7 Tactics for Dealing with Your Boyfriend's Annoying Ex ...


7 Tactics for Dealing with Your Boyfriend's Annoying Ex ...
7 Tactics for Dealing with Your Boyfriend's Annoying Ex ...

Dealing with your boyfriend's ex can be extremely annoying. Since most of us have a past, it's necessary to face the fact that exes do exist. However, some of them do seem to be only too keen to remind you of the fact that they exist; perhaps she calls him a lot, or they're friends on Facebook. Whenever problems arise, try these tips on dealing with your boyfriend's ex …

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Ignore Her

One of the best tactics for dealing with your boyfriend's ex can be to simply ignore her behavior. She may be jealous that he's now with you and has moved on, especially if she hasn’t found a new partner. If you respond, she knows that she's getting to you and will carry on. On the other hand, if you take no notice she may stop.


It can be difficult to deal with your boyfriend’s ex, especially if they are still in contact or if she is jealous of your relationship. Ignoring her behavior is one of the best tactics for dealing with this situation. When you respond to her, it can give her the satisfaction of knowing that she is getting to you, which may encourage her to continue her behavior.

If you choose to ignore her, you may find that she stops her behavior eventually. However, it’s important to remember that this tactic may not work in all situations. If your boyfriend’s ex is still in contact with him or if her behavior is escalating, it may be necessary to take further steps to protect yourself.

In order to protect yourself and your relationship, it’s important to have an open and honest conversation with your partner. Let him know how you feel and what you’re experiencing. Be sure to explain to him that his ex’s behavior is making you uncomfortable and that you need his help to address the situation.


Respect for You

You have every right to expect that your boyfriend shows respect for you, and that includes not allowing his ex to cause problems. He should make it clear that he won't tolerate any disrespect towards you. If he allows her to get away with causing difficulties between you, you should question whether he is committed to a relationship with you.


It can be difficult to handle your partner’s ex when they are still in contact. It’s important that your boyfriend shows respect for you and does not allow his ex to cause problems. He should make it clear that he won’t tolerate any disrespect towards you, and that you both are in a committed relationship.

It’s also important to communicate openly with your partner about the situation. Talk to him about how you feel and let him know that you’re not comfortable with the situation. Ask him to set boundaries with his ex and to ensure that she respects them.

If your partner is still in contact with his ex, it’s important to ensure that you both have separate time alone. This will help to keep the relationship healthy and ensure that you both have time to focus on each other.

It’s also a good idea to talk to your partner about any insecurities you may have. Let him know if you are feeling jealous or uncomfortable, and ask him to be understanding and supportive.

Frequently asked questions

Honestly, it could be for a bunch of reasons. Maybe she's not over him, or she just misses having him in her life. Sometimes, exes just want to stir the pot. It's frustrating, I know.

First, talk to your boyfriend about how it makes you feel. It's super important that he's on your side. Then, together, you can set some boundaries with her. If things get really bad, you can't be scared to block her or take further steps.

Oof, that's tricky. It's usually best to let your boyfriend handle it, but if you do need to step in, keep it cool and direct. Let her know that her contacting you isn't welcome and it's causing unnecessary drama.

Exes often call for emotional reasons—they might be feeling lonely or nostalgic. Sometimes, they just want to check in, but other times, they might have motives that aren't so innocent. Keep an eye on it and talk to your boyfriend about your concerns.

Communicate! Make sure your partner understands how it's affecting you. Establish boundaries together and don't be afraid to take firm steps, whether that’s blocking her or even getting a mediator if it’s super bad.


Negotiate Limits

Exes aren't always malicious, and if they have friends in common, it's often unavoidable that they will bump into each other. So negotiate with your boyfriend and find the amount of contact that you're happy for him to have with his ex. For example, it's ok for him to see her in a crowd, but not to have cosy lunch-dates alone. And private texts or chats may well be unacceptable.


When it comes to dealing with an ex, it's important to set boundaries and negotiate limits with your boyfriend. Knowing what is and isn't acceptable can help keep the peace and prevent resentment from building on either side.

First, it's important to establish what kind of contact is acceptable. For example, is it okay for your boyfriend to see his ex in public, or even to have lunch together? If it's not okay, make sure to communicate that clearly with your partner. Likewise, it's important to set boundaries for private contact, such as texting, chatting, or social media.

