7 Relationship Tips on Avoiding Divorce...


7 Relationship Tips on Avoiding Divorce...
7 Relationship Tips on Avoiding Divorce...

Many of us dream about falling in love and living happily ever after, but it's not always picture perfect. There are ups and downs that every relationship goes through. No one wants their marriage to end in divorce, but we're not always certain of how to fix things that are broken. Guest blogger Jessie is here today to share 7 Relationship Tips on Avoiding Divorce in hopes that your failing relationship can be fixed before it's too late...

However smoothly it goes, however easily you settle matters between you, divorceis a sad and often stressful - not to mention expensive - event. If life with your partner is intolerable, then it may be time to call it quits, but if any part of you wishes things were the way they used to be, it is possible to pull a deteriorating marriage back from the brink, and get the magic back.

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Let Your Partner Know You'd like to Fix Things...

You'll need to approach this carefully if your partner currently has no idea that you think your marriage might be on the rocks! In this case, try to express your emotions in sentences that describe you - for example, "I feel lonely" or "I miss spending time with you", rather than phrases that can all too easily be interpreted as accusations, like "you never spend time with me anymore". If you've been feeling unhappy in the relationship, however, the chances are your spouse has felt the same.


Give Your Partner the Chance to Speak and Don’t Interrupt...

Now is the time to find out whether they're hoping for reconciliation or planning their own escape. Now that you have spoken about your concerns and feelings, let your partner have the chance to do the same. Give them the space and time they need to collect their thoughts. Expecting your partner to come back with answers, question and simply be ready to talk may set you up for disappointment especially when it is around the subject of divorce.


But Don't Talk about It Too Much...

Endlessly over-analysing a relationship can pull it to pieces without giving it a chance. Imagine if you were waiting for a seed to sprout, but kept digging it up out of the soil to see if any roots had appeared yet; that constant probing would make any growth difficult. Once you've both committed to making an effort, spend some time actually making that effort, instead of pulling the relationship apart like a post-match breakdown.


Re-establish Trust...

The fastest way to trust your spouse is by learning to have faith in yourself again. Remind yourself what you enjoy, and how smart you look when you dress up. Have a good think about what your boundaries are - once you know what you're not prepared to accept, you won't keep undermining yourself by doing laundry when it's somebody else's turn, or spending money on gifts you can't afford. Try learning some relaxation techniques, like meditation, mindfulness or some form of exercise. As you start feeling stronger yourself, you'll stop worrying so much about how your partner feels about you, and they'll appreciate your renewed confidence.


Stop Nagging...

This goes for both of you! Instead of pointing out everything they don't do, start simply saying "thank you" for everything they do that feels good - even the tiny things, like taking the rubbish out, fixing dinner, or polishing the shoes. It's easy to slip into taking things for granted - showing appreciation reminds both of you what it's all worth.

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Re-establish Eye-contact...

If the air has been thick with discontent for months, and you've both been feeling pretty awkward, you may well be sidling past each other and not really looking in each other's eyes. This can perpetuate feelings of distrust, loneliness and sadness - be brave, and look your old friend in the eyes - it'll help show them you still care, and might help reignite your love-life, too, if that's been suffering.


If at First You Don’t Succeed… Keep Trying...

Expectations can be a curse if you believe that simply talking through the problems will solve all the issues. Remember, this strain on your relationship did not just happen; it had been developing over time, so make sure you give your relationship time to heal and work through the process of re-developing your friendship and remembering why it was in the first place you fell in love and decided to marry. Marriage is not easy and will always require work from both individuals.

About the Author...
Jessie Longman is a straight talking woman who has writes about those subjects that are hard to deal with. She is has been a freelance writer for over a decade and is inspired by how people can be resilient to any circumstances, no matter how difficult.

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