7 Ways to Forget about Your Ex and Move on ...


Maybe it’s been a few weeks, months, or years since you and your ex broke up, but you don’t know ways to forget about your ex. The process to forget someone who meant a lot to you can be extremely difficult, but rest assured there are ways to forget about your ex. Through time and these few tips, you will feel empowered to let go and move on with your beautiful life.

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Stop Comparing Him to Every Guy You Meet

One of the best ways to forget about your ex is to stop comparing him to everyone else. The more you focus on how awesome you thought he was when you guys first met, the more you will push aside any great new guys that will enter your life. If you guys are not together right now, a good reason could be that he turned out to be a different person than the one you met when you guys first started dating. Realize that, understand that, and remember that.


Allow Yourself Time to Cry

It’s okay to sit in your room and cry about the relationship ending. Sometimes crying is the best medicine because you’re letting go of any emotions that you’ve been bottling up. Watching your tears fall can symbolize your strength in slowly letting him go. Don’t beat yourself up or call yourself stupid for still crying about him every now and then – I promise that the pain you’re feeling now will eventually pass and you’ll never think twice about your ex. I know because I have gone through heartache, too.


Remind Yourself of the Bad Times

You’re probably thinking I sound like an insensitive b*tch right now, but trust me that in reminding yourself of the reasons why it didn’t work out, it will actually help you in letting him go. Maybe you guys got into a huge fight or maybe you had nothing in common. Whatever the reason, remind yourself that you were both not happy nor were you making each other happy while you were together. I’ll have to admit, this was one of the best ways I got over my ex: I focused on the fact that we were not compatible.


Focus on All of Your Good Qualities

Remember that you’re a great catch - you’re beautiful, talented, smart, and have a great personality. Any guy would be lucky to date you! Take this time of being apart to focus on you for once. Maybe it’s been a while since you’ve even had time for yourself. Whip out a pen and paper, write down all the great things about yourself and meditate on sending yourself positive and loving energy.


Stop Communicating with Him

I’m serious! That means no more desperate text messages and no more Facebook stalking. You will never get over your ex if you hold on so dearly to memories and communication. To forget about one of my ex’s I deleted him off Facebook and got rid of every picture of us together. The memories were still there for a long while but ending all communication with him made me feel like he fell of the planet or something. It was empowering and encouraging focusing on other things.

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Start Going out Again

After you’ve spent time alone to cry and watching The Notebook with ice cream and chocolate, call up your closest girlfriends and hit the bar, have a sleepover or plan a party. It will be healthy for you to start fresh but starting fresh means taking care of yourself first. Don’t be shy to go all out: get your nails done first, get your hair done…anything that makes YOU feel good about YOU.


Keep Busy and Keep Moving

Being active throughout the day may be the last thing you’ll want to do, but it will be the healthiest thing to do. Sitting at home will only allow your mind to wander and find its way back to memory lane. Keeping yourself busy with activities and exercise will assist you in forgetting about him. Adopting a busier schedule was extremely therapeutic for me because the more I focused on other things, the less I focused on him.

Always remember that you’re not the only one going through heartache: relationships will succeed and relationships will fail. And when they do fail, that just means that someone better is coming along pretty soon. Focus on that and internalize it! Use the comment section to encourage and empower your fellow girlfriends who are going through a tough time. We are all here as a support system! How will you empower yourself to let to and move on?

Feedback Junction

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Cool i like it thanks alot :)

Really enjoyed this!! Perfect timing! I've been through my crying phase and it's time for me to get up and get out!

This is so helpful. Thankyou 😊

Thank you! Great advice

Reading this really helped me. I am going through a break up too and haven't even cry all what I need... Instead I have been trying to focus on things that I know will help me forget and also when I think of my ex, I just try to think about all the negative things he has or did to me and it has been working so far. I miss him thougj, but this will pass ;)

I needed this :)

My ex literally just dumped me yesterday... because he's in love with my best friend. And while I understand that they were friends before he and I got together, I don't understand why she continued to hang out with him after he dumped me. I also don't understand why she flirted with him instead of comforting me as I bawled my eyes out in my tent (It was a class camping trip). I really hope this stuff works.

I appreciate this post too :0) it's good to know ur not feeling alone cos u think it's just u who's been through it, we are strong us ladies! I'm such a stronger person already and it's only been 3 months... And I work with him x

Its nt going to be easy but stay strong girls!! Time will heal:)

I'm still in love with a man I met in 1996 it's truly over but we have dealt with each other up until 12/2012. I'm scared I will never love to the depth that I loved/love him.

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