This is Why You Shouldn't Follow Your Ex on Social Media ...

Neecey Jul 25, 2022

This is Why You Shouldn't Follow Your Ex on Social Media ...
This is Why You Shouldn't Follow Your Ex on Social Media ...

No good comes of giving your ex space in your head – especially not of the digital kind. It’s hard enough going through the getting over it phase without prolonging the agony. It’s simply a big no no to keep your ex on your Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter, Instagram - or any other platform – post break up. This is why you should unfollow, un-friend, block or mute when your relationship ends.
Delete., Erase., Unfollow., Whatever., BravG,

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1. If He’s out of Sight, He’s out of Mind

person, religion, Thinking:, don't, see, One of the key reasons not to follow your ex on social media is that if you cannot see what he is getting up to and who is he is getting it up with, then you won’t have the opportunity to feel sad or jealous about the difference between his new life and your new life. It does no good to either of you if you become obsessed with stalking each other from afar and not actually moving on with your own lives. The best way to avoid this is to delete him from your social media platforms.

2. You Don’t Have to Think before You Post

hair, person, blond, Fuck, you., With your ex completely out of the social media landscape, you don’t have to stop and think about what you post in fear of causing a row or bringing any unwanted hassle back in to your life. You are free to live your life however you want to in this new chapter without the possibility of judgement from your ex looming over your head all the time.

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3. You Can Avoid Making Bad Decisions

Buick, American Film Showcase, person, emotion, religion, Say it’s past midnight and you are feeling a little lonely. You don’t want the possibility of being able to go on your ex’s page and either get sad looking at old photos or even worse, send a late night message that could lead to a booty call that you will absolutely regret in the days to follow! Pressing the un-friend button is a much easier option and will save you a lot of potential bad decision making in the future!

4. No More Possibility of ACCIDENTALLY Liking Something!

doll, finger, toy, barbie, thumb, We have all been there, casually scrolling through a friend’s pics and with a single slip of a thumb you end up liking something from 2009 that you could only have seen by classic stalking! Now, with a friend it’s not so bad, but imagine if that happens when you find yourself looking back at pics of your ex? You don’t want to have to face that awkward situation!

5. Don’t Clutter Your Feed with the past

hair, red hair, human hair color, What, The, The nature of social media these days means that lots of pictures get dragged back to your timeline in a “hey, remember this?” sort of way. That’s fine when it’s photos of you and your friends at school, but when it’s a picture from your ex’s page that you are tagged in, it’s not so fun to be reminded of what once was!

6. New Partners Will Eventually Start to Make Appearances

document, home, WEARENEVEREVERENER, GETTING, BACK, It’s inevitable that new boyfriends and girlfriends are going to start making appearances on your respective social medias. If don’t think that you are quite ready to move on but you are sure that he will be, then just get rid of his prolife from your vision and you won’t have to face being reminded that he is totally over you.

7. Delete Them and Make Them Think You Are a Mystery

person, woman, finger, thigh, profession, Un-friending doesn’t have to be a move of weakness. If he can’t see what you are getting up to, it can be a power move on your part to put a little bit of mystery back in your life and make him think that you are moving on a lot faster than he is. He doesn’t get to dictate the pace of the breakup!

Remember, if you become friends after a while once your relationship ends you can always re-friend, refollow, unmute and unblock.

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