7 Traits That Will Make You Stand out and Attract a Great Guy ...


7 Traits That Will Make You Stand out and Attract a Great Guy ...
7 Traits That Will Make You Stand out and Attract a Great Guy ...

Finding the right person to share your life with can be as daunting as climbing Mount Everest, especially in today's fast-paced world. Attracting a great guy often feels like you’re navigating a labyrinth without a map - you know the exit's there, but how on earth do you get to it? Trust me, I've been there. Whether you’re on countless dating apps, mingling at social events, or simply waiting for that serendipitous encounter at a coffee shop, knowing the traits that will make you stand out can work wonders. As we dive into 2024, it’s high time to unlock the secret ingredients that make not just dating, but real connections, possible.

From my personal Cinderella journey, I’ve gleaned some invaluable insights that I’m (painfully) happy to share. My prince charming didn’t just fall from the sky – there were key traits that I honed to unintentionally become a magnet to a great guy. Think of them as your secret weapons in this wild jungle of romance.

Confidence is like the fairy godmother of attraction. It’s a characteristic that not only uplifts you but also intrigues others. When a woman walks into a room bursting with confidence, she’s practically glowing! I mean, who wouldn’t want to be around someone who loves and believes in themselves? For more on how to channel your inner queen, head over to Confidence and Charm.

Next up, the art of great communication. Remember the last time you had a killer conversation with someone and it felt like you were vibing on the same wavelength? That’s exactly what you need. Effective communication clears out any ambiguity and makes you more appealing. Dive into the specifics at Effective Communication Tips.

Humor is another golden trait. Let's face it, life is stressful enough, who wouldn't fall for someone who can turn life’s lemons into a comedy show? A well-timed joke can break the ice and create an instant connection. If you ever need a good laugh or tips on improving your comedic timing, Humor Techniques is your go-to section.

Kindness, often underestimated, is monumental. Genuine acts of kindness can make you memorable in the most positive way. It’s not just about grand gestures, but the small, consistent actions that show you care. Explore the different facets of kindness in relationships at Acts of Kindness.

Lastly, being genuine comes top of the list. Pretending to be someone you’re not can only get you so far. My disastrous date where I pretended to love mountain biking (let’s just say I ate dust the entire time) taught me that being true to oneself is invaluable. Real relationships stem from real connections – explore how to embrace your genuine self at Authenticity in Dating.

So buckle up and get ready to dive into these transformative traits. With a bit of focus and intentionality, you’re bound to not just attract a great guy, but the right guy for you.

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One of the most admirable traits that will make you stand out to a great guy is your level of decisiveness. For women, at least for me personally, there is nothing more unattractive than a guy who doesn’t know what he wants or a guy who seems super unstable. In my eyes, indecisive guys are guys who give empty promises because they themselves don’t know what they want or what they’re looking for. The same holds true for guys who are looking for a good girl to call girlfriend. There is nothing sexier than a woman who is sure of herself and can show that through planning out the details for a date or expressing her opinion.


A decisive woman exudes confidence, something that doesn't just grab attention but commands respect. It's incredibly alluring when a woman has the clarity and boldness to make choices that reflect her wants and needs. This isn't about being inflexible or rigid; it's about demonstrating strength of character. A decisive woman isn't swayed by every passing trend or opinion; she has a clear vision for her life and relationships. And trust me, this quality resonates deeply with men who value authenticity and partnership. It signals that you're a partner who will be a true co-pilot, not a passenger without a map.



This trait in a woman is also incredibly sexy to a guy. You know the book "Why All Men Love Bitches", right? It’s proof that men, especially men who are looking for a great catch, will more likely than not fall in love with the woman who shows off her independence and the “I don’t really need you” kind of attitude. Sure every guy wants to feel loved and wanted, but they thrive on the “chase” when you’re in the flirting stage. It’s super desirable to chase after the one who knows who she is in her own skin.



Not only is it attractive to a guy to show independence but also confidence. Girlfriend, if you don’t like the “clingy” guy, what makes you think your guy will like or want to be around the “clingy” girl? He won’t. So feel confident that you’re hot and can get any guy you want! Confidence is not really something that can be “learned”. You truly have to dig deep and coach yourself to feeling confident in your own skin. No matter what you’ve gone through in the past, let it go – you’re now living in the present and you can be anyone you want to be with a new guy! Take hold of this confidence and show him what you got!


