7 Signs Your Boyfriend is Eventually Going to Hurt You ...


You want to believe that your boyfriend would never do anything to hurt you, but couples break up all the time. If you want to save your heart some trouble, you need to figure out if your man is the type to leave you broken and alone. It can be hard to think rationally when you're so obsessed with him, but it can be done if you take the time to think about things logically. Here are some clear signs that he's eventually going to hurt you:

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1. Confused and Changeable

Does he tell you that he wants to spend the rest of his life with you one day and then tell you he's worried about your relationship the next? If he's always going back and fourth between being completely in love with you and wanting to break up, then he's eventually going to leave you. He's obviously confused, which means it's probably good for him to take some time for himself. If your man doesn't seem to know what he wants from life or from you, then it's not a good sign.

2. BackUp Buddies

Does he keep his female friends a little too close? If he always texts girls, even after you tell him it makes you uncomfortable, he doesn't respect your opinion. The worst case scenario is that he's trying to keep some other women on his good side so that he can hook up with them once you break up.

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3. No One Knows

If he won't change his relationship status on Facebook or introduce you to his parents, he might be trying to play the field. It's one thing to be afraid of commitment, but it's an entirely different thing to refuse to go out in public with you. If he's guilty of any of these things, something's fishy.

4. Can't Compromise

If you want to go ice skating, but he wants to go bowling, how do you settle the dispute? If he always gets his way, it means he doesn't care about your happiness. If you end up doing nothing at all, because it turned into a big fight, it's just as bad. If you want your relationship to last, you need to find ways to compromise.

5. Ex Examples

Has he told you what went down with his exes? If he says that his past relationships were perfect, but he ended it anyway, that's a red flag. If he cheated on an ex, that's another huge red flag. What happened in his past should stay in the past, but sometimes it bleeds into the present.

6. Always Uninformed

Do you know what he does with his friends when they hang out? Do you even know when he's going out? If he keeps you out of the loop, then he either doesn't trust you or doesn't want to open up to you. Either way, it means that your relationship is headed for disaster.

7. A Woman Warned

Your friends and family don't know your boyfriend as well as you do, but sometimes they can see things that you're blind to. If every single person you know has warned you about your man, then keep your eyes peeled for suspicious behavior.

Whenever you enter a relationship, you risk having your heart broken. That shouldn't stop you from falling in love, but it should urge you to be careful about whom you trust. Have you ever had your heart broken?

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Everyone is capable of hurting everyone. Be aware and listen toy our inner voice. Don't live with your head in the clouds. The signs are there

@jennapher i really dont have to be tested and tried My parents are married to each other and very happy i have reserved for my future husband and out of respect he should too. Some cultures are different and you could sound offensive I am going to have the relationship with my husband have that my parents have. No room for heart breaks. Divorce does not exist in our family. I have a covenant with God and I am not going to waste on cheap superficial dating mediocre guys. As far candidacy go you have no idea about my faith or my background. Thanks for the wishes I wish you the same. I am generally more happy than the girls complaining and nagging about their so called "boyfriend". Thanks for your wishes

Strongly agree with 7

Sorry to hear this happens but I would never give such a chance I am waiting till marriage and wont settle for cheap superficial periodic string of boyfriends. I can smell such characteristics in a guy from miles

Very accurate! Everything mentioned happened in my relationship ended in a breakup because of cheating.

True Always I respect your position and I respect your beliefs, but, even if you have pledged to wait to be intimate until you are married, you still need to have experiences, both good and bad, with guys. Seems to me just about every guy I've ever met, and I really haven't met very many, but I hope I have met enough, displays at least one of these traits at some point in a relationship. Whether it's casual or serious, in my experience, men will want to hold on to one or more of these cards, if not the whole deck, if YOU allow it. I have great faith in intuition, but I also put great value on experience. You sound so rigid in your comment, excuse me if I am wrong, and I am not being critical of you, but you sound like a perfect candidate to end up broken-hearted or divorced. I am just offering you my life experience. You are free to take it or ignore it. Regardless, I wish you a lifetime of happiness with the ideal partner at your side.

My boyfriend talks to girls on this app called Meowchat. He assures again and again (and we've had fights about me not trusting him) about him being on that app and talking to just nothing but random girls. He says he's not the cheating type but I don't want him going on app everyday looking at pictures of women and talking to them about whatever (hoping it's not bad conversations). I trust him in a way. It's just that app seems to be nothing but women and idk what he talks about on there. I think to myself,"Why do you need to keep talking to other women when you have one right here."

@sara that is so not right he shouldn't be trying to do that

@briana maybe he wants more attention from u. If he says he is just talking to them ask him to see the messages sometimes. If he is looking a provocative pictures of them and stuff tht shouldn't be happening. Therefore him on tht app would need to stop.

this is 100% accurate🙌