17 Guys Admit to Being a Player when It Comes to Sex ...


Sometimes, it happens, a girl falls for a guy and he ends up being a player. What happens when a player finally owns up to the reasons why he is a player? Well, that's what we've got below, 17 confessions of a player and what you should really watch out for!

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Feedback Junction

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Gross. This really discourages me to ever find true love 😕

Yeah some of you guys need to eat shit.

I'm a player and I have to say there is nothing wrong with it, the only thing wrong comes from miscommunications. When someone tells you that they're bad news or that they do not want to settle down then believe them, don't go around crying when you find out that this person was telling the truth about themselves. I used to be one of those heart broken girls and 5 years later realized it is a lot more fun to play than to get played, as long as you're honest about it.

I dont think all the men r like that ,im sure there r honest ones that r not jerks we just have to b carefull who we pick.

Its a shame that some guys stoop so low.

So true @Ebony, maybe they just there for sex or real love in these days you will never know

A lot of these sound like stories players would use to get laid.

I feel sad for most of them. I love a guy who isn't there so I understand you really want to move on but in your heart you know it won't be enough.

Number 5 needs to eat shyt and die.

It's been like this thousands of years! I don't think it will ever change. I believe on being straight forward with men today with what kind of relationship you want .

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