When Your Relationship is a Little Stale Add Some Adventure ...


When Your Relationship is a Little Stale Add Some Adventure ...
When Your Relationship is a Little Stale Add Some Adventure ...

If your relationship is starting to feel like a pair of comfortable old slippers or your spark needs re-igniting, if the love is still there it’s not hard to rekindle those heady days of when you first got together and you basked in the glories of new found love. You could try something different and bring adventure to your relationship.

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Do Just That

Do Just That It sounds obvious, but one of the best ways to add adventure to your relationship is to simply do just that! Whether it’s a last minute hike in the woods or a much more planned out backpacking holiday, there is nothing to put spice and spark back in to a relationship than getting out in to the great outdoors with each other for company and companionship. The problem solving nature of a travel adventure mixed with a healthy dose of spontaneity will rid your partnership of any staleness.


Face Your Fears

Face Your Fears Make a short list of things that scare both of you and make a conscious decision to face these fears. It might be a bungee jump, a sky dive or even going on an airplane for the first time. It could also be much smaller scale things like finally joining the gym or going to see the terrifying-looking horror movie. The important part is that you do these activities together; it’s a great bonding practise and you will have lasting memories to share and cherish.


Stop Saying No

Stop Saying No Allow a little more adventure in to your life by trying not to say ‘no’ so much. It’s very easy when in a long-term relationship to get too attached to your personal comfort zones, and it is when this happens that things can begin to get a little stale. Be open to more options and you might find that you find a new lease of life both personally and in terms of your relationship.


Get Kinky!

Get Kinky! Sex is an important part of a relationship, and once the sex starts to get boring, it can permeate through to all the different elements of the partnership. If your sex life has gone stale, then don’t be afraid to try a few new things every now and then to add a little adventure to the bedroom. As long as both parties are consenting and comfortable, it can be really fun!


Change Your Routine

Change Your Routine Wake up, go to work, come home, have dinner, watch Netflix, have sex for ten minutes. Sound familiar? The more regular your relationship routine becomes, the more stale it is likely to get, so make the effort not to fall in to too regular a routine. Mix it up with date nights, separate nights out with mates, etc. This will keep the spark and adventure alive.

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Make New Friends

Make New Friends Sometimes opening yourself up as a couple to making new groups of friends can serve to add some adventure back in to the relationship. It can be very boring if you do the same thing every weekend with the same people. Give yourselves some variety and broaden your social horizons.


New Hobbies

New Hobbies New hobbies are great, both personal ones and ones that you and your partner can do together. It will give you something new and interesting to tell each other about and hobbies that you can do together will give you bonding time that you have not experienced and shared before.

For this to work and get your relationship out of a rut, both partners have to be invested. Push each other but don’t pressure. Choose things you both want to do and have fun.

If you’ve found your relationship getting a little stale what would you do to get it sparking again?

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