It's also important to discuss how often your boyfriend will be in contact with his ex. Depending on the situation, it might be okay for them to be in touch a few times a month, or it could be necessary to limit contact to once or twice a year. It's important to talk through this and come to an agreement that both parties are comfortable with.


Not Her Savior

One type of annoying ex is the woman who still turns to her ex whenever she has a problem, be it practical or emotional. She'll call in the middle of the night because her plumbing's burst or she's locked herself out of the house, and her dramas are often invented as a way of getting his attention. Point out to your boyfriend that he's not her savior and doesn't need to ride to her rescue. She can call a plumber or locksmith.


Dealing with your partner's ex can be a challenging situation to navigate, especially if they are still in contact. The ex may be a source of annoyance for a number of reasons, such as trying to remain in your partner’s life, trying to control them, or simply being too clingy. One type of annoying ex is the woman who still turns to her ex whenever she has a problem, be it practical or emotional. She may call in the middle of the night because her plumbing's burst or she's locked herself out of the house, and her dramas are often invented as a way of getting his attention.

It is important to remember that your partner is not responsible for their ex’s behavior. If your boyfriend is in contact with his ex, it is important to communicate openly about the situation and set boundaries. Point out to your boyfriend that he's not her savior and doesn't need to ride to her rescue. She can call a plumber or locksmith.


Be Friendly

Some exes are best handled by treating them in a friendly manner. You may not actually want to be friends with her, but civility doesn't hurt. This may also disarm any exes who set out to be hostile. So be polite to her if you meet. She may soon find someone new and stop bothering you.


One of the most difficult things to deal with in a relationship is your partner's ex. It can be hard to handle the situation in a mature way, but if you want your relationship to work it's important to be respectful and polite.

One tactic for dealing with your boyfriend's annoying ex is to be friendly. Even if you don't actually want to be friends with her, it's important to remain civil. This can help to disarm any hostility that may arise, and can help to make the situation more bearable.

It's also important to remember that your boyfriend's ex is likely feeling hurt and vulnerable after the breakup. Even if she is acting out of line, it's important to remember that her behavior is likely coming from a place of pain. If you can remain kind and understanding, it can help to defuse the situation.

It's also important to remember that your partner's ex may not be around forever. Even if the situation is difficult right now, it's important to remember that she may soon find someone new and stop bothering you.

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Don't Let Her Rile You

Your boyfriend's ex may be a thorn in your side, but try not to let her behavior or comments bother you. You may find that you're less bothered by her if you see her as someone to feel sorry for. After all, you're the one who's in a happy relationship! Definitely don't let her see that she's getting to you, or she'll probably continue.


When dealing with your boyfriend's ex, it's important to remember that her behavior and comments may be an attempt to get a reaction from you. It may be difficult, but try your best not to let her get to you. You may find it helpful to try to view her as someone to feel sorry for, rather than someone to be angry at. After all, you're the one who's in a happy relationship and she's not.

It's also important to not let her see that her behavior is affecting you. Doing so will only encourage her to continue. Instead, remain calm and polite in her presence. If she makes a rude comment, try to respond with a neutral comment or ignore her altogether. It's also important to remember that her behavior is not a reflection of you.

It's also a good idea to talk to your boyfriend about the situation. Let him know how his ex's behavior is making you feel. Ask him to help you set boundaries with his ex, such as not allowing her to contact you or come around when you're together.


Trust & Confidence

Finally, unless your boyfriend gives you reason not to feel confident then you should trust him. He's with you, not her, and if your relationship is secure then she can't come between you. If you can't trust him then you probably shouldn't be in a relationship with him.

Exes can be annoying, but it's relatively rare for them to set out to ruin your relationship. Most recognise that they split up for a reason. If you find that your boyfriend's ex makes you feel annoyed, ask yourself if she really is causing a problem. Perhaps you just need to relax and trust him. Have you ever had to deal with a "bunny boiler" ex of your boyfriend's?


When it comes to dealing with your boyfriend's ex, it is important to remember that the relationship between them is over and that your relationship with your boyfriend is the one that matters. It can be difficult to trust your boyfriend when his ex is around, but if you have a secure relationship, it is important to trust him and not let the ex come between you.