Confidence isn't just beneficial for drawing others in; it's a superpower for your own self-assurance. Believe in your worth and own every room you walk into with your head held high. This isn't about being arrogant or feeling superior to others, it's about recognizing your unique value. Embrace every part of who you are, quirks and all – they make you, you. When you radiate this kind of self-belief, it's utterly irresistible, and trust me, guys will notice. Remember – confidence is contagious; wear yours proudly, and it might just spread to others around you.



Most women in our age group are extremely “cookie-cutter” meaning: most girls dress alike, talk the same, and act the same. How can women possibly stand out in a sea of typical “Kim-Kardashian-Wanna-Be’s?” Men look for women with a sense of personality who are down to earth and unique in their own way. The girls who fall in the category of “cookie-cutter” typically wheel in the guys who only want a one-night stand or a random hook up every now and then. If you’re searching for a great guy, attract him with your own uniqueness.


Embracing your individuality is like a breath of fresh air in a room filled with artificial scents. It's your quirks, passions, and the confidence to be authentically you that captivates a man worth your time. Be bold in showcasing what you love, be it a unique hobby, an off-beat fashion sense, or an uncommon perspective on life. The absence of fear in standing out makes you a beacon for someone who appreciates depth and personality over superficial charm. Your distinctive laughter, the books you devour, or the way you see the world – these are the gems that draw a kindred spirit closer.


Sense of Humor

Men searching for a potential girlfriend want to be sure she has a great sense of humor. The best moments are those when a girl who is comfortable with herself and knows she’s a great prize can simply laugh off an embarrassing moment or shake off drama when it arises. Relationships shouldn’t be stressful and they shouldn’t be dreaded – have fun with your guy, laugh, be flirty, and have fun!


Having a playful banter or being able to tease each other good-naturedly is a sign of a healthy relationship – it shows both partners are comfortable and secure. Men appreciate a woman who can not only participate in these playful exchanges but also initiate them, as it keeps the spark alive and fosters a deep bond. Even during tough times, a shared joke or a light-hearted comment can be a beacon of hope, reminding both of you that joy can be found even when the going gets tough. So don’t be afraid to show off your witty side – it might just be the charm that captures his heart.

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Easy Going Attitude

Taking a chill pill every now and then is not only healthy for your own sake but also for your guy’s sake! An informal poll of men and coworkers at SheKnows website concluded that one of the top traits men look for in a girl is her easygoing attitude. The men who took the survey said they do not like or want a girl or wife to make a big deal about everything and freak out at the drop of a hat. Just chill, girl!


A laid-back approach to life can work wonders for a relationship. It’s not about being apathetic or indifferent, rather it’s the capacity to handle life's ups and downs with grace and poise. The poll respondents admired women who could roll with the punches and handle stress without blowing things out of proportion. This doesn't mean abandoning your convictions or losing your passion. It’s about maintaining balance and not sweating the small stuff. A woman who embodies tranquility and flexibility can create a calming and peaceful environment for her partner, thus fostering a loving and long-lasting bond.



People test each other all the time. It’s not necessarily a good thing or a bad thing but naturally, human beings want to feel mutual respect and want to build trust with other human beings. The same holds true in the relationship hunting process. Being a woman of your word will go a long way with a great guy who is searching for a a trustworthy and honest girl.

The bottom line is you deserve a great guy so start acting like it and start believing it! Which of these traits do you think stands out the most to attracting a great guy?


Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge


But.... whilst I agree with these points, I think we gave to keep in mind that it is still from a woman's perspective...


confidence and Independence


I say confidence and being upfront attracts the man.

honesty. dishonesty puts a man off, even if a girl has all the other traits

Humour and confidence are in first place. Also smiling.

uniqueness and honesty

Decisiveness-good, know what you want. Don't waste anyones time. Independence: You don't need me? I don't need you. Want me as much as I want you and let that grow. Confidence: Don't confuse confidence and arrogance. If I sense arrogance, I will walk becofe it becomes a problem of you feeling that you are better than me. Uniqueness: finally one that is right. But just be you! Just be real! The last 3 are absolutely right and should be at the top! And number 7 should be number 1#!

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