreme Sports

Extreme Sports If you’re looking for an adventurous man, then look no further than going on an extreme sports day out; you might meet your very own action man!

11. Church

Church If your religion and morals are super important to you, then you know you can find someone similar at your local church.

12. The Office

The Office You spend most of your week there to begin with, why not make it multipurpose and set your sights on finding a man?

13. College

College If you are in college, you have a plethora of romantic options sitting their right in front of you! Socialize, mingle, you’ll be successful in no time!

14. Your Friends

Your Friends Ask your friends to set you up with somebody who they think you’d hit it off with. They know you better than anyone; they might be on to something!

15. Vacation

Vacation Everyone is always at their happiest when on vacation, so keep your eye out for any hot guys you might be interested in, they might be interested too!

16. The Park

The Park If you like to take relaxing strolls through your local park, keep an eye out for any guys that appear to enjoy the same thing. Maybe you can start walking together!

17. Art Gallery

Art Gallery If you love high culture, then the best option for finding a partner who loves the same is to take a solo trip to your favorite art gallery.

18. A Blood Drive

A Blood Drive People who give blood are some of the most considerate, upstanding people around, so you can be sure to see some really great guys when you go to the blood drive.

19. Wine Tasting

Wine Tasting Wine tasting is always great for socializing, and by the end of the evening you will be a little tipsy and flirty!

20. A Running Club

A Running Club If you love running, you’ll want a boyfriend who loves running too, so it makes sense that you should head to your local running club to assess the situation!

21. A Wedding

A Wedding Weddings are always full of single friends of the bride and groom. Have a little drink, have a little dance, let the wedding atmosphere take over!

22. A Laundromat

A Laundromat It’s not the most beautiful location, but a Laundromat is the perfect place to give you a set period of time to chat and flirt before your washing is done!

23. A Ski Resort

A Ski Resort I tend to think that ski resorts always attract the same kind of people, so the chances are you will find a compatible match on the slopes.

24. Walking the Dog

Walking the Dog You’re going to want a boyfriend that loves animals as much as you do, so if a cute single guy takes interest in your pup when out walking, you might be in there!

25. Hardware Store

Hardware Store Any guy browsing in a hardware store is going to be a sure bet for all those little jobs around the house, so ask for some help at the store and try to strike up a connection!

26. Museum

Museum Museums are great because they take a while to walk round and there are endless possibilities for conversation starters with all the exhibits.

27. Concert

Concert Meeting a guy at a concert means you already have a shared interest, and it gives you the opportunity to both talk and dance on the ‘first date’!

28. The Beach

The Beach What’s sexier than a sun tanned surfer dude riding the waves? The only place you’ll be able to find one is on the beach!

29. Social Media

Social Media Don’t underestimate the power of things like Twitter and Facebook. They give you the opportunity to get to know the guy before you have even met him.

30. The Movies

The Movies There is something inherently romantic about a movie theatre, with the thought of snuggling in the back row on all of our minds!

31. A Sports Game

A Sports Game Girls who love sports are few and far in-between, so put your sports love out there for the single guys to see; they will love it!

32. A Brewery

A Brewery A little cliché, but guys like their beer! A brewery tour is a cool place to have a fun afternoon and be in with the chance of meeting someone!

33. Library

Library There is something kind of sexy about the quiet tension that you have to keep in a library, especially if you have been having flirty eye contact with a cute guy for a while!

34. Dance Lessons

Dance Lessons There is something endearing and sexy about a single guy who turns up to a dance class.

35. At the Supermarket

At the Supermarket Cos everyone has to eat, right? And you can spot the single guy by the food he’s putting in his cart. Check out how many TV dinners and microwave meals and single serves he’s buying.

36. The Bowling Alley

The Bowling Alley Bowling is like an American institution right? Plenty of guys stalk those aisles aiming for the perfect strike. Check out his form as he bends to throw.

37. The Mall

The Mall Men don't like to shop so any guy trawling the mall alone is probably single (unless he's shopping for a gift for his girl!)

38. A Party

A Party Meeting men should be fun. A house party, college party, office party - all are ripe picking grounds for finding single, cute guys.

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

The office isn't a good idea.. Dating a coworker is a recipe for disaster

@Natalie just smile at them, lol, a smile always wins ☀️😉.

What Nathalie says!

@Moriano This is true, once they carry your books, you’ve got them, lol, 😉

@Christy Yes, too many nosy envious women, lol.

@Anna Hello, and Welcome, 😀☀️☀️☀️😉

So basically anywhere you may go it is possible.

The Office- Worst suggestion ever.

This article is basically saying we can meet someone special ANYWHERE.

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