15 Brutally Honest Signs Your Husband Wants a Divorce ...


15 Brutally Honest Signs Your Husband Wants a Divorce ...
15 Brutally Honest Signs Your Husband Wants a Divorce ...

He was supposed to be by your side til death parted the two of you, but lately you wonder if you are spotting signs your husband wants a divorce. Sometimes signs are merely red flags that there are serious issues that need to be addressed, and sometimes they indicate that your husband is ready to leave you. If you recognize the following signs your husband wants a divorce, it's time to have a long heartfelt talk with him to sort things out.

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Ignoring Problems

football player,INORINGYOU, The two of you may be fighting a lot lately or perhaps avoiding conflict altogether. One of the warning signs your husband wants a divorce is when he isn't interested in discussing issues that are affecting your marriage. If he’s given up on the relationship, he may feel it's pointless to argue with you. He isn't interested in solving marital problems because he is doesn't see himself in the relationship much longer.


Another warning sign that your husband may want a divorce is if he starts to distance himself emotionally and physically from you. He may become less affectionate and stop showing interest in spending quality time together. This could be a sign that he has emotionally checked out of the marriage and is no longer invested in making it work. Additionally, if he starts to spend more time away from home or avoids coming home altogether, it could be a sign that he is trying to escape the problems in the marriage. These behaviors may indicate that your husband is no longer committed to the relationship and is considering a divorce.


He is Always Busy

human action,leg,sense,interaction,busy., Your husband is constantly busy with new activities or he spends extra hours at work. He avoids being home as much as possible to evade any interaction with you. If he doesn't think the relationship is fun and enjoyable anymore, he’s going to spend all his time with other people and not invite you. Most of the time you have no idea what he is up to.


This constant busyness and avoidance of spending time with you could be a sign that your husband is no longer invested in the relationship. He may be seeking fulfillment and enjoyment elsewhere, and may not see the relationship as a priority anymore. This can also be seen in his lack of effort to include you in his activities or plans. It's important to communicate with your husband and address any underlying issues that may be causing this behavior. Ignoring these signs could lead to a breakdown in the relationship and potentially lead to divorce.


Changing His Physical Appearance

screenshot,know,,know...,look,great., He is trying to enhance his physical appearance in preparation for his new single life. Since he sees himself going back on the market, he figures he better start looking good. You might see dramatic changes in hairstyle, hair color and wardrobe. He might also head to the gym to get in shape.


He may be trying to make himself more attractive in order to re-enter the dating scene. He may be getting a new haircut, dyeing his hair, and updating his wardrobe. He may be hitting the gym to build muscle and improve his physique. These changes may be sudden and dramatic, and it could be a sign that he is preparing for a new single life.

He may also be distancing himself from you. He may be spending more time away from home, or he might be avoiding conversations with you. He may also be talking about divorce more often, or he might be discussing the possibility of living separately.

He may also be taking more of an interest in his own finances. He may be opening a new bank account, or he might be looking into investments. He may also be talking about his future without you, or he might be discussing the possibility of a divorce settlement.

These are all signs that your husband may be considering a divorce. If you are noticing any of these changes in your husband, it is important to talk to him about it to get to the bottom of what is going on.


He’s Lost Those Loving Feelings

person,screenshot, Think back to happier times in your marriage. You felt loved and secure in your marriage because of your husband’s words and actions. When your husband is thinking of divorce, you will feel the complete opposite of that. You may feel like your husband doesn't even like you anymore, much less love you. Your husband feels cold and distant instead of the loving partner he once was.


This text is referring to the signs that your husband may be thinking about divorce. These signs include a lack of communication, lack of warmth and affection, and a lack of interest in spending time with you. He may also have become distant and withdrawn, and may be spending more time away from home. He may also be avoiding conversations about the future and may be making decisions without consulting you. All of these signs can be indicative of a husband who is considering divorce.


No Action in the Bedroom

person,human positions,sitting,lecture,conversation, A marriage on the rocks has a major lack of intimacy. So the two of you may not be physically affectionate or intimate anymore. If you do sleep together, you don’t feel emotionally connected but more like you are being used. He might also start sleeping on the couch


When a marriage is on the rocks, couples may start to lose the emotional connection that once existed between them. This can lead to a lack of physical and emotional intimacy, such as cuddling, kissing, and having sex. If they do still sleep together, it can feel more like they are being used rather than having a meaningful connection. One partner may start sleeping on the couch, or in a separate bedroom, as a sign of the emotional distance between them.

The lack of intimacy in the bedroom can be a major red flag that one partner is considering a divorce. If your husband is no longer interested in being intimate with you, it could be a sign that he is no longer invested in the marriage. Other signs that your husband may be considering a divorce include avoiding communication, showing signs of anger or frustration, and spending more time away from home.

