6 Important Reasons to Communicate with Your Partner ...


6 Important Reasons to Communicate with Your Partner ...
6 Important Reasons to Communicate with Your Partner ...

Now that we've gotten the communication issues out of the way, guest blogger Janelle fromInward Oasis™ is back with us today to share 6 Important Reasons to Communicate with Your Partner. There is more to a relationship than just living together and sitting there night after night just watching TV. Relationships only grow stronger when you communicate and here are the reasons why you need to talk and share more...
Communication: Sharing Your Soul With Your Partner...
Why is it important to communicate with our partners? Perhaps, it seems obvious that it is important. Yet, have you considered just how much communication really does for our relationships? When our communication becomes strained or diminishes, the strength of our relationship begins to weaken. If we get to the point that conversation and physical interaction with our partner is nearly non-existent, our relationship is on the raw edge of completely crumbling.

In this short article, I am going to share with you 6 reasons communication is vitally important to our relationships. In recent articles, I shared with you 5 communication issues and 8 ways we communicate. Mind you, I am focusing on romantic relationships, but truly these can be adjusted and applied in all areas of our lives – family, friends, co-workers, etc. So, take a few moments of your busy day to read over these points. They just might change your perception of communication in not only your relationship, but with everyone you interact with. When we make a change, we shift the dynamic. We do not need to rely on someone else to make the change. We can BE the change.

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Building a Bond and Trust...

When we communicate with our partners we build trust with them. This strengthens our bond. Trust is a major factor in keeping a relationship strong. It has a powerful impact on the longevity of our relationships. When there is trust we are better able to talk about things, to share our most private thoughts and feelings, and our sexual relationships are more likely to be not only satisfying, but deeply sensual and pleasurable.


Growing Together...

When we talk to our partner and keep him/her in the loop we will grow together. If we don’t let our partner know what is going on with us, we will instead grow apart. Change is inevitable. When we lose our connection with those we love the changes that we move through may be so vast that we grow completely apart.



The only way to truly know what our partner wants, needs, or expects is to talk to him/her. If we assume, there is a huge chance that we are completely mistaken. This is a factor in all areas of our relationship from money to disagreements to sex to what we want for dinner.


Create a Safe Space...

Within our relationships we should have a safe space to be authentic – to let down our guard and be our true selves. This place is where we can be vulnerable and share our deepest dreams, desires, concerns and fears. This is also where we can vent to our partner about other things outside the relationship that have upset us as well as a place to celebrate our successes. We need someone to talk to. We don’t need our partner to necessarily fix anything or shout from the mountaintops. We just need him/her to be there, be present, listen.


Create Boundaries...

Talking to our partner or communicating in a way that works for both of us offers us the opportunity to let our partner know our boundaries. These may be financial boundaries, emotional boundaries or sexual boundaries. If we don’t know where our partner stands on our financial situation, how can we know if it is okay to purchase that new dress or an even bigger item like a new car? Are there things that are very painful to our partner if we say them? We won’t know if we don’t communicate. And, a biggie for many couples is sexual boundaries. How can you know what your partner is willing or not willing to try in the bedroom if you don’t talk about it?

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I think this is a very important aspect of communication! No longer sharing laughter with our partner is a big red flag. Without humor in our relationships we begin to lose the joy in our lives. If we are still laughing with others, but not our partner something is wrong. Upon becoming aware of this we need to uncover what is going on in our relationship that is keeping us from sharing a good laugh with our love. Laughter is a direct link to our Spirit and Soul. When we share laughter with our partner we instantly and easily connect with our Blended Spirit as a couple.

Janelle Alex, Ph.D., Co-Founder of Inward Oasis™. Globally Awakening Couples to Their Blended Spirit. Relationship is a spiritual path. Are you aware of yours?

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