Most of the time, exes recognize that they split up for a reason and don't set out to ruin your relationship. If you find that your boyfriend's ex is annoying, it is important to ask yourself if she is really causing a problem, or if you just need to relax and trust your boyfriend.

When it comes to dealing with your boyfriend's ex, it is important to remember that it is not about you. You should not take it personally and should not feel threatened by her presence. It is also important to remember that your boyfriend is with you, not her.

It is also important to communicate with your boyfriend about your feelings. If you feel uncomfortable or jealous when his ex is around, it is important to talk to him about it. Your boyfriend should understand and respect your feelings and take steps to make sure you are comfortable.

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Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

I\'m in a situation with an annoying ex and been losing trust in him...feels like the relationship is making me more unhappy than happy now.

My bf's ex is the worst. She has "moved on" and has a boyfriend now (their relationship isn't a good one but still). My boyfriend and I have both noticed that she just constantly keeps staring at us, especially if we're together. It's like she's jealous but she was the one who dumped him AND she keeps telling people that I hate her because I'm in a relationship with her ex which is bs. I honestly wouldn't mind her if she hadn't spread stuff about me and give me reasons to not like her very much. She kept messaging me to ask if I could stop spreading rumours about her, which I hadn't. Everyone else was talking about it and I only ever told my bf as he had a right to know what she did to him. To this very day she keeps staring and giving me weird looks and saying sh*t, it's getting ridiculous

#1 hi she is not ready to accept the fact that he is with me. I need to know how to kick her out. every now and then she comes at his place and i am a little insecure now. Her presence is creating

Okay me and my boyfriend have been together for 5 years I moved in with him 3 months ago I've been taking it slow with him due to the fact that I been divorced and a nasty relationship and wanted to take things slow his ex found out that I moved in and has been calling his number Unknown Caller my fiance has ignored her calls after she had asked him if they could get back together we try to be mutual friends due to the fact that some of his friends are also friends with her so we try to keep this cordial as possible I didn't mind that they were talking it agitated me a little bit but I understand but when he came forth and told me that the conversations were getting on and he doesn't really want to talk to her anymore I told him to do the right thing that your heart tells you to do so last night she called 32 X from unknown number he did not want me to pick up the phone to go off on her so with his permission I called my phone company to see if there was a way to block unknown numbers unfortunately they said we have to have her number and Order two go to the police and get her to stop calling so after looking at his phone for a good minute we decided to try to see if we can block unknown numbers from his phone now my fiance is at work and I have had actually had her come bang on my door this morning I have not told my fiance because he is at work and his work is stressful and I don't want him to have to deal with her I did not go to the door I ignored it and watch for my window to make sure she didn't do anything to my vehicle I'm really frustrated about what to do considering that she was in a car accident and had a metal plate put in her head and is actually a little psycho and she's a alcoholic I have no idea what to do or if this is going to stop I need some advice

Unless he likes the attention and in that case, I think it\'s time to move on cuz it\'s obvious he hasn\'t

When my boyfriend and I first started dating, his ex contacted me time and time again with inappropriate messages. A first, I ignored her, but it got to the point where I had today something. She wormed her way into my self conscience, and for awhile made me very insecure. I had to make sure my boyfriend and her had closure, or else I wasn\'t going to continue. He promised me they had closure, that it was not okay she was contacting me, and to just ignore her. I said my peace to her, wished her luck, and told her to never contact us again. She hasn\'t, thankfully. It was a rough patch for, but ultimately made my boyfriend and I much stronger. It was kind of a nightmare, to ignore their ex is definitely the right way to go. They just want to ruffle your feathers, if you let it affect your current relationship it means you\'re letting them win! Actively ignore.

This is just as ridiculous as it can get! The man should have no business talking/seeing the ex. And, if by any chance, she is the one contacting him, he should put her in her place so good that she won\'t ever even think of contacting him again!

My boyfriends ex is still "in love" with him. When she's around me (we have a class together) all she talks about is this one guy. She acts like my friend then goes and tells my boyfriend how she's still into him. Then she told my best friend that she was in love with him! I know he would never leave me for her but she obviously doesn't see that. I don't need anymore drama in my life but jeesh when I'm around that bitch I just wanna start shit. Ugh I get really mad when people try to manipulate me. The worst part is I feel bad for her! It hurts when your not over your ex enough as it is but when he/she is in a relationship man it really hurts! And i understand that.

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