If you are concerned that your husband may be considering a divorce, it is important to talk to him about your feelings and concerns. While it may be uncomfortable, having an honest conversation is the best way to get to the root of the problem and to determine if the marriage can be saved.

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He Doesn't Want to Spend Time Together

person,snuffleupagus-g,It's,Monday,,leave, When you try to initiate date nights with your hubby, he isn't interested. He will give you a variety of excuses why he can’t spend time with you. And while he doesn't have a minute to spare for you, he has plenty of time for other people. You end up feeling unwanted and rejected as he keeps turning down your invitations.


It can be incredibly difficult to accept that your husband may be wanting a divorce. It can be even more difficult to tell if this is the case, as it is not always easy to read the signs. One of the most common signs that a husband may be wanting a divorce is when he no longer wants to spend time with you. He may give you a variety of excuses for why he cannot spend time with you, such as being too busy with work or needing to take care of other responsibilities. He may also have plenty of time for other people, but not for you. This can leave you feeling unwanted and rejected, as your attempts to spend time together are constantly being rebuffed.

Other signs that your husband may be wanting a divorce include becoming increasingly distant, not wanting to communicate with you, avoiding physical contact, and not being as interested in your life as he once was. He may also be more critical of you, and may be more easily annoyed or angered by you. If you notice any of these signs, it may be time to have an honest conversation with your husband about what is going on in your relationship.


New Circle of Friends

Does,anyone,want,friend?, Married couples usually have a shared circle of friends that they hang out with. But your husband doesn't want to spend time with them anymore since he has acquired a brand new circle of friends. Even more worrisome is that they are enjoying the single life and keeping your husband out late at night.


This new circle of friends could be a red flag for your marriage, as it may indicate that your husband is seeking a different lifestyle or interests. It could also mean that he is seeking validation and attention from his new friends instead of from you. This change in social circle could also lead to a lack of communication and connection between you and your husband. It's important to address this issue and have an open and honest conversation with your husband about his new friends and how it is affecting your marriage.


He's a Workaholic

screenshot,conversation, He might be striving to get a promotion, but he might be dying to get out of the house. It he’s always at work, he might prefer associating with his coworkers than seeing you. There’s also the chance that he’s lying about where he’s going. If he’s suddenly spending hours more at the office, try to figure out why that is.


This paragraph discusses the possibility of a husband being a workaholic as a sign that he may want a divorce. It suggests that his constant presence at work may be a way for him to avoid spending time with his partner or even hiding something from them. The article also advises the reader to try and understand the reason behind this sudden increase in work hours. This could be due to work-related stress or dissatisfaction with the marriage. It is important to communicate with your husband and address any underlying issues to prevent a potential divorce.


Nasty Comments

speech,news,newscaster,merica,away, If you’re constantly fighting, there’s bound to be some harsh words said. However, a marriage is meant to be joyful. If he’s causing you more pain than pleasure, why are you still together? If he’s always insulting you, and never apologizing, then it’s a clear sign that he’d be happier elsewhere. Plus, you should never settle for someone that treats you poorly.


In a marriage, it is normal to have arguments and disagreements. However, if these arguments become more frequent and are accompanied by constant insults and lack of apologies, it may be a sign that your husband wants a divorce. According to a study published by the American Psychological Association, communication problems and constant criticism are some of the top predictors of divorce. Additionally, if your husband is not willing to work on improving the relationship and continues to cause you pain, it may be a sign that he is not fully committed to the marriage. It is important to address these issues and seek professional help if necessary to save the marriage.


Bad Habits Emerge

meal,dinner,sense,MPE,ALBEDROOMS, If he’s suddenly started drinking or smoking more than usual, there must be a reason. Your relationship could be causing him stress, and he’s dealing with it in a dangerous way. If you notice bad habits emerging, try to figure out the source.


If your husband is exhibiting signs of stress, such as drinking or smoking more than usual, it could be a sign that he is struggling with the relationship and is looking for ways to cope. Other signs that he may be considering a divorce include withdrawing from conversations, avoiding physical contact, and expressing dissatisfaction with the relationship. He may also be spending more time away from the home, or becoming more distant in conversations. If you notice any of these changes, it may be time to talk to him about the future of the relationship.


He Doesn’t Contribute

color,But,already,did,something, Does he help you out around the house? If he doesn’t bother to do the laundry or dishes, he’s starting to care less and less. He should be willing to help you complete household chores, so that you’re not stuck doing all of the work. If he cared, he’d try to help out every once in a while, even if his contribution is small.


