Read These Quotes for Reassurance after You End a Bad Relationship ...


When you really love someone, it's hard to let them go, which is why it's important to read reassuring quotes for the end of a relationship. You may be in pain now, but you're going to be happier in the long run without someone negative in your life. It's much healthier to remove yourself from a bad relationship than to continue it out of convenience or love. Here are the most comforting quotes for the end of a relationship that should help ease your pain:

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Less Pain with Leaving

Less Pain with Leaving You don't always have to fight to save your relationship. Sometimes it's best to end it instead of continuing unhealthy patterns. You don't want him to hurt you more than he already has. This is one of the quotes for the end of a relationship that will help you realize that you don't need him in your life if he's only going to make you unhappy. Relationships are supposed to bring you joy, not sorrow.


What a Woman Wants

What a Woman Wants You shouldn't feel like all of your time with him was wasted. Every moment in your life acts as a learning experience. He may have taught you that you hate when people are late, or that you can't stand narcissists. Those lessons are valuable and can help you find someone better suited for you in the future.


Refuse to Lose

Refuse to Lose You already know that you shouldn't alter your appearance or personality in order to impress a man. However, you might end up changing yourself without even realizing it. The bright, enthusiastic girl you used to be could disappear when you're in a bad relationship. That's why you need to keep yourself surrounded by positive people.


A Chance to Change

A Chance to Change Now that you're broken up with your ex, you can move on with your life. You can flirt with the cute boy that always glances at you on the train, or move to the town you always dreamed of living in. You're free to do as you wish, because no one is holding you back.


Bring out the Best

Bring out the Best You need to spend your life with someone who makes you want to be the best person that you can be. Your boyfriend should make you aim to succeed at work, eat healthier, and reach your full potential. Until you find someone that makes you better than you've ever been, you should keep searching.

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More Meaningful Memories

More Meaningful Memories Your relationship may have been awesome in the beginning, but things change. You can't keep someone around because of your 'history.' If that was the only thing binding you together, then it's healthy to separate.


Together without Forever

Together without Forever If you're a fan of Lost, you've already heard this line before. Love is special, but it doesn't come with any requirements. You're not obliged to spend the rest of your life with the first man you love. Some people fall in love, enjoy each other's company, and then part ways. There's nothing wrong with that, because you could find a new lover tomorrow and spend the rest of your life with him.

If you've recently gotten out of a relationship, don't fret. The strength of your pain doesn't mean that it will be everlasting. In a few days or weeks or months, you'll be healed and you'll be ready to find someone new that will stay with you. Have you been in love once, or multiple times?

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

I am going through a really bad time and reading this made me cry even harder 😥😥😥

I just found my LDR BF is always cheating and having multiple women. I try so hard to work it out, but turns out he think we won't work out and better be friends. It's been almost a month and I couldn't help to be so sad every time our memory is coming back...And he doesn't show any he wanna us back....

I love this guy and he says he loves me but he has a girlfriend who he says he doesn't love but he refuses to break up with her and I keep trying to seperate myself from him but I just keep going back its so difficult. He doesn't love me does he? How do I remove myself from this? Please can someone help me

I have been in love once

I just got out of a LDR relationship with an older man. I feel pretty sad even tho I know it's for the best. He said all the right things and led me on. He's heartless

I have loved someone deeply, and watched him hurt me having multiple women , probably lying about his feelings to not only me but them . I removed MYSELF from him and the situation. but it pains me that he turned out to be the heartless person he is. it also hurts that these woman haven't picked up on the things he's doing and are still AROUND.

I've been struggling to break up with my current boyfriend for the last two weeks. I love him but I know in my heart we would both be a lot better separated

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