What Exactly Should You do with Your Tongue when Making out?


What Exactly Should You do with Your Tongue when Making out?
What Exactly Should You do with Your Tongue when Making out?

French kissing will come naturally to as soon as you lock lips with your partner, but it can't hurt to be prepared. After all, you want to make a good first impression with your mate, so that they want to kiss you again and again. If you've never had a French kiss before, or if you're wondering if you're doing it correctly, here are a few tips on what you should do with your tongue while making out:

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Poke Your Tongue between Their Lips to Initiate a French Kiss

Couples don't usually start out by French kissing. They tend to start off with a few sweet pecks, and then take it from there. So if you want to be the one to initiate a French kiss, all you have to do is poke your tongue between your partner's lips and see how they respond. If they widen their mouth, then you can stick your tongue inside and start having fun.


When making out, it's important to be gentle and pay attention to your partner's cues. French kissing is a great way to add an extra level of intimacy to your make-out session. To initiate a French kiss, start by lightly pressing your lips against your partner's and brushing your tongue against theirs. If they respond positively, you can deepen the kiss and begin to explore their mouth with your tongue.

When French kissing, it's important to use your tongue in a gentle manner. Try to avoid using too much force, as this can be uncomfortable for your partner. Instead, use your tongue to lightly caress your partner's lips and tongue. You can also experiment with different movements, such as circling your tongue around theirs or lightly flicking it against them.

When French kissing, it's also important to remain aware of your partner's body language. If they stop responding or start to pull away, it's a good idea to ease up and take a break. This will give you both a chance to catch your breath and re-evaluate your level of comfort.


Move Your Tongue around Slowly

The biggest mistake you can make while French kissing is moving your tongue too quickly. It isn't a race. Your partner isn't going to be impressed by how quickly you're able to dart your tongue around. Move slowly, in order to make the gesture as passionate as possible. Take your time.


When making out, using your tongue is a great way to add passion and intensity to the moment. However, it is important to remember that French kissing is not a race. Moving your tongue too quickly can be a big mistake, as it can make the gesture seem rushed and unenthusiastic.

It is best to move your tongue slowly and deliberately, as this will make the kiss more passionate. Take your time and explore your partner's mouth with your tongue. Try gently running it along their lips, or tracing the inside of their mouth with it. This will create a feeling of intimacy and desire.

When French kissing, it is also important to use your lips. Try gently pressing one or both lips against your partner, or lightly suck or nibble on their lip. This can increase the intensity of the kiss and make it more enjoyable for both of you.

In addition, you can try using your hands while making out. Gently caressing your partner's face, neck, or back can add to the sensuality of the moment. You can also try running your fingers through their hair or lightly stroking their arms and legs.

Frequently asked questions

Your tongue should gently explore your partner's lips and mouth. Start with slow movements and synchronize with your partner's rhythm.

During a French kiss, your tongue should move in a light, playful manner. Alternate between shallow and deeper explorations, and follow your partner's lead.

Focus on being gentle and attentive to how your partner is responding. If you're unsure, using less tongue can often be a good approach.

Absolutely, practicing on your hand or pillow can give you a feel for movement and pressure, but remember that real experiences will vary with each partner.

Avoid using too much force or making too many sudden movements with your tongue. Keep it soft, smooth, and avoid letting your tongue go too far into your partner's mouth, unless they seem to enjoy it.


Swirl Your Tongue in a Circular Motion

When your tongue is inside of their mouth, you should swirl it in a circular motion, but the exact technique is up to you. You can move it clockwise, counterclockwise, or create random shapes.


When it comes to making out, using your tongue is a great way to add some excitement and spice things up. Swirling your tongue in a circular motion is an effective way to make out and can be a great way to increase the intensity of the kiss. This technique can be done in a number of ways, such as clockwise, counterclockwise, or in random shapes.

When performing the circular motion with your tongue, it is important to be gentle and not to be too aggressive. You want to be mindful of your partner’s reactions and adjust the pressure and speed accordingly. You can also use your hands to cup your partner’s face or hold the back of their head to add to the intensity of the kiss.

You can also try different techniques with your tongue, such as licking your partner’s lips, lightly sucking on their tongue, or lightly nibbling on their lower lip. These techniques can help to increase the intensity of the kiss and make it more enjoyable for both of you.


Try Writing the Alphabet with Your Tongue

If you're worried about your movements becoming too repetitive, you can try writing the alphabet or your name with your tongue. That way, you're going to move in all different directions. Of course, once you get used to French kissing, you won't need to think about what you're doing. You'll just do whatever feels right.


When it comes to French kissing, many people are unsure of what to do with their tongues. It can be intimidating to go in for a kiss and not know what to do. Luckily, there are a few tips and tricks to make sure you’re doing it right.

First, start off by lightly pressing your lips against your partner’s. Once you’re comfortable, you can start to move your tongue around. Don’t be afraid to explore with your tongue and try out different motions. You can even try licking your partner’s lips. This can be a great way to get the kiss going.