If your husband is not contributing to household responsibilities, it could be a sign that he is no longer invested in the relationship. According to marriage therapists, a lack of effort in household tasks is often a red flag for a failing marriage. This behavior may also indicate that he is emotionally detached and not interested in maintaining the relationship. Additionally, if he is not willing to help out even when you are overwhelmed, it shows a lack of empathy and consideration for your well-being. These signs should not be ignored and may require open communication and counseling to address underlying issues in the marriage.


He's Never Home

leg,screenshot,driving,Films,can't, Do you know where he goes when he’s not in the house? If he’s always out, but never bothers to tell you where he went, then he’s not communicating with you properly. A marriage is about trust, yes, but it’s also about honesty. If he’s pushing you away, your relationship is crumbling.



In this paragraph, the author discusses a potential sign that a husband may want a divorce - his absence from the home. This could be a result of lack of communication and honesty in the marriage. The article further explains that a successful marriage requires trust and open communication, and if a husband is pushing his wife away and not disclosing his whereabouts, it could be a sign of trouble in the relationship. This could also be a sign of emotional detachment and a lack of effort to maintain the marriage. The author suggests that this behavior should not be ignored and could be a red flag for a potential divorce.


Hidden Phone

hair,face,nose,head,hairstyle, If he doesn’t let you touch his phone, there must be a reason. He could be sending his friends mean messages about you. He could have other women’s numbers in his contacts. He shouldn’t have anything to hide from you, because you’re the one person that he should be able to share anything with.


This paragraph suggests that if your husband is hiding his phone from you, it could be a sign that he is not being honest in your relationship. This could be a red flag for potential infidelity or other dishonest behavior. In addition, the article also mentions that if your husband is not willing to share his phone with you, it could be a sign that he is not fully committed to the relationship. This could indicate that he is no longer invested in the marriage and may be considering a divorce. It is important to have open and honest communication in a marriage, and a lack of trust or transparency could be a warning sign for the future of the relationship.


He Won’t Compromise

hair,hairstyle,anime,Whatever, When you fight, are you able to come to a compromise? If he’s not willing to budge, then it shows that he won’t take your needs into consideration. If one of you is always on the losing side of the battle, it’s not much of a fight. If you want a healthy relationship, you need to be able to figure things out in a way that will make both of you happy.


When it comes to relationships, compromise is key. If your husband is not willing to reach a compromise when you fight, it could be a sign that he is not taking your needs into consideration. A healthy relationship requires both parties to be able to come to an agreement that works for both of them.

If you feel like you are always on the losing side of the battle, it’s a sign that your husband may not be invested in the relationship. If he is not willing to make an effort to meet you halfway, it could be a sign that he is not happy and is looking for a way out.

Another sign that your husband may be looking for a way out is if he is suddenly more distant than usual. If he is not engaging in conversations, or is avoiding spending time with you, it could be a sign that he is emotionally distancing himself from the relationship.

It is also important to pay attention to how your husband talks about the future. If he is not making plans for the two of you, or is not interested in talking about what comes next, it could be a sign that he is not invested in the relationship.


No Smiles

face,black and white,nose,head,mouth, Does he still look at you the way he did when you first met? Things are bound to change over the years, but the magic should never fade. When you’re in love, the other person makes life worth living. If you no longer make him smile, then your time might be up.

Now you have some idea of things to look for when your relationship is in grave trouble. If you recognize these signs It’s up to you and your spouse to determine if you want to rekindle the love between you or walk away forever. Ladies, how did you know your husband wanted a divorce?

This article was written in collaboration with editor Holly Riordan.

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I felt the opposite-just someone to cook and clean. No romance.

When your finally stop lying to yourself and except that this might be the course your life might take. What can you do... Maybe if your marriage gets to this point , then maybe it was never meant to be.

My ex and I went through the same thing twice. We thought we could fix it, but even after 20 yrs and counseling, his same patterns kept reappearing. He flat out admitted to me that it wasn't my fault in the end, he just had a lot of personal childhood issues that grew and grew until he wasn't happy with himself or his life as a whole and I couldn't fix it. By then, I'd gotten tired of trying and needed my own life.

This is very true!

I feel as though my husband wishes I wpuld just disappear..He is only nice to me when he wants some.. Makes me feel as though I am always in the wrong

This should be called signs that your wife wants a divorce. Send it to my husband.

This is all so true! Appreciate the insight and realizing what needs to be done.

This is so sad, i always thought that marriage is a safe thing, and i'm constantly worrying about boyfriends.. And it will stay the same with my husband! No way... I'm never geting marryied!!!

Ok so they say ALL women stalk when reality is all men stalk if you leave them they get together with your exes and try to get back at you I have been stalked for over ten years by mine and while they say they don't want me it seems they all come to me to torture and lie to the point where they claim my father as their own to get the trust my father and mother left to me and give away the property that is also mine to their family and friends

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