15 Ways to Tell if a Guy is Flirting with You ...

Heather Aug 20, 2024

15 Ways to Tell if a Guy is Flirting with You ...
15 Ways to Tell if a Guy is Flirting with You ...

We get a lot of comments on ways to tell if a guy is flirting with you and what signs to spot. Well, I've decided to compile all of the answers right here! These are my top 15 ways to tell if a guy is flirting with you and what signs you really need to be on the lookout for! After all, if he is flirting with you, that could mean that he likes you, right?

Quiz: Flirting Detective


How does he behave around you?

1. He Confides in You

One of the surefire ways to tell if a guy is flirting with you is that he constantly confides in you. You are the person that he is always going to. You are the person that he tells all of his secrets to. That's one definite sign that he not only likes you, but he is flirting with you!


If a guy is flirting with you, he will make sure to keep the conversation going. He will ask you questions about yourself and take an interest in what you have to say. He may also compliment you on your looks or your sense of humor.

Another sign that a guy is flirting with you is that he will make physical contact with you. He may touch your arm, your shoulder, or your hand when you are talking. He may also stand or sit close to you, or even lean in when he is speaking.

A guy who is flirting with you will also make sure to laugh at your jokes and find ways to make you laugh. He may also tell you stories about himself or share personal details about his life. He will also make sure to maintain eye contact with you.

A guy who is flirting with you may also try to find ways to spend time with you. He may ask you to hang out with him and his friends, or he may invite you to do something one-on-one. He may also try to make plans with you for the future.

2. Leaves Dangling Messages

Does he leave a lot of dangling messages when you are around? Things like "So, you're doing ... what this weekend?" This probably means that he really wants to know exactly what you are doing and if you maybe want to make plans with him! This is a great opening line and a line that guys use all of the time!


Flirting is a great way to show someone that you are interested in them. It can be subtle or more obvious, but it is usually done with the intention of getting to know someone better. When it comes to men, they often use certain signs and cues to indicate that they are interested in someone. One of the most common signs that a guy is flirting with you is when he leaves you with a lot of dangling messages.

For example, if he asks you “So, what are you doing this weekend?”, it could be a sign that he is interested in making plans with you. This is a great opening line that guys use all the time to show that they are interested in someone. Other signs that a guy is flirting with you include making eye contact, smiling, complimenting you, and touching you in a non-threatening way.

When it comes to flirting, body language is very important. If a guy is standing close to you, facing you, and making eye contact, it could be a sign that he is interested in you. If he is talking with his hands, laughing, and smiling, it could be an indication that he is flirting with you.

Frequently asked questions

3. Extremely Thoughtful

Is he super thoughtful when it comes to you? Meaning, he gives you flowers, makes sure you have meds when you are sick and really tries to make sure that everything is okay with you. If he does all of this, all of the time, it's a clear sign that he is flirting with you!


If a guy is flirting with you, he’ll often go out of his way to be kind and thoughtful. He’ll bring you flowers, make sure you have everything you need when you’re sick, and check in with you to make sure you’re doing okay. He’ll also make sure you have the best seat in the house, or the best view of the night sky. He may even offer to help you out with tasks or errands that you need to do.

He’ll often give you compliments, both in person and online. He’ll tell you how beautiful you look, or how smart he thinks you are. He’ll also be interested in your hobbies and passions, and ask you questions about them. He will try to make you laugh, and will often touch you in subtle ways, like a gentle touch on the arm or a hug.

He’ll also be interested in your life and the people in it. He’ll ask about your family, friends, and colleagues. He’ll also be interested in the things you like to do, and may even offer to join you in activities or events.

4. Treats You Differently than He Treats His Friends

How does he treat you when you are in a group of his friends? Does he treat you completely different and really try to keep you close? Oh yes, that is one of the surefire signs that he is constantly flirting with you and hey, that he likes you too!


If a guy is flirting with you, he will likely treat you differently than he does his friends. He may be more attentive to you, always trying to make sure you're included in conversations and activities. He may also try to keep you close, such as offering to help you carry things or walking you to your car.

