Would Your Crush Actually Be a Good Match for You ?


Would Your Crush Actually Be a Good Match for You ?
Would Your Crush Actually Be a Good Match for You ?

Sometimes, we fall for men that we'd never actually date for long. Since you don't want to waste your days crushing on a guy that wouldn't be a good match for you, here are a few questions you should ask yourself to figure out if he's meant to be with you or if you should try to move on:

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Do You Have Anything in Common?

Do You Have Anything in Common? You don't have to be identical. However, if you don't have anything in common at all, it'll be hard for you two to agree on dates and to keep conversations going.


Do You Have Chemistry?

Do You Have Chemistry? Chemistry is essential to a happy relationship. If you two don't click, there's no sense in trying to seduce him.


Are You Attracted to Each Other?

Are You Attracted to Each Other? You don't need to hold out for the hottest guy in school. However, it's important that you two are at least a little physically attracted to each other.


Do You Live Close by?

Do You Live Close by? If he lives hundreds of miles away, you could make it work. It'll just be pretty difficult.


Do You like His Friends?

games, professional, You, just-suck, ANUTS, We hang out with people that are similar to us. So if you don't like his friends, you probably won't like him once you get him alone.

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Do You Mind How He Talks to Other Girls?

Do You Mind How He Talks to Other Girls? If he flirts with everyone he sees, you probably won't want to date him. Otherwise, you'd always be jealous.


Does He Treat You with Respect?

Does He Treat You with Respect? You shouldn't date someone who looks down on you. Unless he treats you as his equal, don't waste your time with him.


Is He Interested in Any of Your Friends?

Is He Interested in Any of Your Friends? If he likes one of your friends, or if one of your friends likes him, it's going to be messy. You probably shouldn't get involved with him.


Do You Two Have History?

Do You Two Have History? If you two have had major fights in the past, then you probably won't become a couple.


Is He Easy to Talk to?

Is He Easy to Talk to? If you can't hold a conversation with him, why would you want to date him? Relationships are about more than looks, you know.


Does His Social Media Make You Sick?

Does His Social Media Make You Sick? Do you hate the jokes he makes on Facebook? Do you hate the gross pictures he posts on Instagram? Then don't date him.


Is He a Player?

Is He a Player? You don't want to be with someone who has a reputation for being a player. He might end up breaking your heart.


Are You the Same Age?

Are You the Same Age? You don't want to date someone ten years older than you when you're still in high school. It's illegal.


Do Your Friends Approve?

Do Your Friends Approve? If your friends approve of him, it's a great sign. If they all hate him, it's a red flag.


Would You Be Embarrassed of Him?

Would You Be Embarrassed of Him? You don't want to date someone you'd be embarrassed to introduce your family to. You should be proud of him.


Does He do Drugs?

Does He do Drugs? You don't want to date someone on drugs. He might bring you down with him.


Does He Make You Happy?

Does He Make You Happy? Does he make you more happy than sad? You should only be with someone who turns your frowns into smiles--not the other way around.

Unfortunately, your crush might not be the man you're meant to date. Do you think that you and your crush would make a good couple?

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Cool thx

There's this guy at my college who I met last year & we've been communicating on & off & he's always said we should do something together sometime but things have always come up and we've had to cancel our plans. I'm wondering if it will go anywhere anytime soon.

Some people say my crush and I look good together but I don't know if he thinks that 😬😬

Nice post


I have history with a boy but I'm not sure about him we talk naturally with kisses and I do miss him and his hugs we did not kiss in the past but I think we both wanted to he asked me out for lunch ages ago now I'm asking him out for a drink after New Years

my crush and his friends know that i like him but he dont notice me but sometimes i catch him looking to me and we eye contact but i know i doesnt like me bac girls give me advice to make him like me back

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