7 Ways to Know if He's the One for Girls Not Quite Sure ...

Kyra Feb 12, 2024

7 Ways to Know if He's the One for Girls Not Quite Sure ...
7 Ways to Know if He's the One for Girls Not Quite Sure ...

There are lots of ways to know he's the one. For a lot of us, the goal of dating is to find “the one”. Your married friends will tell you that they just knew he was the one. But for those mere mortals like us, who need to look for something a little more concrete, here are a few ways to know he's the one.

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1. He’s Your Friend, Not Just Your Partner

photograph, facial expression, black and white, monochrome photography, emotion, Is he the kind of person that you would hang out with? If not, I suggest taking a good hard look at your relationship, because if you are going to settle down with him, you’re going to be hanging out. A lot. I strongly believe in the idea that he should be your best friend as well as your partner. If you wouldn’t be friends with him, why on earth are you dating him? If he's your friend and lover, that's one of the top ways to know he's the one.

2. He Listens

black, photograph, black and white, car, monochrome photography, I mean really listens. If it matters to you it should matter to him. And vice versa. You need to be heard in your relationship and feel valued and respected. Listening is an easy way to show that he values and respects you.

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3. And Takes Constructive Criticism

black and white, snapshot, monochrome photography, photography, interaction, Problems will arise in any relationship. But being able to openly and respectfully communicate your differences will do a lot to deal with problems as they arise. No one is perfect and being able to listen to your concerns and then work on the flaws is a great sign that things will stay good in the long term.

4. He’s Supportive

photograph, person, black and white, monochrome photography, photography, In a good relationship, no one should be holding the other person back. You should be cheering each other on and helping your partner succeed. You should build each other up and help each other grow.

5. He’s Mature

face, human hair color, nose, head, girl, You need maturity to maintain a long-term relationship. If you can’t handle the stresses of life, jobs, etc. then you will have a really hard time handling the stress that comes with a relationship. It’s important that this is something you are both ready for and committed to.

6. He’s Ready for Commitment

, This may seem really obvious, but he needs to be in a place where he wants to build a life with you. If he’s “just not sure” or “might be ready in a couple years” then he’s not the one for you. You shouldn’t have to wait around for him to get his crap together. Don’t hold out hope for a “maybe someday”.

7. You Share Common Goals

kiss, girl, interaction, human, mouth, You should be headed the same way in life. If he wants ten kids and you don’t want any? That will definitely create issues in your relationship. You need to want the same basic things in life. Know what your deal breakers are and stick to them.

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