9 Signs Your Crush is in Love with Someone else ...


9 Signs Your Crush is in Love with Someone else ...
9 Signs Your Crush is in Love with Someone else ...

If you have been majorly crushing on a hot guy but think you see signs he is in love with someone else, it’s time to figure out what’s really going on. Sometimes it’s difficult to spot the signs he has fallen in love with another girl when you want him badly and it seems like he has no clue that you two would be the perfect couple. So ladies, I’m going to try to clarify the situation for you by revealing the 9 signs your crush is in love with another girl.

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The Friend Zone

One of the signs he is in love with someone else is that he will treat you as just a friend. You try to flirt with your crush when you get some alone time with him and he continues to treat you like a friend. If he’s in love with another girl, you could be dancing in a racy negligee and he wouldn’t even notice it. Trying to flirt with a crush that is in love with someone else is a major waste of time.


The Eyes Tell All

Check out his eyes when his love interest enters the room. When he makes eye contact with her, the air appears to light on fire. If he’s in love, he looks at her very differently than he looks at anyone else. One of the signs your crush is in love with another girl is that his eyes sparkle and light up whenever he is near her. Remember, the eyes are the windows to your soul, so if you look deep enough, you may see that he loves her.


His gaze lingers longer, fixated with a mix of admiration and something akin to awe. It's not just the frequency of those glances, but the quality of them. His pupils may dilate—a sign of affection—and they follow her movements with a gentle attentiveness. Other conversations fade into the background; he has a selective focus reserved just for her. When she speaks, he's all ears, absorbing her every word, often nodding or smiling subconsciously. These subtle cues convey a powerful message: his heart may already belong to someone not you.


He’s so Happy

Another one of the signs he has fallen in love with another girl is that he radiates happiness whenever she is around him. He’s elated because she is in his presence. You will notice him frequently flirting, blushing, laughing and smiling at her. Blame his crazy euphoric feelings on the dopamine flooding his brain whenever humans fall in love.


His eyes light up like fireworks at the mention of her name, and it's as if sunbeams have attached themselves to the corners of his mouth, constantly pulling his lips into a beaming smile. He may even seem to have an endless supply of energy, ready to take on any adventure that involves her. When they interact, it's as though they're in a world of their own, a small universe where no one else matters. This level of joy is difficult to mask and speaks louder than any words ever could.


Is It Hot in Here?

One of the most common signs that your crush is in love with another girl is the hot sexual attraction that they share. Anyone within a 100 foot radius can tell that there is something special between them by the way they interact. If he’s in love, he may barely notice the sexual desirability of other girls. To him, she is the only girl in the room.


Their body language says it all – lean-in conversations, laughter that seems to bubble up just from looking at each other, and touches that linger a little too long. He doesn't just see her, he notices her - the way she tucks her hair behind her ear or the particular sparkle in her eyes when she's amused. This intense physical and emotional connection is hard to miss and even harder to mimic. When they're together, it's like they're in a world of their own, making anyone else feel like a mere spectator to their private show of affection.


Always Together

Another one of the signs he has fallen in love with another girl is that he’s spending the majority of his time with her. He invites her to do just about everything with him even if its mundane tasks like picking up the dry cleaning. If he’s in love with her, she’s always at his place hanging out with him. You may even see some of her things at his place.

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Less Communication

Your crush is making excuses as to why he is texting, emailing and calling you less. Of course, he’ll apologize and you will probably get the ‘I’m just too busy with work or school to talk’ spiel. You won’t feel as close to him as you did before because there is less communication. He has fallen hard for another girl my friend if he is constantly talking or texting her.


His Choice of Words

A flashing neon sign that many girls ignore is that he tells you that you are a great friend or my best girl friend. When you finally reveal your feelings to your crush, he will say he doesn’t want to ruin the awesome friendship that you guys share. If he has told you straight up that he doesn’t see you as more than a friend, listen to him. You can’t make him feel something that he doesn’t.


It might sting, but it's crucial to pay attention to the boundary he’s drawing. This isn’t a romantic movie where persistence turns friendship into passion; this is real life, where respect for his feelings is vital. Clinging to the hope of a relationship when he's expressly communicated his position only leads to more heartache. Instead, embrace the wonderful friendship you have, and look for love where it's welcomed and reciprocated. Your feelings are valuable, so invest them where they can flourish.


His Head is in the Clouds

His head just seems to be in the clouds lately, plus his judgement and remarks just don't seem like him. This is a sign he could be in love with someone else and it's time for you to move on.


When someone's mind appears consistently preoccupied, it often suggests a heart preoccupied too. You might notice a faraway look in his eyes when you're sharing your deepest thoughts, an indicator his emotional investment might be waning. This detachment can be a harsh signal to recognize, but it's vital to heed the subtle hint. If his heart seems to flutter elsewhere, and his attention is soaring high above the present moment with you, his affections could very well belong to another. It's a tough pill to swallow, but catching these cues now can save you more heartache later.


He Doesn't Have Time for Guys' Night

Not only is he blowing you off, but he is turning down guys' night as well. If he doesn't even have time for them, then he is probably in love with someone else and is making all of his time for her.

