17 Fun Hypothetical Situations to Ask Your BF about ...


17 Fun Hypothetical Situations to Ask Your BF about  ...
17 Fun Hypothetical Situations to Ask Your BF about  ...

When you and your boyfriend are sitting around the couch talking about nothing, you should ask him about some hypothetical situations. Don't ask him which one of your friends he'd love to sleep with. Stick to fun, innocent stuff. If you can't think of anything, here are a few hypothetic situation to ask your boyfriend about:

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1. If You Were Really a Robot, Would You Want to Know?

If You Were Really a Robot, Would You Want to Know? Or would you rather live an ignorant life, assuming that you were a human, just like everybody else?

2. If You Were the opposite Sex for a Month, How Would You Spend It?

If You Were the opposite Sex for a Month, How Would You Spend It? Would you check your naked body out in the mirror, or would you do something more valuable with your time?


If you were the opposite sex for a month, how would you spend it? This is a fun hypothetical situation to ask your boyfriend about. Depending on his answer, you can gain insight into his personality and values. He may suggest exploring the world from a different perspective, or he might want to take advantage of the opportunity to try out activities that are typically associated with the opposite sex. He may also want to use the time to reflect on the differences between genders and how they impact our lives. Whatever his answer is, it can be an interesting conversation starter and a great way to get to know each other better.

Frequently asked questions

Asking your boyfriend hypothetical questions can be fun and can help you learn more about him and how he thinks.

Hypothetical questions are situations or things that haven't actually happened. They're like 'what if' questions to imagine different stories or choices.

Yes, sometimes a fun question can turn into a serious talk about feelings, dreams, or values, which is really good for you both.

A fun one to start could be, 'If you could have any superpower, what would it be and why?' It's easy and lets you both be creative.

Yes, these questions can bring you closer as you share laughs and deeper thoughts. It's like a fun way to talk about serious or silly things.

That's okay. Everyone's different. Maybe try other fun activities or conversations that you both enjoy.

They get you both talking and listening to each other's ideas and feelings. It's practice for understanding and respecting each other's thoughts.

Sure, they're great for long-distance! You can text or call each other with these questions to feel closer and have something exciting to talk about.

Nope, there's no right or wrong. It's all about being imaginative and seeing things differently, not about facts.

You could ask something like, 'If you were a pizza topping, what would you be and why?' It's goofy and might make you both laugh.

3. If Jurassic Park Were Real, Would You Visit It?

If Jurassic Park Were Real, Would You Visit It? We all know what happens in the movie. Of course, dinosaurs are hard to resist.

4. If You Had to Wear One Set of Clothes for the Rest of Your Life, What Would You Wear?

If You Had to Wear One Set of Clothes for the Rest of Your Life, What Would You Wear? This would be like having a uniform, so choose it carefully.

5. If You Had Only 24 Hours Left to Live, What Would You do?

If You Had Only 24 Hours Left to Live, What Would You do? This is the big question. It can tell you a lot about a person.

6. If You Could Grant One Wish to Another Person Who Would You Give It to? Why?

If You Could Grant One Wish to Another Person Who Would You Give It to? Why? It's boring to ask your boyfriend what he would wish for for himself. Try asking him what he'd do for another person instead.

7. If Were Given $1000 and Told You That You Had to Spend It Today, What Would You Buy?

If Were Given $1000 and Told You That You Had to Spend It Today, What Would You Buy? It seems like a lot of money, but it would go fast.

8. If You Could Be Invisible, Who Would You Watch Taking a Shower?

If You Could Be Invisible, Who Would You Watch Taking a Shower? Hopefully his answer is you.

9. If They Were Making a Movie of Your Life, What Actor Would You Choose to Play You, and Why?

If They Were Making a Movie of Your Life, What Actor Would You Choose to Play You, and Why? This is an interesting question, because it'll help you see how your boyfriend views himself.

10. If You Had to Choose a One-way Time Machine Would You Go to the past or the Future?

If You Had to Choose a One-way Time Machine Would You Go to the past or the Future? Either way, you're bound to have some fun.

11. If You Could Have Free, Unlimited Service for Five Years from an Extremely Good Cook, Chauffeur, or Masseuse, Which Would You Choose?

If You Could Have Free, Unlimited Service for Five Years from an Extremely Good Cook, Chauffeur, or Masseuse, Which Would You Choose? We all love to be lazy, but in which way would he want to be lazy?

12. Would You Be Rather Be on a Desert Island with Someone You Hate or Alone?

Would You Be Rather Be on a Desert Island with Someone You Hate or Alone? You might end up loving the person you used to hate, so think this one over before answering.

13. Would You Rather Go without a Computer or a Cell Phone?

Would You Rather Go without a Computer or a Cell Phone? Picking between technology is like picking between your children.

14. If a Zombie Plague Were to Start Right Now, Where Would You Hold up?

If a Zombie Plague Were to Start Right Now, Where Would You Hold up? Make sure you pick a place that is safe.

15. If You Could Be One Age Forever, What Age Would You Choose?

If You Could Be One Age Forever, What Age Would You Choose? Basically, this is asking him if he thinks it's better to be young or old.

16. If You Could Pick a Single Super Power, What Would It Be and Why?

If You Could Pick a Single Super Power, What Would It Be and Why? We've all thought about this before, so it shouldn't be all that hard to answer.

17. Would You Give up True Love for $10 Million? $100 Million?

Would You Give up True Love for $10 Million? $100 Million? This might get you two into a fight, so be careful!

Now you have plenty of hypothetic situations to discuss with your partner. Are these questions easy for you to answer, or are you having trouble?

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

Wow its intresting to ask anybodythis questions not only bf

last one is def gona make u fight lmao

Vulnerable, enlightening, coy ergo... still oblivious

My bf would respond "I don't know" to all of these 😑

If you were an opposite sex for a month is the good one

If i was the opposite sex i would be a celibate man hahahah

They r just way to ask questions in a more interesting manner.... Nice article!!!

If if if at the end all those ifs became iffy and you have to face reality 😶

Yup exactly this is not meant to ask bf ...it can be asked to close friends or normal friends as well

I am 💯 sure he would choose non stop sex and stuff for the rest of 24 hours