Another clear sign that a guy is flirting with you is if he compliments you. Compliments about your physical appearance, your outfit, or even your intelligence are all signs that he's interested. He may also make jokes or tease you in a playful way, or try to make you laugh.

If a guy is flirting with you, he will likely make eye contact with you more than he does with his friends. He may even hold your gaze a little longer than he does with everyone else.

A guy who is flirting with you will also likely stand or sit closer to you than he does with his other friends. He may also touch you in a casual way, such as lightly brushing your arm or shoulder or playfully pushing your hair out of your face.

Finally, if a guy is flirting with you, he will likely pay more attention to you than he does to his other friends.

5. Attempts to Impress You

What about his attempts to impress you? Does he do this all of the time? That's another great way to tell if he is flirting with you. If he comes up with all of the crazy stories and really tries to show up his friends when he is in front of you, that's honestly a great way to tell if he is flirting!


When it comes to flirting, it can be difficult to tell if a guy is flirting with you or just being friendly. He may be trying to make a good impression, but that doesn't necessarily mean he is interested in you. Here are some additional tips to help you figure out if a guy is flirting with you:

  1. Body Language: Pay attention to his body language when you are together. Does he lean in when you are talking? Does he make eye contact? Does he touch you in a friendly way? All of these can be signs of flirting.

  2. Compliments: Does he give you compliments? Does he make a point to tell you how nice you look? Does he comment on your accomplishments? Compliments can be a great way to tell if a guy is flirting with you.

  3. Conversation: Does he ask you questions about yourself? Does he make an effort to keep the conversation going? Does he laugh at your jokes? All of these are signs that he is interested in you and may be flirting.

6. Defends You

If someone is picking on you or hurting your feelings, does your crush jump to defend you? Does he make sure that nobody else in the world picks on you? That's a sure way to tell that he not only likes you, but also that he is flirting with you!


If your crush is defending you from someone who is picking on you or hurting your feelings, it is a sure sign that he likes you and may even be flirting with you. He may not be able to express his feelings in words, so this is his way of showing you that he cares.

This kind of behavior shows that he is willing to go out of his way to protect you and make sure that nobody else makes you feel bad. He may stand up for you in public, or even confront the person who is picking on you. He may also make sure that you are not alone in a situation, and that you are not in any danger.

It is important to remember that this kind of behavior is not always a sign that your crush is flirting with you. It could also be a sign of friendship and respect. However, if your crush is constantly looking out for you and defending you, it is a good indication that he may have romantic feelings for you.

It is also important to remember that your crush may not always be able to express his feelings in words. If he is showing signs of protectiveness and defending you, it may be his way of expressing his feelings for you.

7. Uses His Sense of Humor

How does he use his sense of humor? Does he make jokes around you? Pick on you just a little bit? These are all signs that he is flirting with you and that he actually likes you a lot! Take a look at how he acts and how he always tries to make you laugh to really see if he is flirting with you.


One of the most obvious signs that a guy is flirting with you is his use of humor. If he is always trying to make you laugh, it's a sure sign that he likes you. He may make jokes around you, tease you lightly, or even pick on you in a playful way. All of these are signs that he is interested in you and wants to get to know you better.

Another sign that a guy is flirting with you is if he is always trying to make conversation with you. Whether it's asking you questions about yourself or telling you stories about his own life, he's showing that he wants to get to know you better. He may even try to make you laugh by telling funny stories or jokes.

If a guy is constantly making eye contact with you, it's another sign that he's flirting with you. Eye contact is one of the most powerful forms of communication, and when a guy is making eye contact with you, it means he's trying to show you that he's interested in you.

8. Calls/Texts/Emails You Constantly

Does he call you, text you, email you all of the time? That's not just a sign that he likes you, but it's also a sign that he is constantly flirting with you! That doesn't mean that he needs to text you first or call you first, but if he is responding back quickly, look out, he likes you!


One of the most obvious signs that a guy is flirting with you is if he is constantly in contact with you. Whether it’s through calls, texts, or emails, if he is making an effort to stay in touch, it’s likely that he’s interested in you. Not only does this show that he’s interested in you, but it also demonstrates that he’s actively trying to flirt with you. This doesn’t necessarily mean that he has to be the one initiating the contact, but if he’s responding quickly and often, it’s a good sign that he’s interested.