If you recognize the signs he is in love with someone else, it’s time to move on. Don’t waste your amazing flirting skills and awesomeness on a guy that is head over heels for another girl. So ladies are any of you crushing on a great guy out there?

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Also he hasn't blocked me or unfriendly me or like blocked me off chat. He is always available on chat and like by now I thought he would have at least blocked me off of chat because I always send him msgs on there and he always responds straight away and stuff but never initiates with me And he gives one word answers. But like waits for me to say something else, so I thought may he thinks I'm annoying always messaging him but yeh not sure???

Okay, okay... I met this amazing guy a few months ago. When I first met him, he had a girlfriend, but about a week after meeting him, he found out she has cheating on him. For most of the time I met him, he'd open up to me and tell me things about his girlfriend. Eventually, he broke up with her. He already knows I like him because I comforted him and said, "Love you" and kissed him. ( Daring move for someone as shy as me. ) and I asked the next day if he liked me and said, "I have to figure some things out, I don't know quite yet." and then, now here I am, on unsure grounds. I'd joke around and say we're twins since we act so similar, and in the end, I'd get hurt seeing him so upset and I'd tell him I loved him but then cover it up with, "that's what twins are supposed to do." Recently, he told me, "I love you." and then I hugged him and said, "Do I even have to say anything anymore?" And he said, "Yeah. You do." I said, "But I've already said I love you when I confessed." and he said, "Oh. Well, I love you more." But now I've been seeing things where a girl would often come around him and say, "Love ya!" And I'm unsure if she's who he's reserving himself for... I'm so terrified to fall in love - even though I already have - because every time I do, I get hurt. Have any advice?

Ok. I'm in need of advice. I met a guy online. We started off texting, one day he called me and we talked for 3 hours. From then, we talked a few times and texted. We met about a week ago and hit it off, but unfortunately we ended up having sex. While it was absolutely amazing for the both of us, he has been acting different since then. He had made comments like "what are you doing to me " and that he is "unable to be loved " and that he liked me but I do not deserve lies and he doesn't want to and will not hurt me. Well, he has barely texted me, we have not talked on the phone. He said he has been in his own little world and swears I did nothing to bother him. What are some opinions you guys may have? I like him, and we had wonderful conversations and to be honest, I have a pretty good judge of character and have never been wrong, and I do not see him as an awful person.

It's the heartbreaking truth, when your crush loves someone else but i have accepted that it is life and life will thro you things like this but you have ot show it your better than it. If it makes sense. I spent too long trying to fix things and hating myself for the mistake i made which to be honest wan't much i just told my crush i liked him and yep a long hard road, 2 years of hell has happened to me, crying everyday wishing i could be with him if i didn't tell him how i felt then we would even jsut be friends and maybe have a chanc eof something more because before that he was always friendly with me, now him and his friends hate me just for that, its funny if you think about it that littlest thing can break your heart. Anyway so he has this girl his just friends with well was, now he is in love with her and i don't know how she feels about him but he has asked her to come over to his house, not a good sign to hang but maybe i am jumping to conclusions or judging but something feels like i'm right. I think everyday it could have been me not her if i didn't tell him how i felt stupid i know. BUT ON A MORE POSITIVE NOTE I FINALLY ACCEPTED THIS EVEN THOUGH IN MY HEART I FEEL WE WERE MEANT TO BE, I STOP BLAMING MYSELF FOR SOMETHING THAT WASN'T REALLY ANYTHING BAD, AND I'M PROUD THAT I EXPRESSED HOW I FELT, I WILL ALWAYS LOVE HIM NO MATTER WHAT BUT I SUPPOSE WE ALL WANT JUST ONE CHANCE. I'M NOT GOING TO FORGET HIM I WANT TO REMEMBER AND BE GRATEFUL FOR KNOWING HIM, NOT THAT I EVER TALKED TO HIM BUT YEP ALL THIS CAN HAPPEN FROM A DISTANCE. I DON'T LIKE TO THINK OF IT AS MOVING ON. I HAVE MADE A VOW TO MY HEART THAT IF I'M NOT WITH HIM I WILL NOT WANT TO BE WITH ANYONE ELSE, SO I'LL BE SINGLE AND THERE GOES THE FAIRYTALE BUT I'M OK WITH THAT BECAUSE I WILL ONLY EVER LOVE HIM. I DON'T LIKE HEARING THE CONCEPT THERES MANY FISH IN THE SEA. I BELEIVE THERE IS ONLY ONE FISH WHO YOU CAN EVER TRULY LOVE. I WILL ALWAYS HAVE HOPE IN MY HEART..............:)

I was just wondering if your crush never likes anything of yours on facebook, like pics or anything or comments on anything does it mean he has hidden your posts??? Cause he like all these other girls photos and stuff but the thing is when I see him around he always shows signs he likes me. But like on fb he goes silent. He does act differently to me than other girls like more shy with me and confident with them??? Or if he does see my posts like what could be the reasons why he doesn't like anything. Is he playing hard to get?? Also is there like a secret way to. Tell if they look at your profile??? Thnx

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