How to Handle a Halloween Party with Your Crush ...


How to Handle a Halloween Party with Your Crush ...
How to Handle a Halloween Party with Your Crush ...

Halloween parties are awesome and agonizing at the same time. You're constantly torn between wanting to put together an incredible costume and being too lazy to put forth any effort until the last minute. You know the vibe's going to be crazy and there will be tons of food, candy, and (maybe) booze, which is both good and bad. Then you discover that the current keeper of your heart, the crush who is crushing your very soul, is going to be there … and suddenly, everything changes. This is not just a party. This is not just a Halloween party. This is a mission.

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Make Sure S/he's on the Guest List

Make Sure S/he's on the Guest List The moment you get invited, make sure your crush is on the guest list. Why? Because you're dying to know and you might as well ask upfront. If s/he's not? Ask!


Don't Obsess over Worst-case Scenarios

Don't Obsess over Worst-case Scenarios Maybe your crush won't decide to come until the last possible minute. Maybe he or she is bringing a date. Oh god. Who is it? Maybe you should bring someone too, just to be spiteful – wait, no, just to make your crush jealous – wait, wait, no! Stop. Nope. Remember, you can't control what anyone else does so just hope for the best and prepare to have fun because um, hi, it's a Halloween party!


Start Thinking about Your Costume

Start Thinking about Your Costume What should you go as? You want to be impressive. You also want to look cute. What about a Sexy Librarian? No, that's lame. A Sexy Bee? Cartman? How about something really involved? Something epic? That awesome Sexy Gandalf pic is making the rounds, maybe you could do … SEXY VOLDEMORT! Yes!


Give Yourself Plenty of Time to Get Ready

Give Yourself Plenty of Time to Get Ready Your stomach's full of butterflies. Your palms are sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy – wait, no. But seriously, don't rush yourself. When you're rushed, you get stressed. Stress is bad for dealing with crushes, costumes, and life in general. Take a bubble bath. Read a book. Listen to the perfect playlist while you get ready. Chill, buddy.


Stop Doubting Your Costume

Stop Doubting Your Costume It's a GOOD costume. No, no, I take that back, it's a GREAT costume. Everyone will admire your brilliance, you clever clogs. Go forth and slay Halloween.

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No, Seriously, Your Costume is Fantastic!

No, Seriously, Your Costume is Fantastic! You're going to walk into this party thinking you wore exactly the wrong thing, no matter what it is. You didn't, I promise. No, it doesn't matter that every other girl is wearing basically the same costume, don't even pay attention to that. You are a bright shining star and this party is now yours. Go claim your consort.


Scout for Your Crush, but Don't Be Too Obvious

Scout for Your Crush, but Don't Be Too Obvious Mingle – this is a party, you're surrounded by people you know and potentially interesting strangers, and having fun should be your first priority, just in case. Still. You came with a mission so while you're mingling, discreetly pinpoint your crush's whereabouts. As this is a Halloween party, you may have to wait a while for masks to come off and faces to be revealed. Don't give up hope or start imagining the worst!


Spend Time Observing

Spend Time Observing Well, in the first place, you might have to, depending on your crush's costume. In the second place, you can answer all those dreadful what-ifs that keep running through your mind. Check for dates, observe any other interested parties, and give yourself time to breathe.


Don't Get Jealous

Don't Get Jealous Should your crush be at the party with a date, remember that it is not acceptable to throw down in the middle of the party. Your job is to look fabulous, feel fabulous, and be fabulous.


Don't Judge the Competition's Costume

Don't Judge the Competition's Costume Well, okay. If there happens to be competition for the object of your affections, don't judge his or her costume out loud. You know it's not the other person's fault, but sometimes it just feels good to vent. Either rant in your head or drag your bestie to the bathroom for a one-on-one bitch session.


Think about What You Want to Say

Think about What You Want to Say If, on the other hand, your crush is not coupled up with someone or you've just decided you don't care, think before you speak. If you find that you are simply too excited to think before you speak...


Don't Just Blurt out the First Thing That Comes to Mind

Don't Just Blurt out the First Thing That Comes to Mind Seriously. Don't. It will never be the right thing. Sometimes it won't even resemble your native tongue.


Use Your Costume to Your Advantage

Use Your Costume to Your Advantage Are you wearing a mask or makeup that makes you hard to recognize? Use it to your advantage if you want. Play up the mystery. It might make you feel more comfortable, plus you have time to feel out your crush. If you haven't spent a lot of time together, your first chat can reveal quite a lot – like if you even still have a crush.


Find Your Flirting Groove

Find Your Flirting Groove Do you practice flirt? Are you experienced at it? Do you already know what works for you? Awesome. Again, go forth and slay. For you, flirting might involve nothing more than finding the right thing to talk about. You might like to toss your hair or smile a lot. Do you, boo. Just shine.


But Don't Be Fake

But Don't Be Fake If you're not a giggler, never bat your eyelids, and don't know how to make small talk, don't force yourself into a role that doesn't fit you. You're awesome, even if you're dressed as Cartman (especially if you're dressed as Cartman). Don't feel like you have to be someone or something you're not to impress anybody. At best, you'll be uncomfortable; at worst, you're not being true to yourself.


Compliment Your Crush's Costume … Maybe

Compliment Your Crush's Costume … Maybe I mean, if it's not awesome, don't feel like you have to compliment it. Compliment it if you feel like it's worthy of a compliment, how's that? If it's not, ask about it instead.


Avoid Overcompensation at All Costs

Avoid Overcompensation at All Costs Seriously, don't laugh at jokes that aren't funny, don't discuss topics you really aren't comfortable with, and don't force the conversation if it's approaching a natural death.


Never Pass up the Opportunity to Dance

Never Pass up the Opportunity to Dance Don't let nerves or shyness or awkwardness stand in your way of a good time! Want to shake it with your crush? Ask! Don't wait to be asked if you really want to get out there. What's the worst that can happen? Your crush says no. You say bye.


Step up or Step off

Step up or Step off What do you think? Still digging your crush? If so, get even bolder and ask him or her to hang out soon. If not, remember that the night is still young and the party's full of cute potentials. Why not find a Harry Potter to battle your Sexy Voldemort?

It's natural to be nervous or anxious or giddy with anticipation when you know your crush is going to be at a party. Halloween is special, though – there's always an air of mystery and costumes make people act crazy. Have you ever had any luck pulling a date at a Halloween party?

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

Great article :) really nice motivation :) keep up the good work ^.^ xoxo

This is great

Great advice. worthy trying.

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