Another sign that a guy is flirting with you is if he compliments you. Compliments can be anything from telling you that you look nice to commenting on your intelligence or wit. If a guy is complimenting you often, it’s likely that he’s trying to flirt with you. He may also be trying to make you feel good about yourself, which is another sign that he’s interested in you.

9. Teases You Once in a While

If a guy is teasing you and trying to get some emotions out, it means that he is either a player and being a tease is his nature or he is very comfortable around you and may even have some feelings toward you. Guys usually don't pay much attention to girls they don't care about, so if he is constantly a tease around you and there are some other signs of flirting, he might be into you!


If a guy is teasing you, it could be a sign that he is flirting with you. Teasing is a common way for guys to show their feelings and interest in a girl. It's a way of testing the waters to see if there is a mutual interest. Teasing can also be a sign of comfort and familiarity. If a guy is teasing you and trying to get a reaction out of you, it could be a sign that he is interested in you.

Other signs that a guy is flirting with you include paying attention to you, making eye contact, and smiling. He may also laugh at your jokes and try to make you laugh. He might also compliment you or ask you questions about yourself. If he’s constantly around you and makes an effort to talk to you, it could be a sign that he’s interested.

If a guy is flirting with you, he may also touch you in a subtle way. He might brush against you, touch your arm, or give you a gentle hug. He may also try to make physical contact by holding your hand or putting his arm around you.

10. Open Body Language

Body language is an important sign to look out for when looking for hints of flirtation. If you notice him turning away in a middle of the conversation, crossing arms or legs and pulling back, he is probably not flirting. However, if his body is positioned toward you, with arms open and his body leaning in, you can count it as a sign!


Open body language is one of the most important signs to look out for when trying to determine if a guy is flirting with you. If his body is positioned toward you, with arms open and his body leaning in, this is a good sign that he is flirting. On the other hand, if he turns away in the middle of the conversation, crosses his arms or legs, or pulls back, he is likely not flirting.

In addition to open body language, there are other signs to watch out for when trying to determine if a guy is flirting with you. He may make frequent eye contact, touch you lightly on the arm or shoulder, or laugh at your jokes. He may also try to start conversations with you or ask you questions about yourself.

It is also important to pay attention to his facial expressions. If he is smiling and making eye contact, this is usually a sign that he is interested in you. He may also tilt his head or raise his eyebrows when you talk.

11. Light Touches

Has a guy been recently invading your physical boundaries? This is one of the most obvious signs of flirtation. If a guy is physically attracted to you, he will find any excuse to lean in closer and 'accidentally' touch you. Any physical contact that is not necessary between two friends spells out attraction!


When it comes to flirting, physical contact is often a key indicator. While it can be difficult to decipher if a guy is flirting with you or just being friendly, there are certain signs that you can look out for.

One of the most common signs of flirtation is when a guy invades your physical boundaries. If a guy is attracted to you, he may find any excuse to get closer to you and touch you. Even small touches, such as brushing your arm or shoulder, or lightly touching your hand, can be a sign that he is interested.

In addition to physical contact, watch out for other signs that a guy is flirting with you. He may make prolonged eye contact, smile often, and laugh at your jokes. He may also try to stand close to you, make physical compliments, or ask personal questions. He may also try to find excuses to talk to you, even if it’s just for a few minutes.

12. He Compliments You a Lot

You know that a guy is flirting you when you hear a surplus of compliments coming your way. If a guy is complimenting you on your smile, appearance, personality, or anything else, it means that he is flirting with you. He wants to make you feel good and show you that he has taken notice of everything that he appreciates about you.


Compliments are a great way to show someone that you appreciate them, and when a guy is flirting with you, he will often use compliments to make you feel special and show his interest. Compliments can come in many forms, such as praising your looks, personality, or even a particular skill you have. Pay attention to the compliments he gives you and the frequency of them; if he compliments you often, it could be a sign that he is flirting with you. Additionally, body language is another great indicator of his intentions; if he is leaning in towards you, making eye contact, or touching you in a gentle way, these could all be signs that he is interested in you.

