10 Erotically Charged Facts the Essentials Things You Should Know about Erogenous Zones ...


10 Erotically Charged Facts the Essentials Things You Should Know about Erogenous Zones ...
10 Erotically Charged Facts the Essentials Things You Should Know about Erogenous Zones ...

A sensuous touch or a loving caress can set you on the path to arousal but what really sets the blood racing is when our erogenous zones are stimulated. Some people imagine there’s a great mystery to erogenous zones, as though they are a secret part of the body whose whereabouts remains a secret. Well, here’s the truth – the entire body can be one giant erogenous zone because the whole of your skin is sensitive to touch when aroused. In a woman’s body alone there are 1.5million pleasure sensors, the nerve endings that turn us on when they are stimulated – the clitoris alone has 8,000 of these pleasure sensors! But there are specific areas that become particularly sensitive when we are aroused and, while each individual is different, those areas are generally the same in all of us, men and women.

So what are the things you should know? Here are 10 Erotically Charged Facts: The Essentials Things You Should Know About Erogenous Zones that may help transform your love life by revealing the truth.

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What Are Erogenous Zones?

Erogenous zones are the parts of the body that respond most to sexual stimulation. The body has three types: primary zones are the ones that lead to orgasm when they are stimulated; secondary zones lead to excitement in the primary zones once they are stimulated; and potential zones are sensitive to varying degrees and can be found all over the body.


Lots of Them

As individuals, we all have a different number of erogenous zones. Those of us who enjoyed lots of hugs and kisses from our parents when we were babies will develop more than those who were deprived of that kind of physical contact. The baby contact isn’t sexual – it’s all about nurturing and giving us the affection that allows us to thrive.


Where Are They?

We should all be able to identify the parts of our body that are most sensitive – earlobes, nipples, shoulders and neck, genitals, the navel. And there are some less obvious areas, too; caressing or kissing behind the knees and the crook of the elbows can have a startling effect on many people, as can gently nibbling on feet, toes and fingers. The best way to find out where you and your partner’s erogenous zones are is to explore each other’s bodies during foreplay and discover which parts of you are most responsive. Think of it as the best kind of homework!


Spot the Difference

Men and women are different. That may seem like a statement of the bleeding obvious but when it comes to erogenous zones, it’s worth repeating. Men are particularly sensitive around their mouth, ears and genitals – particularly around the anus – while their shoulders, back, hips and nipples are also easily aroused by kissing, stroking, licking or biting.


Most Stimulating

For women, the whole body really is an erogenous zone as touches and caresses anywhere can have an incendiary effect when she is attracted and turned on by her lover. As for men, the major erogenous zones are around her genitals and breasts and stimulating these areas can be a major source of arousal.

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Hone in on the Best Bits

Now you’ve done your research and you know where to start to turn your lover on. The key thing to remember is that we’re all individuals and so what works for one person may have zero effect on another. For instance, some women love their nipples being licked or sucked but that might leave others cold. And while many men find anal foreplay a turn-on, it doesn’t work for every man. To get the most out of your lovemaking and to give your lover the greatest pleasure, take your time to find out exactly which erogenous zones have the most arousing effect.



Touching and caressing each other during foreplay is not only a source of intense pleasure but is actually essential to help the body prepare for intercourse – without the stimulation these caresses bring there would be no essential physiological reaction that readies bodies, both male and female, to have sex.


Variety is the Spice of Life (and Sex)

What turns your lover on may change from one encounter to another. So seek out new erogenous zones on your partner. Don’t just stick to the same old routine but actively explore his or her body. And don’t be afraid to ask him or her to do the same for you. Honesty is essential so if you don’t like a particular touch or a specific part of your body being stimulated, speak up or your love life may wither and die.



Some of us are too ticklish to enjoy touches or caresses. Sometimes our body’s are simply too sensitive to touch and while laughter and fun should always be part of your love life, it can be a real turn-off if your partner keeps giggling every time you stroke his thighs or nibble on her neck. Be sensitive to how sensitive they might be and look for other parts of the body to lavish attention on that don’t have the same ticklish effect.


Overdoing It

Be aware that your lover might not enjoy or welcome continued stimulation of erogenous zones immediately after orgasm. Often we are hyper sensitive to touch at this time and, in fact, it can almost seem painful. Men cannot achieve an erection immediately after orgasm and need a rest period. Women don’t need this rest period and some welcome continued arousal and caressing of their erogenous zones. But we’re all different! So don’t take it as a rejection if he or pushes your hand or mouth away.

Learning about your own erogenous zones and exploring your lover’s body to discover the parts that turn him or her on the most is a wonderful way to spice up your love life – and ensure there’s never a dull moment in the bedroom! Armed with The Essentials Things You Should Know About Erogenous Zones you can take your lovemaking to heavenly places you’ve never been to before.

Do you know where your G-Spot is?

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Definitely vital to learn about the erogenous zones. Once you know those, everything else just kind of flows!

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