If you’re worried about your movements becoming too repetitive, you can try writing the alphabet or your name with your tongue. That way, you’re going to move in all different directions. Of course, once you get used to French kissing, you won’t need to think about what you’re doing. You’ll just do whatever feels right.


Trace Your Partner's Ear with Your Tongue

Your tongues don't have to stay in your mouths. Some people like to have their ears played with, so you can trace their ear with your tongue or gently bite on their earlobe. When you're kissing down their chest, you can also use your tongue a bit. Some people like cold sensations, so if you lick a sensitive spot and then blow on it, it could drive them crazy.


Kissing with your tongue can be a fun and intimate way to explore your partner's body. While it may take some practice to get it right, it can be a great way to increase pleasure and make your make-out session more enjoyable.

When exploring your partner's ear with your tongue, start by gently tracing the outside of their ear with your tongue. You can also try gently biting on their earlobe. You can also explore the inside of their ear with your tongue, but be careful not to go too deep.

When kissing down your partner's chest, you can also use your tongue to trace their body. Start by lightly licking or flicking your tongue over their skin. You can also try using your tongue to create circles or other patterns. If your partner enjoys cold sensations, you can try licking a sensitive spot and then blowing on it.

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Lick Your Own Lips with Your Tongue

Don't forget to take care of your own mouth. Although licking your lips can actually dry them out in the long run, it's okay to lick them right before a kiss to make sure they're moist. Of course, if you have chapstick nearby, then try using that instead.


Licking your own lips is a great way to make sure they’re moist before a kiss. However, it’s important to remember that licking your lips can actually dry them out in the long run. To avoid this, it’s best to use chapstick or lip balm before and after kissing.

When it comes to kissing, it’s important to be gentle. Start with gentle pecks, and then move on to more passionate kissing. Use your tongue sparingly, and don’t forget to use your lips. Don’t forget to use your hands as well, and let them wander around your partner’s body.

It’s also important to remember to take breaks. Kissing can be intense, and it’s important to take a break to catch your breath and enjoy the moment. This will also give you a chance to talk and connect with your partner.

It’s also important to remember to keep your mouth clean. Make sure you brush your teeth regularly, and don’t forget to floss and use mouthwash. This will help to ensure that your breath is fresh and your mouth is clean.


Don't Push Your Tongue into Their Mouth Too Deeply

Make sure you don't go overboard with French kissing. If you stick your tongue to deep into your partner's mouth, then they're not going to be happy. Don't let the entire make-out session consist of French kisses, either. It's best to shake things up by throwing some pecks in their, too.

French kissing isn't any more difficult than "regular" kissing is. It'll take you a few minutes to get used to, but you'll be a pro in no time. What was your first French kissing experience like?


When it comes to French kissing, it's important to remember that it's not all about tongue. You should also use your lips to create a gentle, sensual pressure. This will help build the passion between you and your partner.

It's also important to remember that French kissing is not a race. Take your time and savor the moment. When you do use your tongue, don't go too deep. You don't want to make your partner uncomfortable. Instead, keep your tongue light and playful, exploring your partner's mouth in a gentle, sensual way.

In addition, don't forget to use your hands. You can caress your partner's face, neck, or back to add to the sensuality of the moment. You can even use your hands to hold your partner close or to hold their head in place as you kiss them.

Finally, don't forget to mix things up. After a few minutes of French kissing, try taking a break and enjoy some light pecks on the lips. This will help keep things interesting and provide a nice break in the action.

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

It's my 4th month of my marriage and I'm still shy to kiss my husband, I don't know how can I do that 🤣🤣

It's funny when you say " French kiss is like a regular kiss " Cause for us (French people) french kiss IS the regular kiss, the other one with just the lips we don't really consider it like a real kiss, it's more for beginners or teenagers And believe me when you really love a guy you'd do it all the time, it'll never disgust u and you'd never get enoughAnd even if he's not that good it wouldn't be a big problem So my advice: love then kiss, don't kiss to love

ahahaha! I think this is funny!

@anz83 but you wouldn't really KNOW that they were writing the alphabet in your mouth with your tongue 😂😂😂

I expected better. But with no editor, or a really bad one, what do you expect... yeah this was bad, I just wanted to watch the train wreck go by, but it DID remind me of a time that I had broken up "mutually" with my first long term bf, who was a terrible kisser at first, but I slowly taught him how. Then a new girl came to our circle and they started dating. She wouldn't stop talking about what a good kisser he was! Now they're married with kids. Oh well, life goes on. I'm glad I didn't stay with that fatso. I'd rather make out with just about anyone else! Yay, good story?

If someone tried to write the alphabet in my mouth, I'd be out if there.

Lol! This is very funny...do ppl really need advice on this?

Oh just be natural...

@N8alie. Be glad your parents love each other!

I saw my parents kissing before.... 😓😱😰😭 scarred for life

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