7 Types of Guys You Don't Want to Date ...


There are so many great guys out there, but so many types of guys you don't want to date too. I have had the (dis)pleasure of dating guys in most of the following categories, so I realize first hand why these are the types of guys you don't want to date. Obviously, men are made up of more than one quality, but if you find that your man displays one of the following characteristics, get out of that relationship before it gets too serious. It will save you a lot of heartache in the long run.

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The Narcissist

The Narcissist is one of the main types of guys you don't want to date. Initially, the Narcissist will make you feel like you are the most special person in the world, but once you have fallen for his charm, he will turn the tables on you. The Narcissist will make everything about him. He will put you down, criticize you, and make you feel bad about yourself in an effort to boost his own self-esteem. Avoid this type of guy at all costs!


The Moocher

The Moocher may begin by taking you out to dinner and paying for you, but he will quickly change his game once you two are together. You will catch him raiding your fridge, asking you to buy his drinks, and even telling you to pay for your own dinner after he offered to take you out. These types of guys are easy to let go of since mooching is such an unattractive quality. Just make sure you catch on to what he is doing before you get too attached!


The Player

The Player will be one of the smoothest talking and romantic men you will ever meet. He will literally be your Prince Charming. But don't be fooled! You won't be the only girl he's luring in, and since he has trouble committing to just one person, you can bet that he will never be faithful to you.


The Sex Addict

The Sex Addict will insist on having some kind of physical "activity" with you whenever he gets the chance. Most women don't have the same sex-drive as men do, so if you find yourself struggling to keep up with your guy now, dump him! Women's sex-drives tend to decline with age, so don't get your hopes up that this one will improve with time.


The Poor Communicator

At first, the Poor Communicator will seem like the kind of guy who doesn't get upset about anything, (which can be a great quality if you have ever been in a turbulent relationship), but you will soon realize that his lack of emotion doesn’t mean he doesn’t get upset, but that he lets his feelings boil up inside because he doesn’t know how to deal with them. Poor communication is an extremely unhealthy quality in a relationship. So, if your guy can't (or won't) communicate his feelings with you, realize this will only lead to bigger problems down the line and get out of that relationship sooner rather than later.

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The Constant Crier

The Constant Crier may seem like your biggest sweetheart at first, but you will quickly realize he uses crying to avoid any and all issues with your relationship and in his life. If you start to notice that every time you confront him with a problem he cries, run! And try to get out before the massive waterworks start.


The Gay Guy

And, alas, the Gay Guy. He will be extremely sweet and take on a lot of your interests. He may enjoy shopping with you, watching chick flicks, or even painting your nails. If you find that your guy is more like a BFF (and seems to have a wandering eye for other men), please follow your instincts and realize he is not the man for you, even if he hasn't realized it yet.

There are many different types of guys we should avoid dating. What other types of guys have you realized should be avoided in the dating game?

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

ahh now I see .. helps me somewhat get out of the guilt!☺️

This article was so true and funny. It's hard to catch the right boy!

I think I'm with a narcissist right now and I'm set to marry him next year.. The longer I'm sticking about the more I'm realising what a f*ckin cock he actually it 😔 help?! I think I'm in to deep.. 😢

*sighs* the sex addict 😒

of course, we definitely don't want to date GAY.

A guy having interests in "girl" things such as shopping, even painting his girlfriend's nails DOES NOT mean he wants to sleep with or date guys. So stereotypical and plain wrong! Disappointed tbh

my ex was a narcissist. right piece of work! wonderful to begin with then turned on me to constantly get his own way all the time. left me in pieces, cheated on my and tried to get me back when she dumped him. I told him to do one! happier and stronger on my own now. all I need now is a real genuine man who truly appreciates me and treats me like a lady, not a piece of meat!

my guy is a narcissist...😡

my poor doesn't actually get angry. he sucks at communication but I can usually get it out of him. he's just not an angry guy :)❤️

women get more Hornyer with age , the writer of this article is repressed and has no sex drive. learn to discover how to enjoy sex with all these types of men . people create their own suffering through how they choose to react to a situation . if you truly know your art of being a women , you would know how to enjoy sex and not knock all types of men and judge . because the truth is , any issue u have with a person represents an issue you have with a part of your own self . clearly the writer needs to get a tissue for the issue they have with men and transmute the root

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