7 Essential Items to Bring on a Date ...

Artti Jun 17, 2021

7 Essential Items to Bring on a Date ...
7 Essential Items to Bring on a Date ...

Did you know there are some very essential items to bring on a date? Ever been on a date and realized afterwards some of your dinner was still stuck in your teeth or your cat’s hair was still on the back of your dress? If you bring the right tools, you’ll save yourself a lot of embarrassment whilst on a date. To help you look cool, calm and collective during a date, here are suggestions on items to bring on a date.

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1. Money

Money Even if it’s your partner’s turn to pay for the night out, cash is definitely one of the items to bring on a date. Your date could accidentally forget his/her wallet at home, the two of you might decide to catch a movie afterwards or you might want to bail early and take a taxi home. Whatever the reason, you can never be too prepared!

2. Floss

Floss No matter how confident you are that you ate your meal with poise and class, there’s no way to avoid food getting stuck in your teeth! After enjoying a meal with your date excuse yourself from the table to "freshen up" and do a quick teeth check in the washroom. If you do find something, you’ll be prepared with dental floss rather than awkwardly spending two minutes trying to pick spinach out of your teeth.

Frequently asked questions

3. Mints/Gum

Mints/Gum It seems like common sense but I’ve been on quite a few dates when my date has asked me for gum after dinner. A breath refresher like mint or gum is the simplest way to remove any bad breath that might have been caused by dinner. However, keep in mind to not obnoxiously chew gum or suck on a mouthful of mints in front of your date.

4. Lint Remover

Lint Remover Isn’t it weird how when you’re at home you’re a 10/10 but when you get under lighting in public places you notice a lot of things you didn’t before? Sometimes lint isn’t visible under all lights so bring a mini lint remover with you in your purse. Lint removers are great for a last minute touch up to your outfit by removing any lint, excess thread, stray hair or dandruff around the shoulders if you have a dry scalp.

5. Stain Remover

Stain Remover Especially when you’re having a good time, you might become a little clumsy and spill food or a drink on yourself. If the occasion ever rises where you have a giant red wine stain on your blouse, excuse yourself to the table and head to the washroom. Pull out your stain remover pen and avoid an embarrassing situation.

6. Body Spray/perfume

Body Spray/perfume Maybe you’ve laughed up a sweat or just had a dinner with really strong aromas – whatever the case, always carry a fragrance with you. A perfume will help to dilute any bad odors. Plus, men love women who smell nice.

7. Makeup and Tools

Makeup and Tools No matter how perfect your makeup is before the leave your house, towards the end of the night your makeup will shift, crease or run. Midway through your date, if you’re able to take a moment to run to the washroom, take a minute to touch up your makeup such as your fading lip gloss or your creasing eye shadow!

Everyone has their own "date survival kit" full of necessary items. What are some of your must brings when on a date?

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

I never go anywhere without chapstick or any kind of lip moisturizer. And if you have room for it, deodorant especially if it's an all day date. Sometimes you can't just cover it up with perfume

I always carry candies instead of mints because my bf and I don't like the taste of it.

They forgot the pads, never know wen da dot is making an entrance! Lol


I always carry my tooth brush. Girl them wipes, Money, id, breath mints , body spray, lotion. Its totally a must

Oh you can use panty liner too!

@Bloop haha XD

The Tide To Go pen is the most amazing invention. I take it everywhere and recommend it to everyone.

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