7 Low-Maintenance Traits Men Want Their Girlfriends to Have ...


Men love to lead simple lives free from drama. That's why they're more attracted to women who are low-maintenance and down to earth. They enjoy being in relationships where they aren't constantly stressed out along with their partner and forced to worry about every little thing. Here are a few of the most important low-maintenance traits men want their girlfriends to have:

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Not Picky

When a man takes the time to pick out an outfit and restaurant for a date, he doesn't want you to criticize his choices. If you do, then it's only going to make him feel bad about himself, like he isn't good enough. Men love low-maintenance women, because they're more likely to appreciate the hard work he put into the date, even if the evening turns out to be a dud.


Not Obsessed with Money

A gift should get a thank you, no matter how pathetic it is. Men appreciate that low maintenance women will be happy that they received jewelry, even if it didn't cost hundreds of dollars. As much as men want to treat their women like princesses, they don't want to feel like they're being forced to waste their paychecks on elaborate gifts.


Not a Drama Queen

Sure, your man might ask you how your day at the office was, but that doesn't mean he actually wants to hear every little detail about the frenemies you work with. Men aren't fans of gossip, because it signals trouble. That means they don't want to know about what a jerk your girlfriends are or about your hairdresser's private life. Low-maintenance girls are more casual and friendly, which means that they're less likely to be constantly talking about drama.


Not a Big Spender

If a man is going to spend the rest of his life with you, he'll feel better about his decision if you're careful with money. High-maintenance women like to have designer bags and dresses, so they'll be more likely to waste away whatever money they earn. Being good with your money won't only help you secure a good home, but it might make your man marry you.


Not a Time Waster

Your man wants you to look your best, but he doesn't want you to spend hours in the bathroom before leaving the house. High-maintenance women won't budge until every hair is in place. That's why he'd rather be with a woman who is happy with herself, even when her makeup is a little smeared.

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Not Superior

Some high-maintenance women assume that they're better than everyone else. While a man wants his girlfriend to have confidence, he also wants her to realize that they're equals. If one person believes that they're better than the other, the relationship will never work. Men love low-maintenance girls, because they never act like they're superior. They know that they're human, just like everybody else.


Not Materialistic

Low-maintenance women aren't fooled into believing that material items are the most important thing in the world. When a woman values her jewelry and gems above him, he won't be happy. He'd prefer to be with a woman who knows that love truly is the most important thing.

Every man is different, but most of them value these traits, because it'll make the relationship run smoother. Do other consider you high or low maintenance?

Feedback Junction

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Men ask for way too much. How abt what we like!? Be yourself.

Amen Jenna!!!!

Amen Sandy! The point isn't that we want to change ourselves into something we are not but that we want to be a better person! Works the same for both species! Want a better PERSON be a better PERSON!

This could use a different title. I like the tips however a woman should not lower herself or standards just to get a man who will probably not value her as much as she does him to have to have made all these changes. It should be give and take.

Ifs guy goes out with a Paris Hilton type then they know exactly what they are getting into. I do agree with Daniel that guys just want a hug not rehash a bad day. I find they open up once you just hug them and let them tell you what went wrong. Most times they just want someone to talk to and listen.

Well, Daniel, I see your point, but you seem to be missing my initial point about the "cool girl"....so if a guy has had a shitty day. I shouldn't ask him about, I should just put on my VS lingerie, and allow him to lose himself within the folds of my enticing femininity? Hmmmm, if women always expect a man to put up with their maintenance, do men always expect a woman to go out of their way to be so low maintenance that all they have to do is change the oil every 5,000 miles? I agree it works both ways...there is no "cool girl"😏

Sorry I meant to say some women want men to meet all of her requirement but put little effort to meeting those same requirements.

just be yourself. if you are a high maintence gurl then be it

I think if a man is successful then he usually wants to spoil you a bit. Most men like ladies to enjoy their food albeit a five star one or just a sardine and lettuce one in the park. Be yourself and if it doesn't fit in with his life then tough- there is always someone else who thinks you are fabulous just as you are.

You just need to be yourself and the perfect match will find its way to you.

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