18 Beautiful First Love Quotes That Will Make You Feel Warm inside ...

Sheila Jul 15, 2014

First love quotes always make me think about the magic of first love! The butterflies in your tummy, the beating of your heart every time you see him, the sweet sweet kisses and the feeling that the magic will never fade away. In fact, your first love is so powerful that you will never truly forget it. Whether you've been there and know exactly what I'm talking about or you're experiencing those intense emotions right now (you lucky girl!), here are some beautiful first love quotes that will make you feel warm inside!

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1. Lessons in Love

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I don't know about you ladies, but I remember thinking "Woah, so THIS is what love feels like!" back when I first fell into its sweet clutches. It was like an epiphany and this first love quote sums it up perfectly!

2. When You Just Know

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Isn't it truly amazing when you feel that kind of connection with someone?

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3. It Never Does

Max Planck Institute for Plant Breeding Research,text,font,line,handwriting, Via Movies I love

I couldn't agree more with this quote about first love. The funny thing is even if things don't quite work out they way you want them to and you get your heart broken, you still want to give love another chance just because it's such an amazing feeling!

4. And Just like That....

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It's true what they say about love. It hits you when you least expect it and then there's no turning back and it's even more powerful when it happens for the first time.

5. K is for Kissing Frogs

Always Evolving,text,font,line,shape, Via Abbey Chiro (@abbeychirodub) | Twitter

I don't even want to count the number of idiots I've had to encounter before finally finding my first love. And it's true, as much as you'd love to move on (if it doesn't work out), you'll always find a way to compare every other guy to him.


Navigating the murky waters of romance often means locking lips with a few proverbial frogs—those lackluster dates and fleeting flings that leave you longing for something more substantive. Yet, when that first true connection sparks, it's akin to finding treasure amidst the trivial. Every kiss, every laugh, and every shared secret with them sets a standard that's hard to overlook. It makes sense then, why the rest can seem so lackluster in comparison. It's not just about the person but the profound emotional high they represent—a benchmark for all future beaus.

6. The Rest of Your Life

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Your first love may or may not work out BUT it sure as hell makes you want to start truly living your life!

7. It's Never Easy

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Few couples have things easy. For the rest of us, love is hard work but when you first fall in love, you realize that it's all worth it.

8. Self Love

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You've got to love yourself before you can let someone else love you!

9. Forever

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What an adorable quote! I know most of us will not end up with our first loves but that's always the hope, right?

10. When It Hurts...

text,font,brand,emotion,love, Via romanceneverdies.com

Omg! The heartbreak that accompanies the end of your first serious relationship is almost unbearable but hey, time heals all wounds...thankfully.

11. No Happily Ever after but...

cartoon,footwear,leg,human body,thigh, Via The Life Quotes: First True ...

This pretty much sums up the bitter-sweet nature of falling in love for the first time.

12. Soul Connection

herb,WHEN,SAW,you,FELL, Via Arrigo Boito Quote Print LOVE ...

Sometimes you don't even need words.

13. I, Me, Myself

Men's Health,face,person,brown hair,emotion, Via The 12 Best Love Quotes ...

Some of us have to wait longer than others to fall in love and be loved but know that when it does happen....Boom, clap!

14. Everlasting Love

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And isn't that what matters at the end of the day.

15. Rumi

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This quote is so profoundly beautiful. Falling in love for the first time is like finding a missing piece of the puzzle. It makes you feel complete. It makes you feel at home.

16. The Great Gatsby

text,font,handwriting,line,writing, Via Love and Kisses

When you fall in love for the first time, it consumes you. He's all you can think of and you love every minute of it!

17. Putting Him First

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When you fall in love for the first time, you really understand the meaning of choosing his happiness over yours.

18. You Can't Plan It

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And last but not least, is this quote from one of my most favorite movies of all times! The Notebook is the perfect story about first love. Don't we all wish we were Noah and Allie?

There you have it ladies, 18 beautiful love quotes that I hope made you nostalgic about your own first love. What's the best thing about falling in love according to you?

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

I love these quotes.. im gonna dedicate these to someone :D


So beautiful - I love these quotes!!! X

I'm gonna have to call BS :)

So cute! wish I had someone to dedicate that too

this one is amazing....

I can't wait

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