The Nerdiest Things to do in a Relationship ...

Lyndsie Mar 21, 2023

The Nerdiest  Things to do in a Relationship ...
The Nerdiest  Things to do in a Relationship ...

I'm a nerd who is married to a nerd. Before we got married – hell, before we started living together, for that matter – we were just two nerds dating … and man, did we do some nerdy things together. They were amazing, every single one of them. Our first few dates involved things like seeing Henry Rollins, watching The Nightmare before Christmas in 3D, and spending all day in a comic shop in Ann Arbor. Nerdy dates are awesome. If you fall on the nerdy spectrum, not only should you fly that flag proudly, and not only should you try to find a fellow nerd, but the two of you should eschew the traditional dates ideas and go on one of these nerdy nerd dates instead.

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1. Make a Blanket Fort

Make a Blanket Fort You can do so many things inside the cozy confines of a blanket fort – and no, they don't all revolve around sexy times. However, having sexy time in a blanket fort is pretty spectacular.

2. Read Together

Read Together You could also read together in your blanket fort – or on the couch, or at the bookstore, or in the park. Here's a two-for-one: you can each pick out your favorite books and read passages to each other.

Frequently asked questions

3. Cosplay

Cosplay This would be such a fun date! Which characters would you cosplay, do you think?

4. Role Play Together

Role Play Together No, no. I don't mean sexy bedroom role play. Heather and I met role playing on AOL. Nope, not even kidding. Take your date and go LARPing, play a tabletop game, or write some good ol' collaborative fiction. It's surprisingly stimulating.

5. Go on an Adventure Together

Go on an Adventure Together This isn't a nerdy date in and of itself … but if you pretend that you're part of the Fellowship or put together a perfectly tailored adventure plan, things can get gloriously nerdy.

6. Lightsaber War!

Lightsaber War! The best part is deciding what the winner actually wins, of course.

7. Cuddle While Watching All the Harry Potters

Cuddle While Watching All the Harry Potters This is still my favorite nerd date with my wife. We do it at least four times a year.

8. Comic-con – with Costumes!

Comic-con – with Costumes! Comic-cons are plenty of fun all on their own, but when you put together a couples costume, you have the opportunity to make the convention the most romantic place on earth.

9. Watch Your Favorite Anime

Watch Your Favorite Anime Bonding over anime is pretty special.

10. Head to a Renaissance Festival

Head to a Renaissance Festival Here's another great opportunity to put together a couples costume, plus Ren faires are just … they're amazing.

11. Magic: the Gathering, Anyone?

cartoon, play, screenshot, anime, illustration, See? Told you tabletop gaming is a great date idea!

12. Play WOW Together

person, people, Actually, playing just about any game together is a terrific idea. Again, you'll have tons of fun deciding on the winner's prize.

13. Challenge Each Other to Trivia Quizzes

Challenge Each Other to Trivia Quizzes If you're a competitive couple, this is even better – at least, that's how it works for Heather and I. We get all competitive and mentally stimulated and it's all very sexy.

14. Wine and Dine Geek-style

Wine and Dine Geek-style Make foods and drinks from your favorite books, movies, or shows, put together a picnic and take it to your favorite place, or veg out while doing something delightfully nerdy!

15. Have an Old-school Video Game Night

Have an Old-school Video Game Night Bring out the Nintendo! Kick your date's ass at Mario Kart!

16. Write a Story Together

Write a Story Together I'm serious, collaborative fiction definitely has its perks. Why not give it a try?

17. Host a Themed Party with Other Nerdy Couples

hair, human hair color, blond, clothing, muscle, It will be the best party ever, no matter what you do – simply thanks to the company you keep!

Fellow nerds, do you have any stellar date ideas to share?

Feedback Junction

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No nvrmd it's now the wild cover I think

The first one was YOUTH!!!! Troye!!😍😍

Haha, I just did the Harry Potter movie marathon over spring break with my bf😂

Nvrmd I lied

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