8 Tips to Get over Your First Love ...


8 Tips to Get over Your First Love ...
8 Tips to Get over Your First Love ...

Your first love is the hardest to get over, but there are tips to get over your first love that do really work, if you use them. There are many times when you never, truly get over your first experiences with love and romance, but these tips to get over your first love can help ease the pain. It's going to be hard, but it is so worth getting over and so worth moving on.

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Don't Keep Reminiscing

There are tons of times that you are going to dwell on the past, times that you are going to go back into your memories and draw from them, but don't do it right away. Try not to think about the past, try not to dwell on your ex boyfriend or girlfriend. This is one of the many tips to get over your first love that can save you a lot of heartache and pain.


Give Yourself Time to Grieve

However, even though I don't want you to dwell on the past, you've got to give yourself some time to grieve the relationship. You have to do this with every relationship, but your first love is going to be the hardest. It can take months, even years to fully get over your first love, but as time passes, it does get easier.


Remember, You Will Love Again

Just because you got burned doesn't mean that you'll never, ever love again. Don't think like that. To be honest, you'll probably love a lot sooner than you expect, especially if someone really clicks with you. Don't rush love of course, but don't ever think that you aren't going to love again.


Let Your Emotions Heal

You've been burned. You've been hurt. That takes a lot of time to get over and it takes a lot of time for your emotions to heal themselves. Don't jump immediately into another relationship, just because you want to find that feeling you experienced with your ex again. You might not feel that for a while, just let it happen.


Support Groups

Support groups within your family and friends are going to be a lifesaver for you. Remember, this is your first love, it is so much different than any other love you experience. Support groups are going to save your life and really make sure that your emotions heal a lot quicker.

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It'll Be Worse before It Gets Better

When you are trying to get over your first love, you've got realize that it is going to get a lot worse before it gets better. You are going to feel horrible and you are going to be upset a lot, but that doesn't mean that it'll never, ever get better. It will, you've just got to let it.


Write in a Journal

When I was trying to get over my first love, I started a journal that I could write in. That really helped me get through the bad times, and I could actually look back and see exactly what I was feeling during those times. Start a journal, it really does help!


Let Yourself Cry

Finally, let yourself cry whenever it feels right. If you bottle it all up, it will only make it worse. You've got to let yourself extract all of those emotions that you have pent up instead of keeping them inside. Trust me on this one!

So, if you're having problems getting over your first love, take a look at our tips! They do work and while I know it is hard, it is so worth it to follow these tips. So, what was your experience with getting over your first love?

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@Abby you aren't the only one who holds back. I know I do. I have been in the same situations where I got into relationships with best friends and they didn't work out. One thing I have learned is to not regret anything. And I learned to channel all of my emotion somewhere else so I started exercising and I saw a difference in not only my body but my attitude on just about everything!

whoa wat a coincidence i need sumthin like tht man i really need help from movin on from my first love TT^TT i hope this works

Janet good men are hard to find and if he's a good man. good father a good husband even though you have been through a lot life is toooo short . forgive him and don't let him be alone . ask your self would he had ever left you alone ? 9 times out of 10 the answer is NO. so call him talk to him this can't be easy for ether of you but take it from me I was mad and I did the wrong wrong thing now he's with someone els . please don't loose in this case in telling you the best thing to do especially since kids are involved don't listen to anyone sometimes other people might think they know what's best for you but in fact only you and him should be making decision .. go back before it's to late call him show him you at least still care . I hope it works out . I wish I could go back and who knows maybe I will . 😊

@Catherine Salera I've heard that before, "channel your emotion" into something, but how do you actually do it? Like do you shut down your emotions during the day and then only let yourself feel them when you're in the activity you want to channel your emotions into?

I love a guy that I've been involved with since October. He's lovely and makes me fall in love with him more when I see him and he knows that but he just doesn't want a relationship even though he said he cares about me. Makes me feel horrible because we are good for each other but I will just have to get over it, it's hard though when you see someone all the time as well!! </3 xx

Step 4 and 7 are great tips. Definitely in the process of moving on

3 years ago we broke up:( it was the worst month of my life... I cried everyday for three months after we broke up and then he moved away. I finally forgot about him after a while, but then we started talking on Facebook and I just fall to pieces every time we talk.... I love him so much

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