How to Have No Strings Attached Sex ...


How to Have No Strings Attached Sex ...
How to Have No Strings Attached Sex ...

The world of a dating is a wide and varied one. Some people are out there looking for marriage material, whilst others are just looking for a quick hook up. If you are in the first camp, then that’s fine, and if you are in the second camp, then that is equally as fine as well! It’s 2018. There shouldn’t be any shame in wanting to give in to your impulses and enjoy a few casual encounters whenever you are in the mood. The trick is, though, in learning how to make sure that that is exactly what is happening! Here are a few pieces of advice on how to have no strings attached sex.

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No Expectations

The key to having good casual sex is to, well, keep it casual! Don’t go into any situation with a clear image of how you want things to go down, because one, it hardly ever happens the way that you think it will, and two, it takes all of the spontaneity out of the process! The best thing to do is go in with an open mind, and as long as every is consensual and safe feeling, then just go with the flow and see where the encounter takes you!


Know Your Motivations

Random hook-ups can really play on a person’s mind if they don’t really know what their motivations are in the first place. The best no strings encounters are those where physical intimacy and lust are the two main things on the table. If you find that you are craving something else, something more emotional and stable, then these kinds of hook-ups probably aren’t the best idea for you.


Use Apps

Take advantage of one of the many online dating apps to do your vetting and flirting, because at least when using an app you can state your intentions right at the offset. You don’t want to find yourself in a situation where you are looking for a hook-up but the other person wants to really ‘date’. An app gives you the freedom to lay it all out there right from the start!


Speciality Sites

If your tastes are a little more niche or unconventional, then you can always go to the internet to express your interests on dedicated sites for different fetishes. No matter how strange you think your kinks are, there will always be someone out there who is looking for the exact same thing. You just have to do the work to find them!


Stay Sober

By their very nature, random hook-ups have a bit more risk involved with them because you don’t know the person that well. Its always best to stay sober and in control of your faculties on these occasions. Not only will you be able to maintain your decision making skills, but sex always feels better when you are fully present!

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