What Your Zodiac Sign Needs to Overcome to Find Love ...


What Your Zodiac Sign Needs to Overcome to Find Love ...
What Your Zodiac Sign Needs to Overcome to Find Love ...

I strongly believe that in order to be able to find the true love that you have always craved, every single part of your life needs to be in a calm and tranquil place. They say that love forged in strife ends in strife, so in order to make a connection that is going to last the test of time and everything else, you need to be able to overcome all of your challenges and personal flaws first. Here is what you need to overcome to find love according to your zodiac sign!

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You need to overcome your tendency to take control of everything. You are prone to coming across as overbearing, which can remind guys more of their mothers than of a potential lover!



You need to stop being so stubborn. If you never learn how to compromise, then you are never going to be able to be part of a solid partnership.



You are someone who never wants to lose your sense of childish wonder and fun, but you need to be careful that that doesn’t come across as being immature and juvenile.



You are super passionate about everything you love in your life, but you need to be careful about this coming across as smothering. Be enthusiastic, but don’t be overbearing and clingy.



You are super creative and intelligent, but you need to overcome the urge to constantly correct people if they are wrong about small things. It makes you come across as annoying and superior.

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You are hardworking and practical, but this can sometimes manifest in you having a kind of competitive nature with making your relationship more perfect than everyone else’s. It’s not a competition and it can be a turn off.



You have a severe dislike of confrontation, which can be very limiting for relationships because they inevitably involve small conflicts that you have to find resolutions for.



You are super confident, but confident to the extent that you can often be seen as arrogant rather than self assured. Not very appealing to a potential partner.



You are probably the funniest person that you know, but you need to be wary of what kind of jokes you make and at whose expense, because it can cross over into seeming mean.



You are fiercely independent, and from the outside, sometimes, potential partners might feel intimidated and confused about where exactly they would fit into your life.



You are so intelligent, more than anyone else you know, but sometimes you need to overcome that urge to be superior, because it can make others feel very small.



You are incredibly shy, and for this reason, sometimes your qualities go unnoticed by the people who you want to take notice of them more than anything in the world! Try to come out of your shell a little.

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Ok first of all I’m not shy at all

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