How to Pull off a Successful Mistletoe Kiss ...


How to Pull off a Successful Mistletoe Kiss ...
How to Pull off a Successful Mistletoe Kiss ...

Let’s be real: we all hope to be kissed under the mistletoe around Christmas 🎄, whether we’re single or have a beau that we are hoping to lock lips with. The idea of mistletoe makes kissing more fun and exciting and it’s simply festive. Let’s say you see it hanging up at a Christmas party and want to make a move. You really have nothing to lose, since it is a rule that if two people are under the mistletoe, they need to kiss. This how-to guide should help you get the job done successfully.

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Get Your Necessities

Before we even begin, you want to have everything you need. We suggest mouthwash, mints, and of course, mistletoe. Even if you aren’t hosting the party, you’ll want to make sure there’s mistletoe hung up somewhere, so bring your own just in case. If you are hosting the party, it will make things simpler. You’ll also need timing, but we’ll cover that in a minute.


Put Your Mistletoe in the Right Spot

Location of the mistletoe is extremely important. You’ll want it to be away from the busiest parts of the house, but obviously, you don’t want to hide it. Placing it in a walkway or arch that has medium level traffic is ideal.


Watch Your Target Closely👀

This sounds kind of creepy, but you’ll want to keep an eye on the person you want to kiss. Specifically, you’ll want to watch how much they’re drinking. You don’t want to try to kiss someone who is super drunk, because what is fun one day can be totally awkward the next (and you don’t want that).


Mints and Mouthwash😛

When it comes to any kiss, it’s good to have fresh breath ahead of time, so get the job done with mints or mouthwash. You can even casually offer your target a mint just in case. Avoid gum in case you can’t get rid of it in time for your kiss.


Stand near the Mistletoe

This is important: you don’t want to hover or wait under the mistletoe until someone comes along and happens to want to kiss you😘 . Being in close proximity to the mistletoe is best. You want to keep things casual and not seem too antsy to get the kiss in.

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Pick a Good Time🕐

You want your target to feel at ease and a little bit comfortable at the party before just dragging them under the mistletoe for a kiss, so wait until after dinner and after they’ve gotten a chance to mingle before going for it.


Keep Distance

Before going in for the kiss, keep some distance between you and your target under the mistletoe. This will show you respect their space and give you time to gauge whether they want to kiss you back. You can always just kiss them on the cheek if the feeling isn’t mutual.

This is just a quick guide on how to approach the mistletoe kiss. Of course, you can always be bold and simply ask someone to kiss you, but don’t be to insistent. The time will come when it’s supposed to, so enjoy your Christmas and embrace whatever happens! 🎄

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