17 Things You Should Never Lie to Your Man about ...


17 Things You Should Never Lie to Your Man about ...
17 Things You Should Never Lie to Your Man about ...

You shouldn't date someone you feel the need to lie to. You should be with a man that you can be open and honest with. That's the only way that your relationship is going to last. Here are a few things that you should never lie to your boyfriend about:

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Your Exes

Your Exes Tell your boyfriend how many men you've dated before him. You should also tell him a little bit about each one, so that he has some insight into your past.


Who You Hang out with

Who You Hang out with If your boyfriend wouldn't be happy to know you're hanging out with a certain someone, then you probably shouldn't be hanging out with them in the first place.


Where You’re Going

person, conversation, screenshot, portrait, DONT, Lying about where you're going is just as bad as lying about who you're with.


Your Job

hair, human action, face, person, nose, He won't judge you for working at a fast food restaurant. Let him know the truth about where you're working and how much you make, because lies are far from impressive.


Loving Him

Loving Him If you aren't in love with him, don't pretend that you are in order to spare his feelings. In the end, it'll only end up hurting him.

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Being Fine

screenshot, Really?, Don't pretend that you're fine when you aren't. If he did something to upset you, then be upfront about it.


Your Age

person, black and white, screenshot, Everybody, lies, He isn't going to like you less once he hears how old you are. Younger women aren't any more attractive than older women are.


Your Childhood

Cheapcars NL, face, hair, black and white, monochrome photography, Don't be embarrassed to talk about your childhood. If you had a rough life, you should trust him enough to tell him all about it.


Your Goals

person, photography, beauty, lady, brown hair, You can't pretend that you want to become a mother when you hate the idea of having children. Eventually, he'll find out that you were lying and then your relationship will crumble.


Your Health Issues

screenshot, HIP, HOP, LABORATORY, ALL, If you have an STD, he deserves to know. You don't want to pass it on to him without giving him fair warning.


Your Finances

person, man, male, facial hair, sense, If you can't afford to go out every weekend, let him know. That way, he'll agree to stay in with you instead of going out to the bars.


Your Relationship Status

Your Relationship Status If you're in an open relationship, then he needs to know about it. You can't trick him into believing he's the only man in your life.


Your Hobbies

person, YOU'RE, FULL, IT., You should be proud of your art and writing. Don't hide your talents away from him.


What You Want from Him

screenshot, LIAR!!!, If you only want to use him for sex, let him know. If you want a serious relationship with him, let him know. It's important to be honest about your intentions.


That You're a Virgin

person, performing arts, entertainment, liar,, liar,, If you're a virgin, don't pretend that you've slept with plenty of other men. If you're experienced, then don't pretend you're a virgin. It's a silly lie.


Your Sexual Fantasies

Your Sexual Fantasies Don't be afraid to tell him about your fantasies in the bedroom. He just might help them become a reality.


Liking His Friends

screenshot, facial hair, special effects, The, ultimate, If you can't stand him friends, it's okay to let him know. As long as you aren't harsh about it, he'll appreciate your honesty.

Honesty truly is the best policy, so don't shy away from telling the truth. Have you ever lied to a man about any of these things?

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

Is anybody on here married

If u don't tell him it's not a lie . And there r some little white lies I don't think r bad , I think it spares hurt feelings!

It helps to know where you are coming from if we know where you have been. Long-term relationships particularly ones that affect your behavior are important to tell him.

Exactly i was gonna talk about the ex discussion . im engaged to be married soon , and there's a relationship coach named " matthew hussey " ive followed since before i started dating my now fiancé , and matthew hussey says to never , never , discuss your history . in my opinion if there's something big like being cheated on that affects you now , you should share your with your bf , but previous men before him ?! No no no .

They cant know everything!!!

I picked the wrong app

I agree with so many of these! But in an adult relationship you don't go through a list of ex bf's and discuss each one! That is such a no no. The past is the past, the good thing is you found him!!

If you had chlamydia or gonorrhea and have been adequately treated you only need to tell him if you want to. If you have ever had herpes or HIV you must tell him. Be aware that many guys will not tell you however. Many men are pigs. Choose wisely!!!

They do not need to know everything. The past is the past!

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