13. He Always Has a Flirty Smile on

Flirting is carefree and fun, which is why flirty smiles are always involved. If you constantly see him flash his pearly whites throughout the conversation, consider it as a form of flirting. Reciprocated smiles between two people suggest communication and interest, a great recipe for flirtatious moves.


Flirting is a great way to show someone that you're interested in them. A flirty smile is one of the most common ways to show your interest. When a guy flashes his pearly whites in your direction, it could be a sign that he's interested in you. It could also be a sign that he's just being friendly. However, if he's smiling at you more often than he is with other people, it could be a sign that he's flirting with you.

Flirting is a form of body language that can be used to express interest. When a guy smiles at you, it could be a sign that he's attracted to you. His smile could be a sign that he's trying to make a connection with you. It could also be a sign that he's trying to make you feel comfortable in his presence.

Flirting is a great way to build a connection with someone. When a guy is flirting with you, he might make eye contact with you more often than he does with other people. He may also find excuses to touch you, such as a gentle brush of the arm or a playful tap on the shoulder. He may also stand a bit closer to you than he does with other people.

14. Lingering Eye Contact

Most of the time if the guy is mesmerized by you, he wouldn't focus his eyes on anything but you and flirt with his eyes. However sometimes, even if you like someone, it is hard to meet their eyes, so if he shifts his gaze once in a while it is normal. Just make sure that he doesn't get distracted constantly because that would not be considered flirting.


Eye contact is one of the most important aspects of flirting. It can tell you a lot about how someone is feeling towards you, and it can be a great way to tell if a guy is interested in you. Lingering eye contact is one of the most common signs of flirting. If a guy is mesmerized by you, he won't be able to look away and will flirt with his eyes. He may even make small eye movements, like quickly glancing away and then looking back at you, as a sign of his interest.

However, it's important to remember that not all guys are comfortable with making eye contact. If a guy looks away from you more than usual, it could be due to shyness or anxiety. It's important to pay attention to the context, and not jump to conclusions. If he looks away from you for a few seconds and then looks back, it could be a sign of flirting. If he looks away for longer than that, or if he seems distracted, it could mean that he's not interested.

15. Lifted Eyebrow

It has actually been proven that men often raise their eyebrows slightly upwards whenever they are in contact with a woman they are interested in. So check their facial expressions before flirting back! You can consider this as a secret weapon when deciding whether the flirting is real!

While figuring out exactly when a guy likes you or is flirting with you is hard, knowing what to look for should help! So, what other tips that a guy likes you should you watch out for?

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge


Harry styles in that pic

Yeahh I agree but he didn't love me ;(

Any advice? So I have a friend and me and him flirt a lot back and forth and he does a lot of these but I still can\'t tell if he likes me or is just the flirty type. I have seen him hug other girls but I still feel like he treats me differently when I\'m around other girls he knows and I can\'t tell if he does like me or just doesn\'t like the other girls enough to flirt with them. I feel like it would help if I could text him but we don\'t have each others numbers and I don\'t know whether I should give it to him or if I should wait for him to ask and if I should give it to him I don\'t know how to do it. Help!?!?

Throwing out dangling lines like "Any plans for the weekend?" or constantly calling/texting/emailing could also be signs that he likes you *but* not enough to want to date you. If he's not following up his flirts by actually asking you out, then it's not worth it to try to decode his mannerisms. Some guys are just flirty by nature.

So I'm trying to figure out if this kid is flirting with me or not. I catch him looking at me a lot and we make a lot of eye contact. When it happens we kind of lock eyes for a sec. I always forget to smile (his eyes are gorgeous) mind you this is the guy I like. Then whenever he talks to my friends or even me (very rare cause I'm so awkward around him) he always glances at me and smiles and laughs. Occasionally we talk and laugh but it's not often cause I'm awkward and don't talk around him but everyone else it's fine. Do you think he could be trying to flirt with me and I just mess it up with my awkwardness?

he's one of the only people I can really make we I we contact with :")

uh oh. theres a guy who always messages me nowadays. we're friends and we never really talk but up til recently we did and he's been msging me n sometimes compliments me. he quickly replies :s does it mean he likes me in a way? uh oh . dfkgsdkfgjnsd

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